Poposka Violeta SEOU Gostivar Oct 2012

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Transcript Poposka Violeta SEOU Gostivar Oct 2012

From: Poposka Violeta
Subject: Solutions
Date: September 30
Dear President,
My name is Violeta Poposka and I think I can help you with your problems. I’ve
considered solutions for the three problems you have, First the big number of e-mails
from colleagues and customers. About this I think the best thing to do is to hire one
person that will answer all the e-mails and that way the employees will do their job. Also
I’d like to suggest a solution for your second problem, no staff-lounge. I think that you
should reopen it because it’s a good place to meet and exchange ideas. And the third
problem, bad organization and no quick answers, I think that you should inform the staff
about the changes and the reorganization on time. That way they’ll know where to look
for answers and there won’t be any trouble.
I hope that my ideas will help you solve these problems. If you like my ideas you can
contact me on my e-mail and I’ll be glad to help you.
Poposka Violeta
Discussing global brands
A. Think of one brand in each of these categories which is marketed internationally!
Food – McDonalds
Drink – Coca Cola
Electrical Equipment – Samsung
Clothing – Bershka
Construction - HB Fuller
B. Discuss these questions.
What are the advantages for a company of expanding beyond its domestic market?
Well, if the company is well known on its domestic market, expanding is a very good
decision because the company will make higher profits.
What kinds of problems do companies face when they go international?
First they might not be accepted by the people immediately, they will have to work very
hard to attract more people. Also they will have a big competition. There are companies that
have worked for years and have already earned the people’s trust. They will have to make
their prices acceptable for everyone not just for the domestic market.
What methods can companies use to enter overseas markets?
It's essential to research overseas markets before you start to market, promote and sell your
product or service within them. By thoroughly researching your potential customers,
competitors and the trading environment in each overseas market you will greatly increase
your chance of success. You should also investigate practical issues such as route to market,
logistics, regulation and local suppliers in your chosen market.
Brainstorming is a useful way of generating creative ideas in meetings. Decide which
tips below are good advice and which ones you disagree with. Then compare your
answers with a partner.
Explain the purpose of the meeting clearly.
Ask each person to speak in turn, starting with the most senior.
Announce the time limit for the meeting.
Avoid criticizing or judging ideas during the session.
Encourage ideas, however unusual they might be.
Don’t interrupt when people are offering suggestions.
Make sure everyone keeps to the point.
Don’t spend time on details.
In my opinion good advices would be explain the purpose of the meeting clearly, do
not interrupt when people are giving ideas and to avoid judging ideas during the
session. I think that everybody should know what the meeting is about and then to
give ideas and solutions for the existing problems. We learn to listen and don’t
interrupt people when they’re expressing their ideas in 2nd grade I think so it’s very
important to not talk while someone is speaking. Also the no judging ideas is very
good because not all ideas are good but at least people thought of some. So it’s polite
to listen to them and express your opinion if you like it or not but without judging or
criticizing. I don’t agree with ask each person to speak in turn, starting with the most
senior. I mean ,yes, everyone has the right to an opinion but they can discuss ideas not
asking each one in order. Also I don’t agree with not spending time on details. The
details define the idea. When you think of an idea you think of all the things, the
details you have to do to realize that idea.
As Marketing Manager for Zumospa write and e-mail to the directors of the company
informing them of the key ideas which came out of the brainstorming session you
attended. You should indicate which ideas you favor and why.
To: Director of Zumospa
From: Marketing Manager Poposka Violeta
Subject: Ideas
Date: September 30
Dear Director,
My name is Violeta Poposka. I’m a marketing manager and I’ve attended a brainstorm
session where we’ve come up with some interesting ideas that in my opinion will be
First of all, I wanted to say something about redesigning Zumo bottle. When people look
for a drink the first thing they see is the design of the bottle, so then they look for
ingredients etc. Then they decide to buy it or not. That’s important and a better design
will increase the profits.
The second idea I want to talk about are the TV and radio advertisements. A good
promotion is always welcome. If you are able to present the product the best you can,
people will know what they’re buying so an Internet commercial or advertisement will
be good too.
Also I think it would be good to apply to be official sponsor at the next Olympic Games.
That’s an event that everyone knows and if the people see that great athletes use your
drink they’ll buy it very often. Just like that pepsi commercial with the football
championship. That was very good so I think you should apply for the Olympics.
I hope that my ideas will be helpful.
Best Wishes,
Poposka Violeta