Internship Search & Issues - Florida Institute of Technology

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Transcript Internship Search & Issues - Florida Institute of Technology

Career Management Services
0 Self Assessment
0 Research & Exploration
0 Material Preparation
0 Search & Application Strategies
0 How to Plan & Conduct a Job Search
0 How to Maximize Your Chances
Identify Your:
0 Values
0 Interests
0 Skills
0 Accomplishments
0 Experience
0 Goals
0 Conduct Informational Interviews
0 Professional Associations
0 Professors
0 Professionals in the field
0 Research the Job Market
0 Where are the jobs?
0 Who is hiring?
0 What career fields are in demand?
0 What qualifications are needed? (certificates,
education, etc)
0 Begin Targeting Potential Employers
0 Job Web:
0 Career Library has extensive listings under “General
References” to assist in employer research
0 My Perfect Gig
0 Unique application that links engineering and technology
companies’ jobs requisitions and needs to your skills and
0 Career Services
0 Employers that recruit at Florida Institute of Technology,
can be searched discipline locally and nationally
0 Résumé, Cover Letter, Transcripts, etc
0 Target to position and industry
0 References
0 Past Employers
0 Professors/Instructors
0 Volunteer Associations
0 Interview Skills
0 Participate in mock interviews possible
0 Practice answering interview questions
0 Develop Marketing & Conversational Skills
0 Networking, presentations, interview, etc
0 Professional Interview Attire
0 Suit, Slacks, Shoes, Accessories, etc
0 Prepare for several options since you might have second & third interviews
0 Professional Voicemail and Email
0 Professional Voicemail message
0 No nicknames
0 No ring back tones
0 No joke voicemail
0 Email address should be professional
0 Use school email address
0 If using another account no hotstuff951, create one with name and initials
0 Develop a Career Network
The Hidden Job Market
0 Assess Current Network
0 Parents
0 Relatives
0 Friends (Parents of Friends)
0 Tell them that you are looking for a job and ask
for their assistance
0 Professors
0 Administrators
0 Graduate Students
0 Alumni
0 Supervisors from previous jobs
0 Members of your Professional Associations
0 Friends
0 Relatives
0 Community Contacts
0 Making New Contacts or Cold Calling
0 Contact by phone or email first
0 Mention Mutual Acquaintances early on
0 Prepare What You Want to Say
0 Prepare a script of what you are going to say in advance
0 Proofread email messages and be sure to use proper spelling and grammar
(if you need help ask for assistance)
0 Successful Contact
0 Be prepared to concisely discuss your qualifications and what you expect
from this contact
0 Schedule a Meeting
0 Informational Interview or Personal Meeting
0 Only need 20-30 minutes of their time
0 Do NOT ask for a job during the first
0 Ask for Career Information
0 Look for advice in your advice in your job
0 Manners go a long way
0 Say “Please”, “Thank you”, “I
appreciate…” and “It was nice of you.”
0 Always follow up on successful
0 Be sure to thank them for their assistance
0 Commit a your Time
0 A job search can be thought of as a full-time job
0 Not an overnight process
0 Start the Process Early
0 Especially research and preparation
0 Don’t wait till last semester before graduation!
0 Job Search Tracking
0 Create a Spreadsheet or Binder
0 Keep correspondence, notes, list of contacts and applications
0 Keep job descriptions of jobs you applied to. Some companies take
awhile to respond so make sure you have the job description hand for
later if they contact you.
0 Pursue Advertised Jobs
0 Experience –
0 Popular job listing websites
0 Career Builder-
0 Monster-
Employer Websites
Professional Association Websites
Classified Ads – Most are online now
0 Follow the company to see if they post vacancies- many will
*** Do NOT blindly submit résumés, make the connection ***
0 Find the “Hidden” Jobs
0 Utilize your career network contacts.
0 Start early and they will know you well by the time you
start applying.
0 Get pass the “Gatekeeper” and follow up with hiring
managers when possible.
0 Target your resume to the job description
0 Try to play up skills that will be applicable in the position
you are applying
0 Personalize your response as much as possible
0 Follow up with the hiring manager if possible
0 Send an email or call the Office
0 Be Polite!
0 Don’t come across as desperate
0 Realize that most employers, especially large ones, will only
accept résumés through online systems.
0 Target your résumé to their system and the openings they
have available.
0 Use keywords whenever possible
0 Use online job listing sites to post your résumé but also to
learn who is hiring.
0 Apply directly to the company whenever possible!
0 Do NOT get stuck in this trap: Avoiding employers with difficult
recruitment processes.
0 Protect your Privacy
0 Be careful of posting your résumé and personal
information on job posting sites
0 Read the site Privacy Policy
0 Never give out your Social Security Number or
any financial information on third party job
posting sites
0 Protect your Privacy
0 Be careful of posting your résumé and personal
information on job posting sites
0 Read the site Privacy Policy
0 Never give out your Social Security Number or
any financial information on third party job
posting sites
0 Only disclose reference information when
specifically requested by hiring employer
0 Do NOT put their information on your résumé
0 This will allow your to give your references a
heads up when you are applying to positions
0 Be Persistent
0 A successful job search takes a lot of hard work and time
0 Take Control of your Job Search
0 You are the one ultimately responsible for your job search
0 Be Flexible!
0 Do not create your own obstacles by developing job search
goals that cannot be met.
0 Stay Positive!
0 A positive attitude is a must!
0 Experience: Part-time and Full-time job postings
0 Resume & Cover Letter Critiques
0 Internships & Co-op
0 ProTrack
0 Federal Work-Study
0 Florida Work-Experience
0 Career Workshops
0 Career Fair and Employer Day
0 Mock Interviews
0 And much, much more!
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