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Three Rivers District Council
Corporate Peer Challenge
Feedback from the peer challenge team
September 2013
Peer challenge team
• David Hagg, Chief Executive, Stroud District Council
• Keith House, Leader, Eastleigh Borough Council
• Dale Birch, Deputy Leader, Bracknell Forest
Borough Council
• Allison Westray-Chapman, Joint Assistant Director
Resources, NE Derbyshire and Bolsover District
• Sue Avery, LGA
Scope and purpose of the peer
The focus you asked us to explore:
• Proposed governance changes
• Income generation
In addition corporate peer challenges consider the
critical issues that provide reassurance about your
future performance and ability and capacity to deliver
future ambitions:
• Leadership and governance
• Financial planning and viability
• Organisational capacity
The journey since submission to
Boundary Commission
• Proposed reduction 48 to 39 councillors agreed for 2014
• Governance workshop with peer team July 2013 • Developments over summer 2013 – CX prepared report
for Cabinet Management Board 19 August– Cabinet to
develop recommendations, anticipated following this
challenge – Leader has commenced discussions with
• Corporate Peer Challenge September 2013 – meetings
and focus groups with staff, members, and partners to
discuss the return to a committee system and core
corporate themes
Governance proposals - challenges
• Lack of clarity around objectives - staff and members appear
to be pulling in different directions
• Lack of clarity on the process
• Lack of clarity on political buy in for governance outcomes
• How does a new model consider vulnerable sections of the
• What are the resourcing implications of a new structure
including members allowances?
Governance proposals
• Political leadership needs to decide its key objectives and
drive the process
• Progress the process and timetable urgently
• Consider extent of consultation
• Decide structure, delegations, and training
• Consider resourcing implications
• Learn from others
• Members to lead member training
• Well established relationship between Chief Executive and
• Long serving, experienced members with good knowledge of
their wards and extensive community engagement
• Consistent delivery of quality services
• Zeal for customer service and accreditation achieved across
all services
• Clear aspiration for economic growth despite economic
Future leadership challenges
Limited challenge
‘More of the same’
Matching resources to priorities
Achieving the 45% affordable housing target
Relationship with business community
Member succession planning
Leadership opportunities
• Look outward to learn from best practice elsewhere and to
share your achievements
• Build on your priorities e.g. focus the organisation on
economic development
• Broaden and deepen member leadership on South Oxhey
with businesses and the community to improve outcomes
• Spend more time working together on strategic issues and
organisational change
• Develop a corporate communications strategy
Financial planning
•Healthy financial position
•Track record of efficiencies
•Commitment to invest New Homes Bonus
Future financial challenges
Sustainability of current council tax strategy
Risk of complacency
Ability of financial strategy to deliver self finance objective
Ownership and project management of major projects
Financial opportunities
• Celebrate VFM and low cost delivery - don’t over emphasise
‘spend the budget’
• Build ‘invest to save’, demand management, commercialism,
income generation into business planning
• Increase focus on investment leverage
• Develop income generation strategy
Income possibilities
An income generation strategy might include:
• Manage existing asset base – including potential risk sharing
on South Oxhey
• Potential asset acquisition for profit
• Develop an advertising and marketing strategy
• Community Infrastructure Levy and neighbourhood planning
• Public Health/CCG funding potential
• Business planning within projects to generate future funding
• Creative approach to generating in kind contributions
• Selling services
• Develop a charging strategy
Organisational capacity
• Front-line staff are described as ‘outstanding’ with a
reputation for customer service and a record of accreditation
• Staff are committed to TRDC and the desire to perform well sickness absence is 5.5 days, below the national average
• A ‘can do’ culture
• Positive operational working with partnerships
Future organisational challenges
• Strengthen member engagement in the new priority of
economic development
• Member development is limited, with no individual
development discussions, or opportunities for external
learning, visits
• ICT systems are described as ‘not fit for purpose’
• Strategic ownership of ICT in business solutions
Organisational opportunities
•Re-assess the value/benefit of shared services/lead
•Agree an ICT vision and develop a strategy
•Develop a project management culture
•Re-think your approach to delivery e.g. discretionary payments
and grants – to release organisational capacity
•Develop a culture which supports managed risk
•Use performance management systems more effectively
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