Transcript Slide 1

Your membership will provide a range
of benefits which will give you a
competitive advantage when applying
for jobs or setting up your own
business and will support you in your
future career.
The Benefits of IoD Student Membership
• Improve your knowledge of business issues, your understanding of
the professional environment and your ability to converse with
business leaders
• Add a valuable USP to your CV and interview dialogue
• Build contacts that may assist you with future employment or work
• Provide a deep resource of business information that will assist in
your studies, future career or start up business
• Be inspired by today’s most exciting business leaders
• The prestige of association with IoD
Join our Business Community
You will be connected to the UK’s most influential and reputable
network of senior business leaders. IoD members are spread across
the UK and much of continental Europe and you will have a number
of opportunities to meet and interact with them at:
Regional Events
Young Directors’ Forum Events
Bespoke Student Events
National Student Events
Online Networking – IoD Student Members on LinkedIn
Connect with us online
Your portal for all your online IoD resources will be at your finger
Guru Panel
Work Placement and Internships Notice board
Start Up Smart Up
Business Information Service
Information and Communication
You will receive regular communication which will provide the latest
hot topics, opinion, articles, industry reports and factsheets of
relevance to you now and in your emergent career. You will also be
able to keep up to date with the latest IoD events schedule and
other local initiatives.
• Director Magazine App
• Monthly Email Bulletin
• Regional News
How you can gain from IoD student
• Improve your knowledge of business issues, your understanding of
the professional environment and your ability to converse with
business leaders.
• Gain awareness and refinement of your own skills and capabilities
and your market force.
• Build contacts and networks that will assist you with future
employment opportunities and provide mentors, supporters or
clients for your future.
How you can gain from IoD student
• Access detailed and trustworthy information on all aspects of
business with comprehensive advice on business start up.
• Find a structure that allows you to prepare for and negotiate the
move from education to business smoothly and successfully with
ongoing personal and professional development.
• Be part of an exclusive organisation that has been supporting
business leaders for over a 100 years.