Transcript Document

Who are we?
Background Information
Kelly Street Children’s Centre is located in two separate buildings.
The main building is situated at 2 Kelly Street, Greenock and the campus
is within St Mary’s Primary School.
The centre provides a service for children aged 3 to 5 years with a combined
capacity of 80 children at each session a.m. and p.m.
There are 17 early years members of staff which include Head, Depute,
11 Early Years Education & Child Care Officers,
1 Teacher. 2 Early Years Support Assistants and 1 Auxiliary.
The centre offers a limited wrapround facility for parents.
The centre enjoys excellent relationships with St Mary’s Primary and Ardgowan
Primary which are our main catchment schools.
We pride ourselves with the links we have with external agencies and the wider
Parents are involved in many activities e.g.
developing policies, organising resources to support the curriculum and monitoring
and evaluating the service.
What is this all about?
The Process of Self-Evaluation, Involvement & Evidence
Statement on the process of self-evaluation, involvement of stakeholders and sources of evidence
The process for self-evaluation at Kelly Street Children’s Centre involves all stakeholders.
Parents are encouraged to be actively involved at the beginning of each session and training is given to
parents to help support them in this process. All staff are engaged in professional discussion and reflection
and are timetabled along with parents and children to look at specific performance indicators (Child at the
Centre – HMI Inspector of Education 2007) which then enables us to identify areas for development and
improvement and promote innovative practice.
The tools we use to gather evidence include:
Quality indicators which highlight strengths and weaknesses
Observation of children’s learning planning sheets
Photographs of children’s success and achievements
Video footage
Staff, parents and visiting agencies questionnaires
Comments from children’s learning stories, comments made by parents at settling in meetings,
suggestions & comments made by parents in daily comments box.
Inspection reports from Care Inspectorate, HMIe, Quality Visits from the Authority
Last year, Kelly Street Children’s Centre’s priorities for development were:
To implement personal care plans for all children attending the centre
Further embed staged assessment processes within daily practice
Further develop partnership and collaborative working with feeder primary schools
Further develop outdoor learning
How successful are we?
• Priority 1 Implement personal care plans for all children attending the
How are we doing?
How do we know?
All staff are now clear on the purpose of the
personal care plan. The children's personal
care plan gives a comprehensive guide not
only to staff but to parents regarding the
child's placement.
All parents are well informed and kept up to
date about their child's care, welfare and
development. The process for sharing
information with parents starts at enrolment
and continues throughout the year.
What are we going to do now?
We will continue to share information
regarding their child's placement. We will
ensure that all new staff are familiar with
this process. We will continue to ensure that
all parents have a comprehensive and
informative meeting regarding their child’s
• Priority 2 Further embed staged assessment processes within daily practice
How are we doing?
Staged Assessment is an integral part of the nursery's daily
routine. Staff are consistently assessing and monitoring children’s
How do we know?
.Staff are now effectively using the staged assessment process
and are aware of trigger points and strategies to be implemented.
The children are being effectively supported ensuring a positive
outcome for all.
What are we going to do now?
Staged Assessment will be effectively
used throughout the year. All staff /
new staff have been updated and there
is a clear and consistent approach being
used to support children.
• Priority 3 Further develop partnership and collaborative working with feeder primary
How are we doing?
A successful health and well-being event was organised in partnership with St Mary’s Primary School. All
nursery children worked positively with their peers from primary one and two.
How do we know?
The children and parents were actively engaged in purposeful planned activities which promoted health and
well-being. The nursery staff and their primary colleagues worked in collaboration to create an effective
programme of physical exercise which will offer progression in learning.
What are we going to do now?
We will continue to work collaboratively with our primary colleagues ensuring a comprehensive early level
experiences for all children.
• Priority 4 Further develop outdoor learning
How are we doing?
The children are continuing to have excellent experiences and opportunities while visiting the allotments.
Staff are continuing to plan effectively for outdoor daily experiences.
How do we know?
The children are having regular opportunities to plant and grow their own vegetables and flowers. The
children have also been given the opportunity to make a meal using their produce. The children are showing
increasing skills and confidence when using outdoor tools and equipment.
What are we going to do now?
Continue to create opportunities for positive outdoor learning which will have an impact on the children’s
health and well-being.
How we promote equality within our centre.
What have we done in the last year to promote equality
We place equality at the heart of everything we do.
We aim to promote a culture in which equality of opportunity exists for all.
Equality permeates our curriculum and underpins all our policies and practices
in terms of access to education for all.
What measures do we have in place to support and protect individuals?
We operate Inverclyde Council's Child Protection Policies & Procedures within
the centre, ensuring all families have opportunity to be included and be heard.
What have we done to foster good relations and promote tolerance?
 We promote good relationships between people of different groups whatever
their race, gender, disability, age, religion and belief or sexual orientation.
How successful are we?
The children, parents and staff participated in a variety of successful events throughout the year, some of the
highlights are recorded below.
Sponsored Jumpin Jax
5th October 2013
17 January 2014
nursery and the children
saw a variety of animals
parent’s participated in
a sponsored Jumpin
Jax held at Dazzle
Dance Studio
Tony Bonning – Oct 2013
The children participated in
Action songs and rhymes with
Tony Bonning
Malawi Fund Raising Day
March 2014
Rag Bag – Nov 2013
Children, Parent’s & Staff
participated in the rag bag
re-cycling scheme
The children held a fund raising toy sale in
aid of the Malawi Fund.
Skills for Learning, Life & Work
March 2014
We participated in a cluster event at Clydeveiw
Academy – ‘Skills for Learning, Life & Work.
Throughout the year the children
visited the Caddlehill Allotments.
What’s Next? -
Summary of Priorities for Session 2014-2015
Within the next nursery year, our specific development aims, tied to our Strategic Improvement Plan Year 2,
are as follows:
• Update policies using the visions, values and aims from GIRFEC indicators to inform and
support policy development
• Further develop consultation with children using big floor books
• Introduce suitable exit passes for all children to effectively support the consultation
process and give them choices to select their own topics. P.I. 5.2 & 6.1
Totality of the Curriculum
Continue to invite suitable visitors to support the curriculum outcomes
Develop and extend child/parent workshops
Continue to visit Stewart House, Allotments and explore the local community
Continue to support positive transitions to primary school for ASN children
ECO Schools P.I. 5.2 & 5.3
Learning and Teaching
•Access further in service training on math’s to support effective learning and teaching
•Prioritise the Wednesday evening meetings to collaboratively work together to develop aspects of the
•Further develop Vygotsky Story Grammar and Vygotsky Math’s and share the philosophy with new
members of staff P.I. 5.1, 7.2 & 9.3
Experiences & Outcomes
•Continue to meet with colleagues from primary schools and share comprehensive planning, particularly
at transition times.
•Staff will continue to share children’s development stages particularly at transition times when children
move from one group to another.
•Staff will continue to develop outdoor learning consistently, working closely with the local community –
in particular excellent visits to our local allotments. P.I. 2.2. & 4.1
•Staff will identify and support children with ASN by developing visual timetables which will offer an
effective curriculum to them
•Further develop learning stories to be shared at home with parents P.I. 2.1 & 5.4
Personal Support
• All staff given suitable opportunity to become familiar with individual children’s staged intervention
priorities particular at transition times
• Staff will have appropriate training on Storyboard Maker which will support children with ASN giving
a consistent approach to learning and teaching. P.I. 6.2 & 5.4
•Continue to develop question fans for staff using Blooms Taxonomy
•Continue to develop the Talking Round Corners Programme
•Update the Talking Round Corners visual aids to enable a consistent approach by all staff
P.I. 5.2 &
•Staff will continue to use support sheets using the traffic light system
•We will continue to work collaboratively with our colleagues sharing clear and positive information
regarding successes and achievements of all children
•The mismanagement team will continue to develop tracking systems to give a comprehensive measure
of the children’s progress and skills development P.I. 5.5 & 4.2