Sexual and reproductive health

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Belgian Platform on Population and
Plate-forme belge pour la population et le développement
Belgisch Platform voor Bevolking en Ontwikkeling
Active members of the Platform
Objectives of the Platform
Achievements of the Platform
1. Active members of the Platform
Is a civil society initiative - Established in 2000
The Platform on Population and Development brings together:
various NGOs focusing on international development programmes
Experts/ representatives of academic/research institutions
Platform meetings frequently attended by representatives of
various ministries and of the federal and regional administrations
Involved :
In Population issues
In sexual and reproductive health and rights issues
Steering Committee prepares
Meetings agenda
Reference documents
Annual Conference
No structural financial support
1.1. Steering Committe
• Adrass
• International Centre for Reproductive Health
• Monde selon les Femmes
• Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering
1.2. Active members
Adrass asbl
Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering (SVR)
Collectif des Femmes asbl
Médecins du Monde/ Dokters van de Wereld Belgium
Groupe international de la fédération laique des
plannings familiaux
Groupement d'hommes et de femmes africains et
européens pour l'Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles
féminines (GAMS-Belgique)
Institut de démographie – Université catholique de
International Centre for Reproductive Health
1.2. Active members (2)
• Institut de Médecine Tropicale/ Prins Leopold Instituut
voor Tropische Geneeskunde (ITG)
La Fédération Laique de Centres de Planning
Familial (FLCPF)
Le Monde Selon les Femmes (LMSF)
Observatoire socio-épidémiologique sida & sexualités
Planning Marolles
sensoa vzw
Service d'Information et Formation Amérique Latine
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
1994, Cairo, International Conference on
Population and Development (ICPD)
The ICPD paradigm shift
“Reproductive health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all
matters relating to the reproductive system and to
its functions and processes...”
(ICPD Programme of Action, paragraph 7.2)
2. Objectives of the Platform
2.1. General objective
• To seek ways to enhance the implementation
of the Cairo Programme of Action
2.2. Specific objectives
– To formulate recommendations that can be useful to
the Belgian government with respect to the
development of international co-operation policies
– To contribute to the annual CPD at the UN (member
of the Belgian Delegation)
– To enhance involvement of international development
organisations in Belgium in the implementation of the
Cairo Programme of Action
– To answer specific questions regarding population
and development
3. Achievements of the Platform
International Conferences in preparation of annual
Commissions on Population and Development (CPD)
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (CPD 2002)
Education for all (CPD, 2003)
ICPD +10 (CPD, 2004)
International migration and development (CPD, 2006)
Changing age structures of populations (CPD, 2007)
Urbanisation and sustainable development (CPD, 2008)
Millennium Development Goals (CPD, 2009)
Support to Belgian cooperation and development
3.1. International Conferences
3.1.1. Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Rights and Development Co-operation
Brussels, 19-21 November 2001
Under the auspices of the Belgian EU presidency
Working groups
sexual rights of young people;
the responsibilities of both men and women;
the quality of health care services;
the integration of HIV/AIDS in sexual and reproductive health
Recommendations brought to CPD in New York, April
2002 by a representative of the platform (Member of
the Belgian Delegation)
3.1.2. Obstacles to Education for all
• Brussels, 27-28 February 2003
• Workshops:
1. Universal access to quality education
2. Non-formal education (in general)
3. Promote greater responsibility and awareness on
the interrelationships between population and
sustainable development (experience of the
western countries).
Recommendations brought to CPD in New York, April
2003 by a representative of the platform (Member of
the Belgian Delegation)
3.1.3. Ten years after ICPD in Cairo: Realisations
and challenges”
Brussels, 2 March 2004
1. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights,
including HIV/AIDS
2. International migration and development
Recommendations brought to CPD “ICPD + 10" in New
York, March 2004 by a representative of the platform
(Member of the Belgian Delegation)
3.1.4. Migration and Development
Brussels, 13 March 2006
1. Mobility and gender
2. Migration and health
Recommendations brought to CPD “International
migrations and development” in New York, April
2006 by a representative of the platform (Member
of the Belgian Delegation)
3.1.5. Population Ageing: Towards an
Improvement of the Quality of life?
• Brussels, 1 March 2007
• Recommendations brought to CPD “The changing
age structures of populations and their implications
for development” in New York, April 2007 by a
representative of the Platform (Member of the
Belgian Delegation)
3.1.6. Urbanisation and sustainable
• Brussels, 25 February
1. Economic aspects
2. Social aspects
3. Environmental aspects
• Recommendations brought
to CPD in New York, April
2008 by a representative of
the Platform
Links between ICPD and the MDGs
MDGs incorporate ICPD Goals as follows:
ICPD Goals
• Access to primary school (4.8,
• Achieve universal primary
• Reduction of infant and under-
• Reduce child mortality (4)
11.6); girls’ education (ICPD+5,
34, 35(c))
five child mortality (8.16)
• Maternal mortality reduction
education (2); Gender (3)
• Improve maternal health (5)
• Reduction in HIV infection rate
among 15 to 24 year olds
(ICPD+5, 70)
• Access to primary health care
• Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and
other diseases (6)
• Goals 4, 5, 6
• Universal Access to RH
• Added as a target of MDG 5 in
Current international context
Millennium Development Goals (adopted by 189
countries in 2000)
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equity and empowerment of women
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development
« The MDGs particularly the eradication of
extreme poverty cannot be achieved if
questions of population and reproductive
health are not squarely addressed.
And this means stronger efforts to promote
women’s rights and greater investment in
education and health, including reproductive
health and family planning »
Kofi Annan, ICPD at 10 Asia Conference 2002
3.1.7. ICPD and MDGs: Convergences and
• Brussels, February 17-18, 2009
• Workshops:
– MDG 1: Reduce extreme poverty and hunger
– MDG 2: Ensure primary education for all
– MDG 5: Improve maternal health
3.2. Support to the Belgian cooperation
and development policy
• Platform representative at
CPD April 2005: "Population,
Development and HIV/AIDS,
with particular emphasis on
• Active participation of the
Platform in the work group
preparing Belgian political
note on sexual and
reproductive rights and
4. Challenges
• Coordination with other Platforms/
Commissions related to SRH in Belgium
Need to pursue the work, especially in the
context of Millennium Development Goals
Secretariat at:
Le monde selon les femmes