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Why value outweighs cost in the
selection of design services
QBS: What? Who? Why?
What is QBS?
• A nationally endorsed procedure for selecting
and retaining design professionals that will
provide the best value to the owner in terms of
quality and total project cost.
• A competitive procurement approach that
emphasizes quality attributes.
• Prior to 1939
• Most design done by federal employees
• 1939 A/E Selection Provision
• 1947 Armed Services Procurement Act and
1949 Federal Property and Administrative
Procedures Act
• 1972 – The Federal “Brooks” Law
(P.L. 92-582) signed
• Codified into federal law the qualifications-based
selection process for A/E services
• 1984 Competition in Contracting Act
Who Uses QBS?
• Local, state and federal governmental agencies
that procure A/E services
• Private industry
• Other public and private institutions
• Design professionals when hiring other design
• Other users of services/products who place
quality first
Engineering Services
• Are services; not commodities
• Engineers provide:
Technical Expertise
Latest Technology
High Degree of Professional Competence
Why not use low-bid?
• To those not familiar with our industry low-bid
may seem logical
The Reality of Bidding
• Low-bidding leads to inferior results and actually increases
overall project costs
• Doesn’t foster building relationships
• 2002 Polytechnic University (New York) study
The cost of A/E services is typically less than
1% of the project life-cycle costs.
What Does the Owner Really Want?
 Lowest Construction Cost
 Lowest A/E Cost
 Lowest Life-Cycle Cost
 Value
Why QBS?
Life Cycle Cost Considerations
Team Building
Reduced Changes
Flexible Contract Approaches
Competition Among Best Performers; Not Low Bidders
The Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) Process
• Selecting a Design Firm
1. An owner identifies the general scope of work and
develops a selection schedule.
2. A request for qualifications is issued.
3. Statements of qualifications are evaluated.
Team’s Structure and Team Members
Team’s Qualifications
Project Approach
Current Workload
4. A short-list of qualified firms to be interviewed is
5. Interviews are conducted and the firms are ranked.
The RFQ Process
• Negotiating a Contract
6. The owner invites the highest ranked firm to assist in defining a detailed
scope of work.
7. The design firm develops and submits to the owner a detailed fee
proposal, based on the agreed upon scope of work.
8. If the proposed fee is not acceptable to the owner, the owner and
designer work together to modify the scope of work, schedule and
budget to determine if an agreement on fee can be achieved.
9. If an agreement cannot be reached with the top ranked firm, those
negotiations are ended and negotiations begin with the next most
qualified firm.
10. An agreement covering the above is executed.
11. Firms involved in the selection process are given post-selection
feedback, when requested.
Earning the Right to
Do the Next Project
• In some cases, the owner reserves the right to select
a firm based on known qualifications rather than
opening up the project to the competitive process.
• However, the competitive process is often required
for public owners to illustrate transparency.
• Client satisfaction and not getting complacent is key
to success for both approaches.
Acceptance of QBS by Governmental Agencies:
•Indiana Department of Transportation
•State Revolving Fund
•USDA Rural Development
•Office of Community and Rural Affairs (QBS is mandatory)
•Department of Natural Resources
•Indiana Department of Environmental Management
•Economic Development Administration
•Department of Administration
•General Services Administration
•Veterans Administration
Who Endorses QBS Locally?
American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana
American Institute of Architects of Indiana
American Society of Civil Engineers of Indiana
Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
Indiana Association of County Commissioners
Indiana Society of Professional Engineers
Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors
Professional Engineers in Private Practice
Society for Marketing Professional Services
Who Endorses QBS Nationally?
American Bar Association
American Council of Engineering Companies
American Institute of Architects
American Public Works Association
American Road & Transportation Builders Association
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Landscape Architects
American Water Works Association
International Interior Design Association
National Society of Professional Engineers
National Society of Professional Surveyors
Professional Engineers in Private Practice
Society for Marketing Professional Services
Society of Interior Designers
Question Break
Common Misconceptions
QBS takes longer.
QBS fosters teamwork between the client and
engineering and facilitates construction, leading
to faster project delivery.
QBS is a waste of taxpayer money.
Low-bid is more expensive because it leads to
increased change orders and high project
maintenance costs. Furthermore, QBS provides
the public with a high quality and safe design.
QBS eliminates price as a selection criteria.
Price is a factor! Price becomes a factor only
after the most qualified firm has been identified
and a detailed scope of work has been jointly
developed by the owner and design professional.
Call to Action
• Unify approach in the profession
• Educate newly elected officials
• Continually educate and reinforce value of QBS to state
• Continue educating ourselves
• Get involved (ACEC Indiana QBS committee)
• Local web site
• National web site
• Qualifications-based pursuits (Good go/no go process)
• Deliver!
• ACEC’s Online QBS Resource Center
• http://www.acec.org/advocacy/committees/qbs.cfm
• QBS Indiana
• http://www.qbsindiana.org/index.html
Questions and Discussion