Transcript Document

Safeguarding Update September 2014 Karen Rodgers Adult Safeguarding Training and Development Manager

Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report ding_adults_board 

SoVA and MCA Newsletter ity_act/523/adults_at_risk_from_harm 


Making Safeguarding Personal -

developing person-centered, outcome focused responses to safeguarding adults.

 Feedback from people using safeguarding services emphasis was on process and procedures   More focus needed on engagement and control Safeguarding is not a term that people recognise or understand  Conversations with the person being safeguarded about the outcomes that they want is important in the early stages of the intervention and to be continued

 People need to know when the safeguarding process has finished, what the outcome is and what happens next  People need continuity of staff involved in the processes  People should be made aware that they can ask a friend or advocate to support them at meetings.

Making Safeguarding Personal, LGA, 2013

The Care Act 2014

 Enquiry by local authority  Safeguarding Adults Boards  Safeguarding Adults reviews  Abolition of local authorities power to remove persons in need of care (section 47)  New definitions – Adults “at risk of abuse or neglect” (no longer a Vulnerable Adult). Principle of “Well being”)  Protecting property of adults being cared for away from home

The Care Act Consultation on Draft Guidance

 Link to the draft guidance on adult safeguarding can be found at:  Response from Government by end Oct.

 Cambridgeshire County Council Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedure Update  Sign up form: and_older_people_practitioners_and_providers_information/418/adult_saf eguarding_policy_and_procedures

Adult Safeguarding Training

 Level One to Three training is refreshed every three years for all staff that have regular (once a month or more) direct contact with vulnerable adults.  Good practice that managers carry out knowledge checks annually. Training Strategy including standards and knowledge check forms: nd_providers_information/424/adult_safeguarding_training/3

Guide includes:

Top tips for workers 9

Advice and support 12

Flowchart of whistleblowing process 14

Guidance for Managers 15

What to do when a worker reports a concern 16

Top tips for managers 16

Employer guidance 19

Responsibilities of employer 19

Standards for policies 21

Model policy for small organisations 23

Settlement agreements 25

What does good practice look like? Some

Karen Rodgers - Adult Safeguarding Training and Development Manager Tel: 01223 729110 [email protected]