Transcript Document

1. What is the official language in Great Britain?
a) English b) French c) Russian d) Chinese
2. Big Ben is…
a) a clock b) a horse
c) an animal
10 euro
20 euro
d) a famous name
3. Picadilly Circus is the meeting point of…
a) 4 streets b) 6 streets c) 5 streets d) 7 streets
50 euro
4. The changing of guard happens every day at …
100 euro
a) 12.30 a.m.
b) 12 o’ clock c) 11.30 a.m. d) 10 o’clock
Great Britain is divided into…
a) 3 parts
d) 2 parts
20 euro
b) a square
c) a street
d) a house
What is the Tower of London now?
a) a prison
c) 4 parts
What is Picadilly Circus?
a) a circus
b) 5 parts
10 euro
b) a museum
c) a street
50 euro
d) a house
The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is
a) the Tower of London
b) the White House
c) the Winsor Palace
d) the Buchingham Palace
100 euro
The capital of Great Britain is….
a) Paris
b) Moscow
c) London
10 euro
d) Cardiff
What can you see in Trafalgar Square?
a) Nelson Statue
b) King Memorial
c) Queen Memorial
d) Michael Gorbachyov Memorial
The legend says that without them the Tower will fall.
a) the pigeons
b) the cats
c) the squirrels
50 euro
d) the ravens
When can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace?
a) when she is out
b) when she is abroad
d) when she is at home.
20 euro
100 euro
c) when she has a party
England is in….
a) Europe
10 euro
b) Africa
c) America
Where is Speaker’s Corner?
a) in Regent’s Park b) in Hyde Park
d) Asia
c) in St. James’ Park
The Raven Master is a person who…
a) is the main raven
b) kills the ravens
d) plays with children
20 euro
d) in Central Park
50 euro
c) feeds the ravens
Sir Christopher Wren built ….
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral b) the Tower of London
d) the Parliament
100 euro
c Westminster Abbey
The name of the river in London is…
a) the Volga
b) the Thames
10 euro
c) the Nile
d) the Don
Where can you say everything you want?
20 euro
a) in Regent’s Park b) in Central Park c) in Hyde Park d) in St. James’ Park
Westminster Abbey is….
a) the Chappel
b) the Monastery
London is more than…
a) one thousand years old
c) three thousand years old
c) the inn
50 euro
d) the Royal Church
100 euro
b) two thousand years old
d) four thousand years old
Who is the Head of England?
a) the Queen
b) the tsar
c) the Princess
10 euro
d) the Prince
Where can you see pelicans and ducks?
20 euro
a) in Hyde Park b) in St.James’ Park c) in Central Park d) in Regent’s Park
Where are many famous British people buried?
a) in the Tower of London
b) on the Cemetry
c) on the river bank
d) in Westminster Abbey
In what country do men wear skirts?
a) in France
b) in England
c) in Scotland
50 euro
100 euro
d) in Norway
You can get from Russia to England by…
a) bicycle
b) airplane
c) car
10 euro
d) foot
The British Parliament is in…
a) the Buckingham Palace
b) the Houses of Parliament
d) Westminster Abbey
You can see wax figures of famous people in….
a) the Tate Gallery
b) the Tretyakov Gallery
d) St.Paul’s Cathedral
The Princess Diana was the wife of….
a) Prince John
b) Prince Robert
d) Prince Charles
20 euro
c) Downing street
50 euro
c) the British Museum
100 euro
c) Prince Wilhelm