Transcript Document

Workload Management WP
Status and next steps
Massimo Sgaravatto
INFN Padova
Where we are
CMS-HLT use case (Monte Carlo production
and reconstruction) analyzed in terms of
GRID requirements and GRID tools availability
Discussions with Globus team and Condor team
Definition of a prototype architecture of workload
management system
Use of Globus and Condor mechanisms
But major developments needed
Prototype workload management system
Submit jobs
Globus GRAM
as uniform interface
to different local resource
management systems
Grid Information
Service (GIS)
(Globus Universe)
Master chooses in which
Globus resources the jobs
must be submitted
Condor-G able to
provide a
reliable/crashproof job
submission service
Where we are
Evaluating the existing components (D1.1) and “putting together” the
various building blocks
Evaluation of Globus
Collaboration with WP 1 of INFN-GRID project (Evaluation of the Globus
Evaluation of Globus GRAM
Evaluation of Condor-G
The current implementation is a prototype
GRAM as uniform interface to different underlying resource management systems
Evaluation of RSL
“Cooperation” between GRAM and GIS
It works, but some problems must be solved
Globus + Condor-G tested with a real CMS MC production
Many many many memory leaks found in the Globus jobmanager !!!
Fixes (provided by Francesco Prelz) submitted to Globus team
Feedback only for what concerning the bugs in the GAA and GSS modules (new fixes “merged” with the
original ones)
First deliverables
Month 3: Report on current technology
(report) D1.1
Month 6: Definition of architecture for
scheduling, resource management, security
and job description (report) D1.2
Month 9: Components and documentation for
the 1st release: initial workload management
system (prototype) D1.3
Proposed work plan
Let’s continue the implementation of the proposed
Evaluation of current technologies (Globus, Condor) (D1.1)
Functionalities for the 1st release
First release
We can propose the functionalities that could be
“Negotiation” in the ATF
To understand if these functionalities “address” the proposed
use cases
To understand if our module can be “plugged” together with
the other “pieces”
To understand if the other WPs can provide the required (by
WP 1) functionalities
Proposed functionalities for the
1st release
First version of job description language
First version of broker (master), that
decides where to submit the jobs
Job submission service
First version of logging and
bookkeeping services
First user interface
Job Description Language (JDL)
Used when the job is submitted, to specify
The application
The input data set
File ? Collection of files ? “Logical” or “physical” names ?
Need to be discussed with WP 2, WP 8, ATF
Where the output data must be saved
(Required and preferable) resources
Info for bookkeeping
… ???
Prototype: Condor ClassAds
Choice of resource (farm) where to
submit job
Input: JDL expression
Output: computing resource choice
Published resource access lists
(gridmap-files in the Globus-based
prototype) are checked as a first step in
the resource match-making
The “accessible” computing resources are matched
with the job request according to:
Availability of the requested input data set
Availability of the appropriate application "sandbox“
If necessary, it could be necessary to "copy" and install this
sandbox if not already available in the executing farm (“code
migration”) (in the 1st release ???)
Queue characteristics and status (architecture, etc…) vs.
job requests
In the 1st release the broker will have to choose a resource
where this input data set is already available (we are not going
to “trigger” the replica of the input data set)
Let’s start with a few, simple parameters
Availability of the requested amount of scratch space
We assume that all the information needed
by the broker are “published” in one “Grid
Information Space” (GIS in the Globus-based
prototype) by the other WPs
Prototype: Condor matchmaking library
Match between the info published in the GIS and
the ClassAds defined in the JDL
Necessary a “translator” GIS attributes 
Some work already done by Globus team ???
Job submission service
Input: job to submit + computing resource
choice (provided by broker)
Reliable, fault tolerant, crash proof service
Reliability in the executing machines up to WP 4
Prototype: Condor-G
Submission of jobs to Globus resources (farms)
New implementation of Condor-G (+ new Globus
job manager) available soon
“Code” migration
Not easy at all !!!
Necessary to “install” in the target farm a complex
run time environment
Necessary a STRONG collaboration with WP 8
(and WP 4) to define an “application
sandbox”, that can easily be installed in one
farm, and doesn’t “conflict” with other
Use of “application repositories” ???
When an application must be installed on one
farm, the sandbox is downloaded from such
Necessary to “record” for each job
Submitting user identity
Input data
Output data
Status of processing
Where and when the processing has been done
Other bookkeeping info specified in the JDL
Necessary to keep tracks of the
significant events occurred in the
Requests by users
Computing resource choice (by broker)
Submission to resource
User Interface
Job management
Job submission
Job removal
Job status monitoring
Access to bookkeeping info
Access to logging info