Transcript Document

Local Resource Competition (LRC) & Enhancement (LRE)
Fisher assumption violated:
“no competitive or cooperative interactions between relatives”
For example:
Diploid species, generations NOT overlapping, siblings interact
Mum’s fitness =
# * rep value
# * rep value
Reproductive value of sons and daughters is influenced by their interactions
mums fitness depends on relative number of sons & daughters (SEX RATIO)
In essence:
Bias offspring sex ratio to the sex that cooperates (LRE)
and away from the sex that compete (LRC)
e.g. if daughters compete with each other for resources
then rep value of daughters has -ve correlation with # daughters
so a male biased offspring sex ratio decreases this competition
and maximises the rep value of daughters
e.g. if daughters cooperate then should produce a female biased SR
[~ daughters ‘’repaying parental investment” so cheaper to produce]
Split sex ratios
Can evolve under LRE & LRC
When interactions occur within 1 sex
e.g. if daughters cooperate only with
each other, rep value of daughters
increases with production of daughters.
But the rep value of sons is not influenced
by their brood SR. So to get the most out
of daughters its best to produce them in
female only broods (LRE)
e.g. if daughters out-compete
sons then its best to produce
sons in male only broods (LRC)
[Diff parents produce diff sexes / facultative allocation?]
Predicted more often than observed and not obvious why this is
Popn sex ratio least informative
When are LRE / LRC likely to be important?
LRC predicted / observed when 1 sex competes for resources (such as
reproductive opportunities, space, food).
LRE predicted / observed when 1 sex stays and helps the family.
Bias sex allocation to cooperative sex and away from competing sex
This can sometimes be achieved by unequal investment in the dispersing sex
where non-dispersing sex is cooperative (LRE) or ends up in competition (LRC)
How much should sex allocation be biased?
Until the returns from each sex are equal
i.e. where the fitness returns from biasing towards one sex are
balanced against the Fisherian freq dependent advantage for the rarer sex
…Seems simple but its very difficult to make testable predictions…
Making testable predictions for LRE:
Under LRE:
helping sex
non-helping sex
= 1 + 2*bh
…But in reality…
Value of helpers can vary within and between families:
e.g. diminishing returns from more helpers, helpers costly in poor territories
Predicting ES sex ratios requires:
Identifying & quantifying the effects of cooperation and / or competition
Relative importance of simultaneous LRE and LRC effects
And is further complicated by:
Facultative sex allocation (i.e. parents able to vary sex allocation)
Cross generational cooperation & competition
Whether helping effort varies with relatedness to recipients
Sex determination mechanisms skewing relatedness to sons & daughters
Which parent controls offspring sex ratio
Other influences on sex allocation
Do cooperatively breeding vertebrates produce more helpers when useful?
Support prediction with helpful males
& helpful females:
Clearest support for LRE as unambiguous prediction
SR bias to helpful sex is mediated by how helpful they are (& if LRC occurs)
5 - 11: include taxa above, 1 sex beneficial
1 - 4: Helpers are not particularly helpful.
e.g. Harris hawk, acorn woodpeckers*, sf wrens
* Sons & daughters possibly equally helpful
When both LRE and LRC occur (or at least more forces than just LRE)
Daughters help family & sons disperse
Benefit of helper linked to territory quality
80% sons on low quality [cannot support helpers, LRC]
90% daughters on high quality [can support helpers, LRE]
- pairs moved from low to high quality switch to 85% daughters
(control high-> high, no change)
- but more than 2 helpers would lead to LRC
- switch to 93% sons when have 2 helpers
Benefit of sons = daughters on low quality territories (low importance for LRC)
Daughters help lots on high quality territories (LRE)
Fitness of daughters increased by being reared on high quality territory
More generally:
Expt. Manips. required to test predictions & info about mechanism
Case where popn SR not useful as territory circumstances are important
Fitness implications of SR variation quantified (rarely done)
Detailed fitness data showing that LRC may not be so important
LRE in invertebrates - allodapine bees
Popn SR female biased (after adjusting for cost of sons)
Sex ratios (proportion of males) in relation to brood size in two
species of allodapine bee: Exoneura robusta (circles = newly
found nests, squares = overwintering nests; 10-15 and 16+;
data from Schwarz, 1988) and Exoneura angophorae (triangles
= all nests; 10-14 and 15+; data from Cronin and Schwarz, 1997).
1 generation / year
1-9 sisters & nieces cooperate to rear offspring
-likely that sisters found together r=~0.5
-females found singly if can’t find a sister
Sisters help each other
Daughters help mums
Females help brothers/sons/nephews
Factors to consider:
Shape of fitness benefits from daughters
Shape of fitness benefits from sons [Fisherian?]
- do sons help too [nest construction role?]
Timing issues where males and females more/less useful throughout year ?
Insurance benefits of early daughters if mum dies
Feeding and defence role of daughters over winter
- 2 daughters is minimum to forage and defend
Nest founding role of daughters and optimal ‘founding unit size’
Suboptimal fitness when daughters are not multiples of optimal unit size
[Why not split sex ratios?]
…case where specific and detailed theory needed
and more data on enhancement effects of males, integer problem…
LRC in primates - bushbabies (galagos)
Male biased SR (popn level)
Males disperse and females (sisters and mothers) compete [food?], esp in
breeding season as they can’t move very far with young
Supporting data:
Male biased birth SRs in species when
rep success decreases with group size
females disperse less
ranges of females overlap
Data not from wild popns (problem if facultative adjustment)
Facultative adjustment leads to rank dependent SR adjustment
(high rank can make it hard to have daughter if low rank)
SR adjustment in response to rank for other reasons too
daughters inherit rank / matrilineal dominance
sons benefit more from high rank / condition mothers
Popn SR data do not show any trends which isn’t a big suprise
Testing LRC through interaction with other forces - more primates
Strong competition for resources -> LRC
-high ranking should produce daughters
-also predicted by advantaged daughter (inherit rank)
Weak competition for resources -> TW
-high ranking should produce sons as in good enough condition
Low popn growth = high LRC
Effect size = adjustment in relation to rank
High rank females switch from daughters
to sons less LRC (high popn growth)
* Effect hinges on 1 popn…
[pattern predicted by LRC & advantaged daughter? No rank-SR effect?]
[LRE pattern? When LRC high, best to be with relatives?]
Repeatable case of LRC - brush tailed possums
Males disperse
Daughters stay
-compete for den sites
-not condition, popn effects
Popns of possums
really LRC?
T&W: males are bigger so mothers in better condition should have sons
[- how do #dens & condition correlate?]
Timing effect?
-if young, have sons to avoid LRC, but respond to condition if older
Litters contain >1 offspring so could also be SR-#offspring effects
-bad for daughters to be in female biased litters, doesn’t matter for males
-diff mech for LRC?
Questions about LRE & LRC
Is there SR adjustment or just noise?
-comparative approach good when hypotheses predict adjustment in
same direction. Though hard to identify causal force.
Data on what the enhancement / competitive effects are & magnitude
Fitness benefits to parents & offspring of SR bias?
-assumptions of explanations tested?
-LRE, LRC, env effects & T&W may all be present in some cases
-how, when & why do LRE and LRC interact with env effects and T&W
What can be learned from brood and popn level SRs
-comparative approach / facultative adjustment / temporal data
Case-specific theory needed, even to predict direction of effect
Less pseudoreplication
Is absence of split SRs due to constraints or biology we’ve not looked at