Francesco Maria Senatore

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Transcript Francesco Maria Senatore

TLS 2013

Il Polo senese ed il Distretto regionale scienze della vita nella prospettiva europea

Dr. Francesco Maria Senatore Business Development Toscana Life Sciences Foundation

TLS 2013


• Polo Senese: TLS • Distretto: Cluster Regionale • Il mercato della Salute in Europa • Le necessità delle imprese • Evoluzione del Cluster

TLS 2013

Public Institutions

TLS Mission

MPS University

TLS 2013

Applied Research Results Territory Industrial Development

JCVI April 2012

Siena - The Science Park

 Monothematic : Life Sciences (Red Biotech)  drugs  diagnostics   medical devices biomedical technologies  Laboratories, offices, equipment and utilities  Consulting services and support  Access to public and private financing tools

JCVI April 2012

Science Park Location: Siena - Novartis site Total surface area: Total buildings surface: Labs (research/devel./Q.A.): Production plants: Warehouses: Offices: Services: TLS bio-incubator 83.000 sq. mt.

38.400 sq. mt. 8.200 sq. mt.

6.800 sq. mt.

2.800 sq. mt. 8.400 sq. mt.

4.700 sq. mt.

 Industrial and academic research activities  Center of excellence for Novartis Vaccines  More than 470 researchers  Common facilities, services and utilities

TLS Bio-incubator

 10 laboratory modules (ranging from 60 to 140 m 2 ) fully equipped according to company’s needs  GMP facility for medicinal products derived from human blood or plasma (160 m 2 )  Analytical labs and common services (135 m 2 )  BSL 3 lab  Animal care facility  Offices, meeting rooms (600 m 2 )

JCVI April 2012

        

TLS - Main Incubation Services

Intellectual property protection consultancy Technology Transfer/Start-up Creation Business development coaching Grants search and application support Scouting of industrial and financial partners Bio-partnering support Infrastructure Services (Front office, meeting room, etc.) Dedicated scientific equipment up to € 200k Common high-tech equipment and facilities

JCVI April 2012

JCVI April 2012

Incubation Deal-Flow: the ”Picking the Winner Approach”

International Call for Application Business Plan submission Project selection TLS Executive Board approval Find Start up financing Incubation

TLS Evaluation Committee

Prof. Stephen Hanessian, Montréal (CA) Dr. Andy Richards, Cambridge (UK) Dr. Bertil Samuelsson, Stockholm (SE) Dr. Eva Pisa, Stockholm (SE)

JCVI April 2012

Dr. Elkan Gamzu, Boston (USA)

Torre Fiorentina Campus – September 2005

JCVI April 2012

TLS 2013

Companies and Research Groups 2013

TLS 2013

TLS Performance Indicators

Employees Scientific Publications Patent Applications Granted Patents Collab./Agreem./Licensing Diagnostics Prototypes Compounds in Clinical Phases Products on the Market Investments Attraction Companies Revenue 2007

10 -


8 5 8 -


70 15 25 24 34 6 1 -




93 48 22 25 48 8 1 -

32.7 M 1.5 M 2012

112 63 24 27 66 23 2 22

44.0 M 3.1 M

TLS Incubated Companies & Research Groups: Total Financial Resources

Stakeholders Investment Local Seed Funds Companies and Research Groups Financial Resources (2011) Regional Seed Funds Other Funds Grants










47,7 16,7 6,3 6,3 23


Companies & Research Group








42,5 14,3 5,3 5,3 32,6


JCVI April 2012

TLS 2013

JCVI April 2012

Universities and Research Centers

Tuscany -Health Care System Quality

33,9% of total clinical trials carried out in Italy are performed in Tuscany

JCVI April 2012

TLS 2013

Some Big Players

TLS 2013

Tuscany is a strategic region in the Life Science



Pharma Medical Devices Turnover ( € Mil.)



Medical devices

Pharma Services Italy

221 198 2.735

Tuscany % Tuscany

30 20 156

14 10 6 Italy





Tuscany % Tuscany



811 645

23 13 5 6

TLS 2013

      Affiliated Companies Employees R&D Employees Turnover in € Mil.

Labs square meters Patents 104 10.646





TLS 2013

The Tuscany Life Science Cluster

National & international clusters

Tuscany Life Sciences Cluster

Steering Committee Member Representatives Committee Services Entrepreneurial System Public Institutions Needs

TLS 2013

EU Healthcare Market

Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (


) www.



TLS 2013

TLS 2013

•Growth in health spending per capita slowed or fell in real terms in 2010 in almost all European countries, reversing a trend of steady increases. •Spending had already started to fall in 2009 in countries hardest hit by the economic crisis but this was followed by deeper cuts in 2010 in response to growing budgetary pressures and rising debt to-GDP ratios. •On average across the EU, health spending per capita increased by 4.6% per year in real terms between 2000 and 2009, followed by a fall of 0.6% in 2010.

TLS 2013

TLS 2013

•Reductions in public spending on health were achieved through a range of measures, including reductions in wages and/or employment levels, increasing direct payments by households for certain services and pharmaceuticals, and imposing severe budget constraints on hospitals.

•Gains in efficiency have also been pursued through mergers of hospitals or accelerating the move from inpatient care to outpatient care and day surgery.

TLS 2013

•The public sector is the main source of health care financing in all European countries.

•In 2010, nearly three-quarter (73%) of all health spending was publicly financed on average in EU member states. •Public financing accounted for over 80% in the Netherlands, the Nordic countries (except Finland), Luxembourg, the

TLS 2013

Service support to Life Science SME

TLS 2013

Internazionalization is a challenge for SMEs

TLS 2013

SME’s support need for foreign markets

• Align your product portfolio to the markets with high growth potential ( market Analysis ) • Develop market-entry and market-expansion strategies by identifying the regions and market segments poised for strong growth ( Strategic Positioning ) • Create a more tailored country strategy through the understanding of market outlook and major trends ( local link ) • Develop key strategic initiatives by understanding the key focus areas and top-selling products of leading companies ( match making events )

Internationalization support Framework agreements with institutional partners Deep insight into companies’ needs Network of selected and qualified partners

TLS 2013

Networking Europe ’s Biocommunities

ALISEI, Cluster nazionale Scienze della Vita “ A dvanced LI fe S ci E nces in I taly”

National Technology Cluster Call • • • The MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) published a call for the creation of 9 National Technological Clusters corresponding to different high tech sectors, one of them is Life Science For each sector only a single cluster has been created Each Cluster presents 4 R&D projects a) Total costs in between 10 and 12 millions of euro b) A maximum of 8 proponents c) Industrial partners least the 15% covering at least the 50% of costs, with SME’s covering at d) Public partners covering at least the 35% of costs • The MIUR supports the call with 368 millions of euro, 63 millions as a contribution to the costs and 305 as subsidized credit. Moreover the MIUR allocates additional 40 millions of euro of contribution for projects Puglia, Calabria, Sicilia and Campania regions.


Perchè un Cluster • • • • Nuove dinamiche di sviluppo verso le economie basate sulla conoscenza e l’innovazione. Tra i fattori in grado di sostenere e promuovere la transizione vi sono le “reti di conoscenza”.

In linea con iniziative a livello europeo, come la Strategia di Lisbona e la

Europe 2020 Growth Strategy”,


nella logica di un recupero di competitività grazie allo sviluppo di un’economia basata sulla conoscenza e Una delle criticità che si intende superare con il Cluster è rappresentata dalla frammentazione delle iniziative nell’ambito Scienze della Vita Paese. : senza adeguata massa critica mancano effettive ricadute per l’intero sistema L’ambizione è quella di favorire l’aggregazione di risorse non solo a livello regionale, ma anche tra i poli di riferimento nazionali e di entrare nelle grandi reti di aggregazione europee, partecipando ai “mega cluster” transnazionali che connettono i nodi specializzati esistenti in ciascun Paese (“

Biotechnology strategy and action plan

” della Commissione Europea )

ALISEI - gli attori • ALISEI raccoglie strutture produttive e di ricerca, individuali e aggregate, appartenenti a 12 Regioni • In ALISEI sono rappresentate le Associazioni di categoria: Assobiomedica, Assobiotec, Farmindustria e vi partecipa il sistema pubblico della ricerca: CNR, ENEA, ICE, IIT • La governance di ALISEI è aperta, per accogliere ulteriori componenti scientifiche, industriali e istituzionali coerenti con la sua missione


: Cluster Strategic positioning


: To be a driving force in the economic growth of Italian regions in the field of human health •


: To establish a national network of skills and human health capacities of research, innovation and industrial development in the Life Science sector with the aim of answering the social and economic challenges in the field of •


: At least 5 years •


: a) Personalized approach and integration between therapy and diagnosis b) Ageing and chronic diseases c) Convergent technologies

TLS 2013

The future

International Level Mega Cluster European Level National level Super Cluster Regional level Cluster Local level Science Park [-] [++] Virtual cluster integration Relevance of geographical proximity

Fonte: TLS elaboration from Sternberg (2003)

[++] [-]

TLS 2013

Thank you

Francesco Maria Senatore

Business Development Communication & Projects Tuscany Life Science Cluster & Foundation Via Fiorentina, 1 53100 Siena ITALY Tel.: +39 0577 231207 Mobile:+39 340 0917237 Fax: +39 0577 43444

[email protected]

TLS 2013


• International visibility is key for R&D intensive and start up companies • International presence is key for mature/expansion companies • Both types of SME can’t approach the market alone • Science Parks and Cluster organizations play a very important role in building up a real international network is key and should go beyond the EU

National Cluster ranking



TLS 2013

TLS 2013

Post-Incubation Building

TLS 2013

International Benchmarking

Biotech clusters in US Cluster Bay Area - San Francisco (California) Maryland San Diego (California) Boston (Massachusetts) Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Companies 715 350 240 220 135

From V. Chiesa – Bioforum, Milano 2007

FM Senatore Bio-Europe

Biotech clusters in EU Cluster Cambridge (UK) Biovalley (France – Germany – Switzerland) Munich (Germany) Heidelberg (Germany) Berlin – Brandeburg (Germany) Medicon Valley (Sweden – Denmark) Edinburgh Dundee Glasgow (UK) Oxford (UK) Evry – Ile de France (France) Companies 422 320 150 121 115 110 75 85 54

From V. Chiesa – Bioforum, Milano 2007

FM Senatore Bio-Europe