Transcript Document

National Institute for Urban School
Synergy Site Meeting
May, 2005
… inclusive ways of knowing and living offer us
the only true way to emancipate ourselves
from the divisions that limit our minds and
imaginations. bell hooks
The National Institute for Urban School
Improvement (NIUSI) connects powerful
networks of urban local education agencies and
schools that embrace and implement data-based,
continuous improvement cycles to achieve
Education for All.
No one should make the claim of being educated
until he or she has learned to live in harmony
with people who are different—A. H. Wilson
Education for ALL
1. Increase knowledge and understanding of inclusive,
culturally and linguistically responsive practices
2. Synthesize and expand research-based practices
3. Leverage existing networks
4. Engage national discourse to improve educational
outcomes for ALL urban students.
The steady work of Education for All must be
grounded in an understanding of how teachers learn
to teach, how school organization affects practice, and
how these factors affect children's opportunities to
learn, participate and succeed educationally.
NIUSI Outcomes
Evidence-based Products
Tools for School Improvement
On-line communities of practice
Partnerships between P-12, Colleges &
5. International Network to Transform Urban
A common framework for
understanding change work
grounded in the system that we seek
to change: public education
Family and community
involvement are embedded activity
at the district, school and
professional levels
School systems are products of
the communities and the families
that live there
NIUSI Schools
• 33 Chicago Public Schools (Participating in Research
• 38 Clark County (Las Vegas) Schools
• 10 Denver Public Schools
• 10 DC Public Schools
• 10 Hacienda La Puente Schools
• 13 Houston Public Schools
• 10 Miami Public Schools
• 5 New York City Public Schools
• 2 Cincinnati Public Schools
Professional Learning
Site Liaison Coaching
Quarterly Site Liaison Meetings
Work with Sites
Synergy Site meetings
Leadership Academies
The Liaison
Evidence Based Products
Active, redesigned website
Design & development of 9 cities’ TA & PD plans
5 On Points
On-line District Communities
Data Maps and Data Map system
3,000 entries in our NIUSI metatag library
10 Family Linkages Products
Annotated, evidence-based Guide to the Systemic
Change Framework
 Systemic Change Rubrics for all levels of the System
Systemic Change
Using Data
• Literacy for Urban Schools
Inclusive Schools
• Using technology to support
Universal Designs for
• Impact of Urban Culture on
Teachers and Students
• Building Capacity Through
Assessing Student Progress Family Voice and Participation
The next set of rubrics
help assess the work of
teachers and other
professionals who
engage student learning.
Make sure that you back
up each rating with
specific, concrete
Participation in
Teaching &
Practice &
Professional Learning
2000 Participants involved in NIUSI training
Training Satisfaction
Range: 3.17 to 4.71 on 5 point scale (mean = 3.9)
577 Schools attending NIUSI Leadership Academy
Professional Development events
13 On-Line Professional Development Modules
3 National Inclusive Schools Weeks
4 Teleconferences
2 Advisory Board Meetings
2 NIUSI Synergy Site Meetings
5 NIUSI Site Liaison Professional Development Meetings
3 NIUSI Site Liaison Retreats
30 NIUSI Meetings in Synergy Sites
6 Trainer of Trainer Meetings
1 TASH Leadership Academy
2 Urban Strands at TASH
3 LRE Teleconferences
1 Video Teleconference
1 Week-long Leadership Academy in the DCPS
Continuous Improvement
9 Community of Practice Sites – One for each synergy Site
18 City Profiles
131 NIUSI Schools
3 Large Urban districts committed to full implementation of inclusive
5 Districts contributing individual student record data on their schools
1,000,000 Individual student records in our GIS database
>100 GIS maps portraying disproportionality and LRE distributions at
the LEA and school level
1 State requesting NIUSI data mapping of all cities
2 Linking state sites using NIUSI materials in a contractual agreement
Research & Development
20 Family School Linkages products
5 New On Points
1 Set of rubrics for the Systemic Change Framework
1 Annotated Bibliography of research-based articles that
align with the Systemic Change Framework
1 Edited special edition of TASH Connections
Networking & Dissemination
4 Coordinated activities for the OSEP Technical Assistance
LRE Part B Community of Practice
>186,000 Products downloaded from website
100 Invited presentations at conferences, workshops, and
professional meetings
2,000 Subscribers to eNews
19,000 Hits per month to the website (over 1,000,000 during
NISW 3; about 12,000 unique visitors per quarter)
The proportion and number of children with disabilities served effectively in urban
general education environments has increased
Students with and without disabilities are engaged in meaningful, positive relationships
within and outside of the urban school environment
Increase the number of teachers who demonstrate high quality skills in serving all
students in urban general education environments
Increase the number of teachers who graduate prepared to work in urban environments
Increase the number of schools producing AYP for their students with disabilities
Three to five models of effective and inclusive urban school systems
– A replicable GIS information system
– Accreditation for Inclusive Schools
– A set of high quality action research studies
– A manual of classroom case studies
– A network of 100 inclusive, urban PDS schools
– A network of at least 1000 building leadership teams
across the country
It is not our differences that divide us. It is our
inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those
... Audre Lorde
Outcomes for these Two Days
• Learn
• Share
• Network
• Plan
• Leverage
Great Urban Schools
• Use the valuable knowledge and experience that
children and their families bring to school learning.
• Produce high achieving students.
• Expand students’ life opportunities, available
choices and community contributions.
• Construct education for social justice, access and
Great Urban Schools
• Build on the extraordinary resources that urban
communities provide for life-long learning.
• Need individuals, family organizations and
communities to work together to create future
generations of possibility.
• Practice scholarship by creating partnerships for
action-based research and inquiry.
Great Urban Schools
• Shape their practice based on evidence of what
results in successful learning of each student.
• Foster relationships based on care, respect and
• Understand that people learn in different ways
throughout their lives.
• Respond with learning opportunities that work.