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Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire
To develop
thriving, sustainable and
cohesive rural communities
in Nottinghamshire.
How I became your
Life on the board
EU Structural and Investment Funds (SIF)
i. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) –
focused on economic development, including funding
business support and economic infrastructure
ii. The European Social Fund (ESF) - designed to increase
employment opportunities, promote social inclusion and
address youth unemployment;
iii. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
(EAFRD) - supports inclusive growth in agriculture, food
and forestry, and in rural areas
How much is it worth?
• The D2N2 LEP notional allocation is
£208.8m to be split 50:50 between ERDF
and ESF.
• A further £5.5m of European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) was
confirmed for the D2N2 area in May 2014.
However, this is over 6 years and covers
all of the D2N2.
Key themes
i. Innovation
ii. ICT
iii. SME Competitiveness
iv. Low Carbon
v. Climate Change Adaptation
vi. Environmental Protection
vii. Sustainable Transport
viii. Employment and labour Mobility
ix. Social Inclusion and
x. Education, Skills and lifelong Learning
So what is the SEP?
UK Strategic Economic Plan (SEP):• This is a bid to the UK Government for a Growth
Deal which should bring with it the following
• Gives freedoms, flexibilities and influence over
resources from Government;
• Plus a share of the new Local Growth Fund
(LGF) to target their identified growth priorities.
• In return Government will expect evidence of
real commitment from Local Enterprise
Partnerships to the growth agenda.
Developing T09
What is social
Former Social Exclusion Unit’s definition
‘what can happen when people suffer from a
combination of linked and multiple reinforcing
problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low
incomes, poor housing, high crime
environments, bad health and family
Objectives supported
under TO9
• Deliver integrated and innovative solutions that
tackle the root causes of social exclusion;
• Address barriers to work and provide pathways
towards employment to allow all adults to play
an active role in the labour market;
• Lift people out of poverty wherever they live
including overcoming persistent pockets of
• Support active inclusion through the use of local
Our Approach
• identify priority groups with a pressing need for
support in the next 1-3 years;
• identify gaps in provision or where current provision
does not have sufficient reach;
• draw out cross-cutting themes to inform the
commissioning of programmes to support these
• recommend a model for delivery; and
• demonstrate the strategic fit with other Thematic
Objectives, notably (but not exclusively) 8 and 10
covering employment and skills respectively.
Five target groups are:
• Older long term unemployed
• Younger people
• Women ‘returners’
• People with multiple and complex needs
• The financially excluded.
Other Excluded
A number of other excluded groups are
highlighted within TO9 including:
• People with physical disabilities
• Offenders
• People with learning disabilities
• Carers
• People from BME communities
• Troubled/priority families.
Cross Cutting Challenges
Health and wellbeing.
Rural inclusion / exclusion.
Asset based community development.
Involving business.
Softer outcomes.
Themes or geography?
• Theme, with programmes determined
by/designed around the five priority groups
identified above delivered by partnerships
working across the D2N2 area. Under this
approach consideration would be given to
geographic targeting at Partnership
Development stage.
Commissioning Principles
• Personalised interventions –
• Support should remain in place throughout
the beneficiary journey
• Aspiration, Attitude and Aptitude
• Navigators and Mentors
• Focus on deliverability
• Those furthest away from the labour
• ‘2 for 1’ activities.
Supporting and integrating with
other EU SIF themes
• TO8, Promoting Employment and
Supporting Labour Mobility, and
• TO10, Investing in Education, Skills and
Lifelong Learning.
TO9 focus
Link is achieved by TO9 focusing on:
Engagement with the priority groups
(acknowledging that many are disenfranchised
from mainstream services) and employers,
Initiating the journey towards work,
Overcoming the barriers to this, particularly the
wider barriers beyond skills and experience,
Supporting and sustaining progress as people
move into TO8 and TO10 provision and beyond.
Other themes
• TO2: Enhancing Access to and use and
quality of Communication Technologies
• TO3: SME Competitiveness
• TO6: Protecting the Environment and
Promoting Resource Efficiency
• TO7: Promoting Sustainable Transport
and Removing Bottlenecks in key Network
What Next?
• Method of delivering Rural Development
Programme at Local Level.
• Funding in addition to D2N2 monies
• Local Development Strategy
• Extending across the Counties
The Fund aims to:-
• Support increase in farm productivity
• Support Micro and small enterprises
and farm diversification
• Rural tourism
• Provision of rural services
• Support culture and heritage activity
• Increase forestry productivity.
Community Led local
• Little guidance as yet
• 2015 calls for Action Groups
• D2N2 not promoting the process.
It is up to US