Transcript Slide 1

Ronald Hui
Tak Sun Secondary School
Dictation 2
Correction of Open Book Quiz,
Standard Homework (II) & (III)
24 Sep (Mon)
Deadline: 24 Sep (Mon)
Closed Book Quiz (Chapter 0)
and Folder Checking
26 Sep (Wed)
Ronald HUI
Dictation 2
Numbers in words
One, Two Three, Four, Five, Six,
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
 Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen,
Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen,
Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen
 Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty,
Seventy, Eighty, Ninety, Hundred,
 Thousand, Million, Billion, …
Ronald HUI
Good Luck!
Enjoy the world of
Ronald HUI