Friday Sermon Slides

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Sincerity and Obedience of
Companions of Promised
Messiah (as)
Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmad (aba) Head of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
NOTE: Al Islam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon
The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote in his book
‘Haqiqat-ul-Wahi’ that God had foretold him that God would put
his love in the hearts of people
Hudhur ( aba) read out an example of devotion to the
Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) in a quotation of
one of his companions
Next Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih recounted accounts of some
companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)
who excelled in their sincerity, devotion and obedience
May God enable us to follow in the footsteps of these
Tariq Ahmad sahib was martyred in Pakistan
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih delivered his Friday sermon
from Bait us Sabuh, Frankfurt, Germany
He quoted from writings of
the Promised Messiah (on
whom be peace) in which he
gave thanks to God for
giving him a community of
selfless and sincere people
who were ever willing and
ready to comply with
anything he asked of them.
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
The Promised Messiah ( on
whom be peace) wrote
that the matchless sincerity
and obedience of the
Companions of the Holy
Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be on
him) meant that they not
only endured all kinds of
pain for him but also did
not hesitate to give their
lives and this is what
ultimately made them
The Promised
Messiah (on whom
be peace) wrote in
his book ‘Haqiqat-ulWahi’ that God had
foretold him and it is
recorded in ‘Braheen
Ahmadiyya’ that God
would put his love in
the hearts of people.
Hudhur ( aba) read out an example of
devotion to the Promised Messiah ( on
whom be peace) in a quotation of one of his
companions who prayed
‘that on the Day of Judgement I am included
in the blessed Jama’at under your auspices
as I am now. God knows that the love this
humble person feels for you is such that I
would sacrifice all my property and life for
you. I am devoted to you with a thousand
lives... May God bring about my ending in
your love and obedience.’
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Next Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih recounted
accounts of some companions of the Promised
Messiah (on whom be peace) who excelled in
their sincerity, devotion and obedience
These accounts are a model for
all of us; such devotion also
becomes a source of
enhancement of Taqwa.
Every single account has a
profound lesson for us in the
cheerfulness with which the
companions offered complete
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Hadhrat Fazl Illahi sahib (may Allah be pleased with him)
postmaster sahib (may Allah be pleased with him) let forego his
promotion and pay rise so that he could obey the advice of the Promised
Messiah ( on whom be peace) to stay put in Qadian
Hadhrat Mufti Fazlur Rahman sahib (may Allah be pleased with him)
drove the coach of the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) when he
was in Gurdaspur despite his son being seriously ill
He was asked by the Promised
Messiah ( on whom be peace) to
not drive his coah one day and
that was the day his son died
Mufti sahib relates that this was
the only instance when he could
not accompany the Promised
Messiah (on whom be peace) to
Gurdaspur and he regretted it
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Hadhrat Mir
Ismael sahib
(may Allah be
pleased with him)
was once advised
by the Promised
Messiah ( on
whom be peace)
not to sat on his
own in his lodgings
and he always
obeyed this
Hadhrat Malik
Shadi Khan sahib
(may Allah be
pleased with him)
took off his
earrings after he
was advised by
the Promised
Messaih ( on
whom be peace)
that it was not a
practice of a
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Wife of Abdur
Rahim sahib
(may Allah be
pleased with him)
posted some rice
to Jammu to her
family members as
it was instructed
that the blessed
rice from the
household of the
Promised Messiah
( on whom be
peace) should be
given to family
Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar sahib (may Allah be pleased
with him) went to Qadian straight away when asked by
the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) to come;
despite Khwaja Kamalud Din’s disparaging remarks
Hafiz Hamid Ali sahib (may Allah be pleased with him)
gave up smoking Hukka on the advice of the Promised
Messiah (on whom be peace) in a very systematic way,
first he advised him to smoke Hukka at home and thus
protecting him from bad company. Once he was rid of his
bad company, the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace)
told him to stop smoking Hukka, which he did
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
(on whom
be peace)
once said
that had
existed in
the time of
the Holy
(peace and
of Allah be
on him) he
would have
Hadhrat Maulwi Aziz Din sahib (may Allah be pleased with him) delayed
leaving Qadian at the instruction by a few hours. He left Qadian 2 hours after
the train was meant to leave the station; miraculously he found that train was
delayed and managed to travel to work
Mian Chiragh Din sahib related that once he was visiting Qadian and asked
the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) permission to leave on a Sunday
as he had to go to work the next day.
The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) did not let him leave on the
Sunday but said he could go on the Monday. It was 3pm when Chiragh sahib
arrived at his office on the Monday.
Miraculously, it seemed that everyone in the office thought that Chiragh sahib
had been there all day.
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Hadhrat Mir
Mehdi Hussein
sahib (may
Allah be
pleased with
him) was
directed by the
Messiah ( on
whom be peace)
to fetch some
fuel for the
He prayed to
Allah the Exalted
with intense
passion and was
given a Divine
revelation that
the fuel will be
delivered to him
Later, he heard
someone calling
out that fuel had
arrived and
whoever wanted
it should come
and buy it.
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Mir sahib was
able to purchase
the fuel at the
price of his
Hadhrat Ghulam Rasool Rajiki sahib (may Allah be
pleased with him) normally would not leave Qadian but
happily obeyed the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace)
who directed him to Kapurthala for a Tabligh mission
He says it was the first time that by virtue of the Promised
Messiah (on whom be peace) he travelled merely to serve
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
When the Promised
Messiah needed a
witness for a court
case in Gurdaspur,
Hadhrat Khair ud din
sahib (may Allah be
pleased with him)
travelled overnight to
fetch the Maulwi Sahib
who was busy
teaching his
students. When
asked to attend to
the court cases,
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
the Maulwi sahib
read the Quranic
verse ‘O ye who
believe! respond
to Allah, and the
Messenger when
he calls you that
he may give you
life…’ (8:25) and
straight away left
with Khair ud din
Hadhrat Syed Taj
Hussein Bukhari (may
Allah be pleased with
Hadhrat Mian Sonay
Khan sahib (may
Allah be pleased
with him)
Hadhrat Syed Taj
Hussein Bukhari
(may Allah be
pleased with him)
was instructed by
the Promised
Messiah ( on
whom be peace) to
attend Qadian for
education and he
obeyed the
Hadhrat Mian
Sonay Khan sahib
(may Allah be
pleased with him)
Ahmadiyyat based
on many dreams
and the The
Promised Messiah
(on whom be
peace) gave him
the following
advice; ‘consider
me truthful, offer
five daily Prayers
and never tell a
Hudhur ( aba) directed that each
Ahmadi should adhere to these
three commands
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Hadhrat Amma Jan
(may Allah be
pleased with her)
Hadhrat Amma Jan
( may Allah be
pleased with her)
was thirsty and
had just started
drinking water
when the Promised
Messiah ( on
whom be peace)
reminded her that
water should be
drunk while sitting
down. She sat
down straight away
Hadhrat Nur ud din (may Allah be pleased with him) always presented
himself to the audience of the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace)
promptly, he would always sit with his head bowed and only spoke when he
was directly addressed by the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)
Hadhrat Nur ud din (may Allah be pleased with him) tried really hard and
was helped miraculously to get milk when the Promised Messiah ( on
whom be peace) asked for milk, probably for a guest
Hadhrat Maulana Nur ud din (may Allah be pleased with him) walked
through mud and rain overnight to obey the command of the Promised
Messiah ( on whom be peace) to be back before dawn after seeing a
patient in Batala
Hadhrat Maulana Nur ud din (may Allah be pleased with him gave
precedence to the directive of the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace)
even if it appeared against conventional medical wisdom of the time
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
May God enable
us to follow in the
footsteps of
May we set high
standards in
connection with
the Second
that has been
through the
Messiah (on
whom be peace)
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
By adhering to
Khilafat, may we
become a part of
this Community
which is to be the
recipient of
God’s grace in
this age
He had gone out to buy grocery. On his way home he was
kidnapped by unknown persons. He was brutally beaten
up and later shot at in the head
• His body was put in a drum and thrown in a canal
According to the report by the local Ameer sahib it was not
a case of animosity to the Jama’at but Hadhrat Khalifatul
Masih thinks it was precisely that
• Shaheed leaves behind a widow, six sons and two
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012
Martyrs of Ahmadiyyat
May God elevate the status of the
shaheed and may He make the
enemies a cautionary sign while
manifesting clear signs in favour of
It should always be remembered that
unless prayers are made and signs are
sought from God in such situations, the
signs that God has promised do not
Amatul Quyyum sahiba passed away in Rabwah on 3
May. She was from a long standing Rabwah family and
leaves behind three daughters and five sons. May God
elevate her station.
Sad news
Friday Sermon May 25th, 2012