Cerebral Palsy - Baker High School

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Cerebral Palsy
Rachael Miller & Cassie Lerner
● Cerebral Palsy is a disorder
that impairs the control of
movement due to brain
● The disorder itself is
nonprogressive, but the
symptoms can change over
time for better or for worse.
● There are different types of
cerebral palsy including
spastic, athetoid, ataxic,
rigidity, and tremor.
Background of Patient
● Little Sheila Heaton has been worrisome to her
parents. Little Sheila has failed to do simple small
baby tasks like rolling over. She’s 18 months old
and has attempted to eat solid foods, but has
neglected to actually chew or swallow them. What
really has sent her parents over the edge was her
constant spasms and jerky movements that is
usually followed by some drooling.
● Symptoms often develop in infants as early as 18
months. The main symptoms are lack of developing
muscle tone and not being able to roll over or smile
when they have become of age. Common
symptoms are floppiness, drooling, spasms,
speech impairments, and lack of bladder control. A
more severe case is usually a learning disability,
and vision and hearing impairments.
Regions of Brain Affected
● Cerebral Palsy
affects the cerebrum,
specifically the
cerebral motor
cortex, which
controls voluntary
● Diagnosing a child with cerebral palsy can be
determined right after birth, around two years old,
or even up to the age of three to five depending on
the milestones hit by the child. At birth it’s generally
determined by lack of muscle tone. Parents
recognize when their kid doesn’t hit a milestone.
Milder symptoms make take time to develop into or
not into something, so doctors wait until they’re
older to make a diagnosis.
● Possible treatments for different symptoms
can be physiotherapy, occupational therapy,
speech language therapy, educational
therapy, medication, or even surgery to
attempt to cure cerebral palsy.
● People with cerebral palsy are expected to
live a normal lifestyle. However, if certain
symptoms are more prominent, it can have a
long term effect on their health and how they
do everyday activities.
Error in Communication
● Cerebral Palsy is
caused by damage
to the upper motor
neurons. There is a
disruption of the
energy producing
mitochondria in the
Biomedical Professionals
● Physical Therapist
o They evaluate their patients’ movement and make a plan to help them
using therapeutic training and exercise. A doctorate level education is
required. This person will help Sheila with her physical development.
● Residential Supervisor/House Manager
o They work in cases that need assisted living environments. A
bachelor’s degree is required for this job. This person will help Sheila
and her parents with everyday activities that need to be completed.
● Biomedical engineer
o They design equipment used to help patients live an easier life.
Depending on the job level, education levels range from bachelor’s
degrees to PhDs. If Sheila’s symptoms get worse throughout life, this
person can design equipment that will make her life more comfortable
while living with her disorder.
"Cerebral Palsy." Definition. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
"Cerebral Palsy Types and Causes." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 11 Nov.
"Common Parts of the Brain Affected by Cerebral Palsy."LIVESTRONG.COM.
LIVESTRONG.COM, 06 Sept. 2010. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
"Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy | Tests | CerebralPalsy.org."CerebralPalsyorg
Diagnosis of and Tests for Cerebral Palsy Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov.
"Passion: Careers Working With Cerebral Palsy Patients." Jobs Working With
Cerebral Palsy Patients. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.