Transcript Folie 0

HTA General Assembly
November 12 – 13, 2013
Idea: Supramolecular
Technology Alliance
lighting and display
[email protected]
[email protected]
EU call: NMK 17 - 2014
Project Idea short description: Highly efficient color display / lighting using supramolecular
assembly with unique properties (j-aggregate)
Short Description: J-aggregates allow loss-free delocalisation of excitation energy over long
distances and therefore provide high efficiency for energy transfer. Combined with different
quantum dots enhanced emission (x10) was demonstrated. Highly efficient color display based
on blue LED and LED lighting
IP situation and commercial viability:
Two CSEM patents and one patent application
Compatible with industrial large area coating process (curtain coating, slot die, dipping, printing)
Potential Applications / Applications:
LED display
LED lightning
Sensing (superquenching effect)
Potential Consortium/Competences needed:
Firm 1: display/lighting company
RTO: display/lighting development
CSEM: supramolecular assembly, upscaling
The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA
Highly emitting colour changing films
• Enhanced QDs emission (x10) due to FRET
• Demonstrated for several QDs (excitation with
blue LED, emission in red or green)
• Very high potential for lighting and displays
application domains
HTA General Assembly
November 12 – 13, 2013
Idea: Improved
Alliance HTAsensing
using nanophotonic structures
Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]
EU call: ICT 26 – 2014: Photonics KET
Project Idea short description: Use nanostructuration to realise multifunctional sensing surface
for diagnostic instrumentation: application to cancer detection in breath
Short Description: nanophotonic structures are highly sensitive to change in refractive index,
nanostructuration enhance fluorescence signal, porous membranes enhance binding efficiency.
Nanostructuration can be made by combining self assembly with microfab. Detection of cancer
biomarkers (VOC, protein, DNA,…) in breath using an array of photonic structures interrogated
by a camera
IP situation and commercial viability:
To be check
Potential Applications / Applications:
Low power, High throughput, Disposable, Compatible with mobile phone
Potential Consortium/Competences needed:
Firm 1: diagnostic instrumentation company
Firm 2 : medical research
RTO: specific functionalisation, transducer surface fabrication, specific electronic
CSEM: modelisation, design, readout system, integration,
The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA
Improved biochemical sensing using
nanophotonic structures
SiN membranes
- 0.5 µm thick
- pore size 1.5 µm
- aspect ratio = h/D = 0.33
- porosity 15%
• Fluorescent signal on porous surface >> plain surface. Signal
enhancement, whereas increase in surface area is only x1.05
The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA
Improved biochemical sensing using
nanophotonic structures
Self-assembly and microfab
Photolithography and microfab
• Hole array for high sensitivity
refractometric sensing
The Heterogeneous Technology Alliance HTA
Improved biochemical sensing using
nanophotonic structures
+ Breath analysis: cancer biomarker
+ Photonic structures: efficient, low cost, disposable
+ Chemistry: specificity
+ Imaging detection: multisensing, smartphone compatible
= Non-invasive cancer biomarker point of care system