Transcript SQ4Rs _2_
An Acronym
A Study/Reading Strategy
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review, Research
Glance over headings, subheadings, underlined,
italicized bold printed words or phrases, and/skim the
first sentences of paragraphs.
Observe charts, graphs, maps, and captions under
pictures, summaries, and skimming any questions at
the end.
Turn the title, headings, and/or subheadings,
illustrations, and graphic aids into questions.
Read selectively to answer the questions.
Read to search for answer to questions.
Recite answers to questions aloud or in writing.
Recite key terms and concepts.
Take notes from the text but write the information in
your own words.
When you’re done reading, skim back over the chapter,
or read your notes. Then check your memory by
reciting and quizzing yourself again.
Make frequent review a key part of your study habits.
Use other sources (textbooks, articles, Media Center,
the internet) to find responses to questions that the
main text could not answer.
Increase your knowledge by searching the topic at a
higher level.