Man in search of Meaning in life MAKING SENSE OF THE BOOK

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Transcript Man in search of Meaning in life MAKING SENSE OF THE BOOK

Man in search of Meaning in life
Through a viable interpretive strategy
SCBC Adult Sunday school Class – Session Three
Kenneth Lau
March 3, 2013
Session Overview
• Objectives
•Reading the text in accordance with the
adopted interpretive strategy
Recap of the first division
Chapters 1:1 - 4:8
• Observation of the cyclical phenomena (1:4-7)
• Opening conclusion 1:2
• Personal observation and feeling
• Wearisome 1:8
• Not able to tell 1:8
• Not satisfied 1:8
• Nothing new 1:9
• No remembrance 1:11
• The big question
• What is the advantage ?(1:3) Referring to What?
• The Context
• Under the sun (1:3)...What other similar terms in the text?
• Approach
• Set my mind - to seek and explore, to know (1:13, 17)
• From seeing, observing >>>, realization >>> to self talk (1:14, 1617), experience 2:3
• Vanity = futility = hebel
• The investigation
(Rom 8:20)
• Wisdom (1:12-18; 2:12-17)
• role, impact, benefits and the message?
• Pleasure, works and Possessions (2:1-11) c.f. 1 Jn 2:16
• No profit? 2:11
• Labour - toil - work (2:18 - 23)
• What was Qoheleth’s assessment and why? what is the
relevancy in today’s context?
• First realization from a heavenly perspective (2:24-26; 3:13)
• Better vs. good..Hands of God, gift...given vs. may give
• What profit?
• Appointed Time for everything (3:1-8)
• Nothing better...(3;12)
• The enigma of God (2:11, 13-14)
• The final leveler (3:19-20)
• The rhetorical question (3:21) - Against a Judaism belief?
• The harshness of life
• Oppressions - alternatives (4:1-3)
• The sobering questions about our labour and toil (4:4-8) How
do you handle all these in your life? cf. 2:17-18
The second and Third Divisions
Chapters - 4:9 - 9:18
•Using the model developed for the first
division as a guide,
Identify the issues covered within
this section?
Follow Qoheleth’s line of selfengaging search and reflection?
Write down your own set of
questions for Qoheleth
Be prepared to share with your
smaller group
The Search and Reflection
keep going...
Examples of practical wisdom and realities of living (4:9-16,
Bring God into the picture again
Listen>sacrifice 5:1 cf. Psalm 40:6, 51:16; Hosea 6:6
words and vows 5:2, 4-7
Realities with riches
insatiable, impact, risk, truth (5:10, 12, 15-16)
God given reward for our labour (5:19)
Bring gladness...within the few years of life... God gives (5:18)
Enjoyment of riches may be withheld and the earthly
equivalent(6:2, 3-7)
What is better or even good for the few fleeting years? cf. 3:12-13,
Wearing a different hat .... building up the argument ...
A dissertation of wisdom sayings (7:1-14)
Be happy...God made them All... 7:14
Wisdom is good...but have not found it...7:28
We have all got that wrong with our clever schemes 7:29
Qoheleth gradually unmask himself........?
Listen>sacrifice 5:1
words and vows 5:2, 4-7
Realities with riches
insatiable, impact, risk, truth (5:10, 12, 15-16)
God given reward for our labour (5:19)
Bring gladness...within the few years of life... God gives (5:18)
More advice for sensible living (8:1-9)
Regardless of the iniquities and the apparent injustice in life,
God reigns and retribution will come (8:10 - 14), therefore
Eat and drink and be merry (8:15,) because
I saw... every work of God... cannot discover the work under
the sun (8:17)
Man does not know what awaits him (9:1, 12)
one fate for all men (9:3)
Enjoy life....this is your reward in life and for your toil under the
sun (9:9)
Attitude towards work - whatever your hand it with all your
might (9:10)
Food for Thought
• Have you caught on with Qoheleth?
His purpose of writing
His outward search
His reflection and self talk
His realization and advice
• Read on and keep unpacking the
text ...