Residential cookstove - United Nations Environment Programme

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Residential cookstove
How significant is the SLCP is for the region/country
SLCP (short life in atmosphere)
Climate effects
Deteriorate air quality
BC, O3, CH4, HCFCs
40 % climate forcing
Effective strategy in term-term climate change
Kitchen smoke 500 Million (potential health hazard)
IGP 2009 (project surya) biofuels (biomass)
Cooking and heating (project surya)
Measurements (indoor and ambient) – observatory in village
Cooking cycle
Traditional cookstove replaced by improved cookstove
Diuranal pattern coinciding cooking hours
BC high during cooking period
Verified during Ramadan
Peaks coming by cooking
Kitchen condition is much verse even some cities
Focus on residential sector
Fan assisted stove and non-fan assisted
Much better combustion in fan assisted
Analysed force draf and traditional cookstove
50% reduction in improved cookstove compared to traditional
BC concentrations, fuel consumption
Convenience (fuel processing, services)
Health benefits is paramount
15% for efficiency is called improved cookstove
Be careful of terminology about improved cookstove
Lack of training cause more pollution
BC soot should be focused for climate and health
Heat stove, lighting, and kerocene lamp, all should be focused at national levels and hence need comprehensive approach
Brilliant light (solar light) in addition to IC
SLCP not included in carbon market. C2P2 initiatives in this regrads
Evaluation BC equivalent carbon market through measurement of emission through cellphone
Collaboration with bank
Rolled up 5000 household
Cellphone technology to measure emissions is under experimentation to development methodology
Good examples exit –how can they
scaled up
83% living in rural area
LPG 12kg to 3kg gas cylinder so people can purchase
Replacing traditional cooking with LPG
Government pay money (300 thousand Indo Rupeeya = 30 USD)to poor for purchasing LPG and other purchase
Biomass for cooking and heating
No have data available about household who is using biomass. But household who use biomass is reducing.
Poor people use biomass for cooking
Need standard for cookstove and indoor quality
For Creating awareness on health and environment health standard needs
PPP is important for cookstove to make available to rural people
Depends most populations on biomass
Lao PRD - 90 % used biofuels
3rd phase of cookstove programme
Developed taskforce for CSI
World bank supported but welcome CCAC to support
Fan supported cookstove
Pilot study, 100 cookstove
Any any plan expands. Yes, have but exact strategy not known
Developed cookstove standard
3rd phase supported by University of California
What are main barriers
Availability of actual data on BC
Local participation needed
Local production
Sustainability of technology
• What can be done on the country
Indonesia: Lack of data on air pollution
and BC, haven’t done assessments.
Not priority of government yet.
As per 2011 assessment biomass 60%
using biomass cooking.
What support is needed from region
processes or bodies, the CCAC and
Technology,, knowledge, finance,
CCAC can work to raise awareness
thorough organizing forums
Need right technology to be implement
globally and regionally
CCAC can create awareness at policy levels
Health and development connection is
more consideration at country level rather than