The SOAS Repository

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The SOAS Repository Bill Hubbard SHERPA Project Manager University of Nottingham

Open Access   Budapest Open Access Initiative “An old tradition and a new technology have converged to make possible an unprecedented public good . . .”

Open Access Repositories  Part of wider open access movement – open access journals, pictures, catalogues, collections . . .

 Complementary to current practice – works with journals, with peer review  World-wide support – programmes in India, China, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, Nordic countries, USA

Questions . . .

     Copyright Peer review Plagiarism Work load Context

Advantages        Wider dissemination Immediate dissemination Open Access to material Easy to find and use material Increases citations Manages information Innovative services – hit counts on papers – personalised publications lists – citation analyses

publication & deposition

publication & deposition Author writes paper

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Deposits in e-print repository

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Paper refereed Deposits in e-print repository

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Paper refereed Revised by author Deposits in e-print repository

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Paper refereed Revised by author Deposits in e-print repository Author submits final version

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Paper refereed Revised by author Deposits in e-print repository Author submits final version

publication & deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Paper refereed Revised by author Deposits in e-print repository Author submits final version Published in journal

Repositories in UK HE       JISC FAIR programme Select Committee Inquiry Responses Government response Worldwide movement

. . . its already happening . . .

Repositories in SHERPA        Birkbeck Birmingham Bristol British Library Cambridge Durham Edinburgh        Glasgow Imperial Leeds LSE Kings College Newcastle Nottingham        Oxford Royal Holloway Sheffield SOAS UCL York AHDS

Repository futures  repositories can work in tandem with – traditional journals – OA journals – overlay journals  possibilities to enhance research outputs – multimedia outputs – data sets – developing papers

Good luck !

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