Planes Emergencias Aura Inc

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Emergency Plans AURA INC. Chile

Mario Gonzalez Kemnis Safety and Environmental Engineer Diciembre 2007

Emergency Plans

Training Objectives


 We must be able to ACT fast controlling and minimizing the emergency as much as possible.

 We must think about how to act if we are involved in an uncommon event as an emergency.

 Do not lower your guard but collaborate in improving everything that’s up to us to contribute to build a SAFER organization.

This is what we are working on.


Emergency Plans

Why an emergency plan?

For our safety : We, employees, are the main asset of this Organization.

 It’s a TOOL to know HOW to act in emergencies (who, when, how).

 Through theoretical and practical behavior training (training and drill) we can prevent and reduce the effects of an emergency.

 EVACUATION: we perform them on a regular basis to safeguard our coworkers and other people affected looking for protection and moving appropriately to safe areas.

 EMERGENCY: it’s a situation in which we try to minimize material damage to our organization through planning.


Behaviors and Conducts in Emergencies

Emergency Plans  People’s behavior is critical and some decisions may increase risks.   Fear of dying causes casualties.

Generally speaking, frequent behaviors are: – People with disorderly behavior = 75% – People with confusion and anxiety = 10 and 25% – In the face of these situations all our staff has been trained 4

Emergency Plans So we will keep in mind that:  We will isolate an hysterical individual (it doesn’t mean leaving him/her alone).

  We will convey safety ideas.

and offer assistance to the depressed one.

 We will be aware and remind to others that there is a way out.

 We will avoid spontaneous behavior at all costs.



 It’s the action of putting into practice our reactions as we experiment an emergency situation.

 We must be very attentive and act accordingly to the disaster, taking into account that it’s a drill that may, in the future, contribute to our and our coworkers’ protection.

 Any individual which takes on a specific role - but not for the first time – will suffer less anxiety and will respond more adequately than another individual which has never taken on any such role.

 We perform Drills in the Telescopes on a regular basis and our best record is 1 minute for total evacuation of Gemini, 1 minute and 26 seconds for Víctor Blanco Telescope and 0,45 minute for Soar Telescope.

6 Emergency Plans

Do we know …

1) – ...the Communication Control Center emergency phone number?

Security guards/ Operations Department There are notices on every phone and in every office 2) ...what to do in face of fires like?

– A. Fire in compressed gas cylinder – – B. LPG leak C. Burning electrical board 3) ...what to do if the fire is serious? 4) At every Telescope there are notices about how to act in emergencies. All employees have been trained.

5) On every phone there is a notice with Emergency Phones.

Emergency Plans 7

Three Main Objectives for Emergency Plans

Protect Lives Protect Facilities Restore Operations These plans are always written, very precise and specific about every step and about people which should be and are trained to activate and operate the emergency plan.

Moreover, they have been incorporated in the Intranet.

Emergency Plans 8

For every disaster, there must be a specific plan.

The most serious disasters that could affect our organization are: Fires Earthquakes Emergency Plans In the Observatory, we ’ve got Emergency Plans for: Accidents – Earthquakes – Fires - Evacuation 9

Responsibilities Assigned in Emergencies

 Rate the emergency.

 Announce the emergency. (Loudspeakers, Radios, VHF, Phones)  Order that Operations come to a halt.

 Coordinate emergency actions.

 Ask for support according to Mutual Aid Program.

10 Emergency Plans

Safety Responsibilities

 Evacuation control. Employees first.

 Assistance in First Aid and rescue.

 Fight Emergency.

 Control dangerous areas.

 Check staff in the Summit.

 Access Control.

 Link with support from Mutual C.CH.C., AOSS.

Emergency Plans 11


Emergency Plans  “Training” is a fundamental part of any plan; selected staff must have knowledge and practice as realistic as possible on every disaster included in the Organization emergency plans.

 At Aura Inc staff is trained every year (use of fire extinguishers, alarms, first aid, Fire Hose operation, etc. ) 12

Requirements for our Emergency Teams

Nomination Authority Delegation Emotional Convincing “Believe the Leader”

Emergency Plans


      Discipline.

Predominance of cerebral individuals.

Physical Abilities and sports mentality.

Homogeneity between selected people. From all work areas: CTIO, Soar and Gemini..

Ability for initiative and influence.

Ability for suffering.


Preventive Actions The Key for Safety

 Regular Tasks Inspection  Good handling of Dangerous Waste  Yearly Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers  Regular Maintenance of Fire Hoses  Maintenance of Fire Detection Systems  Maintenance of Radio Equipment and Link with Carabineros, 24 hour link with Cenco.

 Coordination with Fire Department / Hospitals and Mutual de Seguridad 14 Emergency Plans

Emergency Plans


Team Work: The Key for Safety

  More coordination.

More time for action planning.

 The leader works knowing very clearly its functions.

 Enables each member to learn from past situations.

 Mutual assistance.


Procedure in case of earthquake

1. If the earthquake isn’t strong, be quiet, it will end soon.

2. If the earthquake is strong, switch off electric equipments.

3. Remain calm and convey tranquility.

4. Get under a desk or in the door lintel or near a main wall.

5. Get keener to avoid risks and remember the following instructions: – If you are inside a building, stay inside; if you are outside, stay outside.

– Remember that, in case of an evacuation, you will hear the alarm signal. Follow evacuation procedures and head for next safety area.

16 Emergency Plans

Evacuation Procedure

1. When you receive the evacuation order personally from the head of Emergency, by radio, phone or loudspeaker.

2. When you can’t perceive any of previous orders and an emergency happens: – Stop doing the task you were performing, switch off all equipment.

– Stay clam, remember that evacuating is not rushing in terror.

– Go to next safety area. If you don’t know them check the plans posted in every building or Telescope.

– If any evacuation exit is obstructed, look for an alternative. Each building or Telescope has got at least 2 Evacuation exits.

17 Emergency Plans


 Action of evacuating a workplace in an orderly and planned manner.

 This concept includes the protection of property and documents which are vitally important for the organization.

 Fast and appropriate evacuation is a way to avoid loss.

Emergency Plans 18

Classes of evacuation:

 Fires.

 Earthquakes.

 Chemical spilling.

 Weather emergencies (specific procedure).

 Limited explosion risk.  Threat of bomb or explosive device.

Emergency Plans 19



should evacuate:

 When you hear the evacuation alarm.

 When ordered by Site Manager, loudspeakers or radio.

 When ordered directly to evacuate.

 When you can’t perceive any of these three signals and an emergency happens.

20 Emergency Plans

Emergency exits

Emergency exits:  A continuous unobstructed route to get out of a building or structure to a public way or a safe place. (Based in OSHA Subpart E, 1910.35)  It’s an obligation for each individual to know his/her nearest Emergency Exit.

 Must stay uncovered, visible and updated.

 They are in all work areas.

Emergency Plans 21


Signs are properly posted in all our buildings and Telescopes Emergency Plans 22

Condition of our Evacuation Exits

     Clear and accessible.


Well lit, even with emergency lights if necessary.

Provided with panic bars.

Built with solid, non flammable material Emergency Plans 23

Where to evacuate

Safety areas:

 A place far from the affected building where people are protected and where the wind won’t blow the smoke.

Safety areas

 Always on the Northern side of the buildings    Minimum 20 meter apart.

Far from falling objects or high voltage equipment.


Evacuee’s responsibility:

 Call staff register.

 Wait calmly for instructions in safety area.

 Be ready to offer support as requested.

Emergency Plans 24

Leaders of Emergency Plans at Aura Inc.

 Project Directors  Site Managers  Supervisors  Safety and Health Joint Committees in La Serena, Tololo, Pachón  Workers  EVERYBODY IS CONCERNED WITH SAFETY – Commitment for Life - Aura Inc Policy Emergency Plans 25

Last message

 In our Observatories, all of us are important, so we must care for each other and act properly in an emergency.

 The Emergency and Evacuation Plan will be successful if everybody collaborates and acts properly.

 Safety is everybody’s responsibility.

26 Emergency Plans