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CS6320 – JSP

L. Grewe


Java Server Pages

        Servlets require you to write out entire page delivered with print statements JSP embedded in static html content File extension .jsp

Not compiled Deploy as part of webapp but, location of jsp files variable (see deployment and your server information) Language of tags, can use Java JSP run as servlets when envoked Invokes special _jspService() method …do not have the doGet (do*) methods.


How it works.

JSP engine on server receives request for a .jsp page it: 1.




Reads in the page, and transforms the contents to a Servlet Even the static HTML is converted to print statements, printing to the output stream associated with the JSP’s _jspService() method.

This translation is done the first time the page is requested.

Then the server runs the resulting created Servlet and returns the results to the client.


Elements of a Java Server Page

Expressions: <%= %>

• expression is evaluated and inserted into Servlet’s output. 

Scriptlets: <% %>

• This code is directly inserted into the produced Servlet’s _jspService() method.

• This method is automatically called by the Servlet’s service() method.

Comments: <%-- --%>

• User readable comments, not parsed by the JSP Compiler • Difference between this an HTML comment is this is inserted

Elements of a Java Server Page

Directives: <%@ %>

• Provide global information to the page • Import statements • Scripting language 

Declarations: <%! %>

• For page-wide variable and method declaration • The code is inserted into the body of the produced Servlet, outside of any existing method (like _jspService()) 5

2 forms of tags

<%= your_expression %>

OR the XML compliant version



JSP Expression Example

<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> HelloWorld

The time is now <%= new Date() %>.


JSP Scriptlets

 JSP scriptlets are defined as block of Java code embedded between a pair of  tags, <% and %>.

 Example: <% java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); out.println(d); %> 8

JSP Directives

 General syntax:  <%@ directive {attribute = "value"} %>  Possible values for directives are: • Page - Information for the page  Include - Specifies the files whose contents are to be included in the output • e.g., <%@ include file="header.html" %>  Taglib • The URI for a library of custom tags that may be used in the page 9

Directive Examples

<%@ page language="java“ import =“java.util.*” %> • Imports classes <%@ include file="relative-URL" %> • Includes files Zero or more tags • Forwards with parameters to another resource See JSP documentation for more 10

Directive Examples (Contd.)

<%@ page session = "true | false" %> • true indicates that session data is available to the page • By default, this is set to true <%@ page buffer = "none | 16kb | sizekb" %> • Determines the size of the output stream buffer • Defaults to 8kb • Use with autoFlush <%@ page autoFlush = "true | false" %> • When set to true, flushes the output buffer when it is full, rather than raising an exception 11

JSP Declarations

 Class and instance variables (of the generated servlet class) may be specified using the JSP Declaration tag: <%! String name = “Web Applications"; int index = 10; int count = 0; %>  Methods may also be specified: <%!

private int getNextIndex() {return index ++;} %> 12

JSP PreDefined Objects

 When writing scriptlets and expressions, the following objects (called

implicit object

s) are available by default: 














JSP Session Example

Visitor Count -- JSP Session

Visitor Count

This JSP page demonstrates session management by incrementing a counter each time a user accesses a page.


private int totalHits = 0; %> 14

JSP Session Example

<% session = request.getSession(true); Integer ival = (Integer)session.getValue("jspsession.counter"); if (ival == null) { ival = new Integer(1);} else {ival = new Integer(ival.intValue() + 1);} session.putValue("jspsession.counter", ival); %> 15

JSP Session Example

You have hit this page <%= ival %> time <%= (ival.intValue() == 1) ? "" : "s" %> , out of a total of <%= ++totalHits %> page hit <%= (totalHits == 1) ? "" : "s" %> !



SEE the course website, and the current JSP api for more details.