Orientation for Junior High & Middle School Programs

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Orientation for
Junior High &
Middle School
Jerome Singleton
Skip Lax
Assistant Commissioner
General Philosophy
“The greatest good to the greatest
number of participants involved”
Athletic program should supplement
programs at schools-- not serve as a
substitute for physical education
The welfare of the youth concerned is
of greatest importance
Rules and Regulations
 Ignorance
of the rule on the part of the school
shall not be considered sufficient cause for
setting aside the effects of the rule.
 Differences between High School regulations
and Middle School regulations.
 Magnet schools.
 Number of scrimmages/jamborees allowed.
 Competition time limit in selected sports (i.e.
baseball and softball).
 75% rule (outside league).
 Out of season regulations in football.
Students below seventh grade may not
participate in interscholastic athletics.
Students in grades 7 and 8 will not be
permitted to participate on varsity
interscholastic teams in football, wrestling,
lacrosse and soccer.
All sports are allowed one scrimmage, one
jamboree and two tournaments.
Participation: Is defined as being in the
same uniform and permitted in the bench
area of one of the competing teams.
Age Rule
If a student turns 15 prior to July, he/she is not
eligible for eight grade and under teams.
Advanced Participation
A junior high or middle school student promoted to a
varsity or JV team may not return to the Jr. High or
Middle School team if he participated at that level.
Note: If started at Varsity level or JV level, he can
move down.
New Legislation
 New
legislation affecting athletic eligibility
 Charter
 Home School
 Recommend
certified officials - NO high
school students used as game officials
Original Eligibility
student establishes his eligibility when he is
promoted to and first attends (1 day) school
in the Seventh grade. He is eligible at this
school and the school it feeds until he attends
another school (breaks enrollment). Should
the feeder school supply students to more
than one high school, each student’s eligibility
will be determined by the attendance area in
which he lives.
Student Eligibility
Must be promoted academically (not social or placed)
Seventh or Eighth graders must be doing satisfactory
work at the end of the first semester to be eligible
second semester.
Seventh or Eighth grade repeaters may become
eligible second semester if they pass first semester
Seventh or Eighth graders who met the standards for
promotion, but decided to stay back are ineligible for
the entire year.
Satisfactory work is defined as meeting the school
district’s promotion policy.
Each school shall keep on file, a duplicate copy of the
student”s birth certification, all submitted eligibility
forms, a parent's permission record properly filled out
and a physical form.
A physical is valid from April 1 through the following
school year. Physical forms must be signed by a
licensed doctor of medicine or a nurse practitioner in a
written collaboration with a licensed medical doctor or
a certified physicians assistant in a written
collaboration with a licensed medical doctor.
Treat as being ineligible until the name
of the student is placed on the League
Web Page.
Transfers continued
Bona-fide change of address
Transfer from a non-member school to a
member school.
Student is placed by the courts in an
orphanage or foster home in your attendance
New Inter-transfer rule
New Intra-transfer rule
Special Form A (Transfer Form)
Do not submit
7th graders on
Special Form A
unless they are
repeating the
7th grade.
Both parents are deceased.
Both parents reside outside the contiguous
US, and the parents are US citizens.
Student becomes a ward of the court, and
DSS assumes legal guardianship.
Unsportsmanlike Acts
Athletes who are ejected for : abusive language,
flagrantly or maliciously contacting another person,
making obscene gestures to opponents or spectators
are ineligible for a minimum next two contests in all
sports except football, competitive cheer and
lacrosse to maximum of one year.
2nd ejection in same sport: Minimum of 2 weeks.
3rd ejection: Remainder of the school year.
A coach will be in violation of the
standards for good sportsmanship
established by the League for:
Degrading remarks about officials
Approaching an official after the contest
Note: The minimum penalty for a coach’s ejection will
be next contest suspension a $300 fine to the school.
Closed Season
 During closed season, school facilities cannot
be used for anything except conditioning and
weight training.
Attendance at camps from August 1 to the
closing of school are governed by the following
The student or the parents must pay all fees and expenses.
Students may be transported by their coach to camps or
clinics at any time.
A coach may serve as an instructor at the camp, but may not
teach skills to students from their own school during the
closed season.
Attendances at camps during a sports season that are
controlled entirely by a school and restricted to its students
are exempt from these regulations. A violation of any part of
this section will result in a $500.00 fine and probation.
The principal of a member school must approve a
A clinician's fee and expenses should be reasonable.
Principals should pay close attention to this item before
giving approval.
Room and board must not be a part of the clinic.
The clinic must not exceed three days.
Team competition is prohibited and all physical activity
must be restricted to fundamentals.
The coach may transport his players to the clinic.
NFHS Course
 www.nfhslearn.com
Guide to Heat Acclimatization and
Heat Illness Prevention
 Recommended
to ALL Coaches
Heat & Hydration
Course - Video
 www.nfhslearn.com
 Required
for all coaches
Middle School Representation
 Executive
Committee Representative
 Constitutional
Change Proposals
 Rules & Regulations Change Proposals
•Have a Great Year