Transcript Lesson Ten

Lesson Ten
Body Language
1. It’s one of the things we can’t
help doing.(見第1行)
(1) one of + N 複數形
• This is one of the best restaurants in town.
(2) can’t help + V-ing
can’t help but + 原形V,情不自禁…;忍不
• Mary is so pretty. Tim can’t help falling in
love with her.
• = Mary is so pretty. Tim can’t help but fall
in love with her.
2. Similarly, it’s said of some Europeans that if you
were to cut off their hands, they wouldn’t be able to
communicate at all; to them, hand gestures are an
essential part of their communication.(見第4行)
(1) it’s said of some Europeans .... 表示
可改寫為 it’s said that if you were to
cut off the hands of some
Europeans, ...。
(2) if you were to cut off their hands, they
wouldn’t be able to communicate at
all 請參考本課的 Grammar Focus II。
3. This shows that they are either, at
best, just trying to be polite or, at
worst, lying.(見第10行)
(1) 主詞this指的是前面一句話所指的情
(2) either ... or ... 連接兩個子句,但是or
4. It’s also important to know how to use
body language (to get your message across
in a persuasive manner.(見第13行)
(1) to know how to use body language
It is expensive to travel first class.
(2) to get your message across in a
persuasive manner 說明使用肢體語言
5. Some of these aspects are standard
around the world, while others vary from
culture to culture.(見第16行)
• Mary likes spicy food, while her husband
likes light dishes.
6. It is something [that happens in international cities]
[when people (from different cultures) come together
at a party].(見第19行)
(1) that所引導的是形容詞子句
(2) when所引導的是副詞子句修飾動詞
from different cultures則修飾主詞people。
7. As one person tries to get closer to talk,
the other person, if from another culture,
might try to move away. (見第21行)
(1) 有兩個人時,one指的是二人中的一個,
the other 指的是另外那一個。
7. As one person tries to get closer to talk,
the other person, if from another culture,
might try to move away. (見第21行)
(2) if from another culture為插入句,對前方
的字詞等(本句中為 the other person)作解
若插入句中有「代名詞主詞 + be動詞」時,
• The actress, though she is actually very
pretty, looks terrible in her latest movie.
• = The actress, though actually very pretty,
looks terrible in her latest movie.
7. As one person tries to get closer to talk,
the other person, if from another culture,
might try to move away. (見第21行)
(3) might 和 may的可能性
might 和 may 談論現在和未來的可能性
might 的可能性比 may弱,較猶豫的語氣。
• I may go to Japan tomorrow.(或許有五成
• Bill might come with me.(或許有三成可能
8. The result is a kind of dance as one
person pursues and the other retreats
around the room. (見第23行)
副詞子句說明 the result is a kind of dance何
9. The furthest (business people feel comfortable
(standing away from each other) is in one of the most
crowded countries in the world: Japan.(見第26行)
(1) 劃線部份是本句的主詞 (The further… each other)。
The furthest 是主詞中的關鍵字,其後省略了
此外,distance又做其後子句business people
feel comfortable中動詞feel的受詞
standing away from each other修飾前面的
business people,要表達的是when they
stand away from each other。
9. The furthest (business people feel comfortable
(standing away from each other) is in one of the most
crowded countries in the world: Japan.(見第26行)
(2) is是本句的動詞。
(3) crowded adj. 擁擠的
• The amusement park is very crowded on
crowd v. [I] 擠;聚集
• The fans crowded into the theater to see
their idol.
• People crowded around the scene of the
car accident.
9. The furthest (business people feel comfortable
(standing away from each other) is in one of the most
crowded countries in the world: Japan.(見第26行)
crowd n. [C] 人群
• The little boy becomes shy in front of the
follow/go with the crowd 附和群眾
• Lori has her own idea; she never follows
the crowd.
raise oneself/rise above the crowd
• Daphne rises above the crowd because of
her excellent work and graceful manner.
10. However, in the Middle East it’s said that
you should feel the breath of the other
speaker on your face.(見第28行)
breath n. [U, C] 呼出的氣息;呼吸
• When you are nervous, it often helps to
take a few deep breaths.
• A guy with bad breath will scare girls
away, no matter how handsome he is.
breathe v. [I] 呼吸
It’s not healthy to breathe in polluted air.
10. However, in the Middle East it’s said that
you should feel the breath of the other
speaker on your face.(見第28行)
in one breath 瞬間
• The little boy disappeared in one breath.
the breath of life 極重要的事
• Admiration is the breath of life to a
beautiful woman like Sandy.
10. However, in the Middle East it’s said that
you should feel the breath of the other
speaker on your face.(見第28行)
catch one’s breath 喘口氣
• Let me catch my breath and drink some
hold one’s breath 屏息
• The audience held their breath to see
who the winner would be.
waste one’s breath 白費唇舌
• You were wasting your breath trying to
convince him to take the job.
11. These are some distances (at which
people feel comfortable standing next to
each other.(見第30行)
關係子句原為 People in different countries
feel comfortable standing next to each other
at different distances.
• Jenny is the girl with whom I used to play
when I was a child.
• This is the house in which he has lived for
more than thirty years.
12. Differences in hand gestures have become less
daunting in recent years with the popularity of international movies (that take common gestures from
one culture and introduce them to another).(見第39行)
(1) with所引導的是介系詞片語,當副詞
用,修飾動詞片語have become less
(2) that 所引導的是形容詞子句,修飾其先
行詞 international movies。
13. Someone (who has seen a foreigner’s unusual
gesture in a movie) is less likely to be confused or
offended by it when they see someone else doing it in
(1) who所引導的是形容詞子句修飾其先
(2) foreigner n. [C] 外國人
foreign adj. 外國的
be foreign to 無關的
Lying is foreign to her nature.
foreign aid外援
The small country survives mainly on
foreign aid.
13. Someone (who has seen a foreigner’s unusual
gesture in a movie) is less likely to be confused or
offended by it when they see someone else doing it in
(3) be likely to是本句的動詞片語。
(4) it 指的是 a foreigner’s unusual gesture。
14. Try this quiz to see (how much you know
about international body language.(見第45行)
see是及物動詞,其受詞為how much you
know about international body language。
15. ..., pulling down the lower lid of the
right eye means ________ .(見第47行)
第53行的 grasping your ear,
第62行的 snapping the thumb and first finger
together a few times以及
第77行的 moving your head from side to side
16. ..., grasping your ear means
________ .(見第53行)
grasp v. [T] 抓住
grasp n. [sing.] 抓牢;控制;理解
grasping adj. 貪婪的
• He has a greedy, grasping nature. I
wouldn’t trust him if I were you.
16. ..., grasping your ear means
________ .(見第53行)
within one’s grasp 在…控制之下
• Don’t worry. The situation is within our
beyond one’s grasp 無法理解
• His way of dealing with the problem is
beyond my grasp.
get a grasp of oneself 控制情緒
• Calm down. Get a grasp of yourself.
17. c. the listener is putting on
(1) 現在進行式最常用來表達下列意思:
A. 現在正在進行的動作
• Jerry is taking a shower right now. Would
you like to leave a message?
B. 持續在發展或改變的情況,如本句中的is
putting on weight 是在表示「體重愈來愈重」
C. 未來的動作
• What are you doing this weekend?
17. c. the listener is putting on
(2) weight n. [U] 體重,重量
• What is your weight?
weigh v. [T] 重達…..;秤重量
• How much does a camel weigh in
• The grocer weighed the bag of apples.
put on weight 體重增加 (= gain weight)
lose weight 體重減輕
• My cat needs to lose weight; she is too fat.
18. In Spain, snapping the thumb and first
finger together a few times means ________.
手指頭 (finger) 的說法:
• thumb 拇指
• first/index finger 食指 (= forefinger)
• second/middle finger 中指
• third/ring finger 無名指
• fourth/little finger 小指 (= pinkie)
18. In Spain, snapping the thumb and first
finger together a few times means ________.
腳趾頭 (toe) 的說法:
• big toe
• second toe 第2趾
• third toe 第3趾
• fourth toe 第4趾
• little toe 小趾
19. a. you want faster restaurant
service n. [U] 服務
serve v. [T] 為…服務、效勞
at your service 隨時效勞
• If you need any help, I am at your service.
19. a. you want faster restaurant
do someone a service 協助某人
• Mr. Chen has done me a great service. I
don’t know how to thank him.
serve someone right 某人罪有應得
• Tim refuses to put on his jacket despite the
cold weather. It will serve him right if he
catches a cold.
20. a. you play golf(見第74行)
play + 運動/遊戲:
play basketball/chess/cards 打籃球/下棋/
play + the 樂器:
play the piano/trumpet/drums 彈鋼琴/吹喇
21. In Sri Lanka, moving your head from side
to side means ________. (見第77行)
from side to side 表示「左右地」,故move
your head from side to side表示「搖頭」的意
• The ship rolled from side to side. It made
me sick.
21. In Sri Lanka, moving your head from side
to side means ________. (見第77行)
from/on all sides 從/在四面八方
• The castle was protected on all sides by
an army.
side by side 並排著,並肩
• The bride and groom stood side by side
while people took photographs of them.
stand by sb.’s side 和….在一起,支持…..
• I will stand by my wife’s side, no matter
what happens.
21. In Sri Lanka, moving your head from side
to side means ________. (見第77行)
take sides with ... 加入(…)一方,袒護
take sb.’s side 支持某人,偏袒某人
• When my parents argue, I stay out of it
rather than taking sides with one of them.
• I took Linda’s side when she had a fight
with Jenny.
22. Be careful of old ladies hitting
you when you travel.(見第85行)
(1) hitting you為分詞片語修飾old ladies,在
• His homework done, little Johnny went out
to play.
22. Be careful of old ladies hitting
you when you travel.(見第85行)
(2) travel v. [I] 旅行;遊歷
travel n. [U] 旅行;遊歷
travel agency旅行社
• I bought a package tour from the travel
travel agent旅行社的職員或老闆
traveler’s check 旅行支票
• When traveling, I use traveler’s checks
instead of cash.
23. Maybe you should just stay home
for a few more years.(見第87行)
home adv. 在家,回家
• I think I’ll walk home tonight.
at home 表示「在家」,但美式英文都會省略
• Is anyone (at) home?
24. You should never leave the
leave v. [T, I] 離開,離去
leave for 啟程前往
• I always leave for school at seven-thirty in the
leave out 省略,遺漏;忽視,忽略
• Tell me everything that happened, and don’t
leave out any details.
I was the only one at the party who couldn’t
speak English, so I felt a bit left out.
24. You should never leave the
leave behind 忘記帶走;留下(物品、名聲
• Your suitcase is way too heavy; you’ll have
to leave some things behind.