10th Grade Vocabulary - Avon Grove School District

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Transcript 10th Grade Vocabulary - Avon Grove School District

Lets improve
our writing
with some
words 
2013-2014 School Year
Increment (noun):
Small increases
Immutable (adjective):
Unchangeable, never changing or
Infinitesimal (adjective):
Immeasurably small; so small it cannot be
Cower (verb):
To shrink away or crouch especially for
shelter or from something that menaces or
Telltale (adjective):
Revealing what is meant to be kept secret;
disclosing unintentionally; a telltale smile/ A
Telltale sign of a
scam: being asked
for money upfront
Jettison (verb):
To drop from an aircraft or spacecraft in
flight; to get rid of as superfluous (extra or
Inure (verb):
To accept something difficult or painful
Apprehension (noun):
Dread; fear of a future event
Ineffably (adjective):
Incapable of being expressed or described in
words; inexpressible: ineffable beauty.
Paramount (adjective):
Supreme; overriding; having supreme
dominance or influence
Annihilate (verb):
To destroy or demolish; to reduce to utter
ruin or nonexistence
Irrevocable (adjective):
Unable to be reversed, canceled or
Recoil (verb):
To draw back in fear, surprise or disgust
Denizens (noun):
Inhabitants; residents; or people who
regularly frequent a place.
Pensive (adjective):
Reflective; deep in thought
Dubious (adjective):
Doubtful/unsure/wavering or hesitant in opinion
(a dubious reply); of doubtful/questionable quality
(a dubious compliment); of uncertain outcome (a
dubious battle)
Antipathy (noun):
Feelings of hatred; powerful and deep
Surreptitiously (adverb):
Sneakily; stealthily; slyly; cautiously
Conspicuous (adjective):
Easily seen or noticed; readily visible or
observable: a conspicuous error
Luminous (adjective):
Glowing or giving off light; also, brilliant
intellectual (a luminous concept)
Undulate (verb):
To form or move in waves
Perceptible (adjective):
Capable of being recognized/observed by
the senses.
Strenuous (adjective):
Calling for energy or stamina
Prophecy (noun):
A prediction of something to come
Deftly (adjective):
Done with great
skill and carefulness;
clever; quick in
Curtly (adjective):
Rudely brief in
speech or abrupt
in manner
Dissemble (verb):
To hide under false appearance;
To conceal facts or mislead
(to dissemble one’s
incompetence in
also, to conceal one’s
true motives
Judicious (adjective):
Wise; characterized as having excellent
Countenance (noun)
Approval or favor; encouragement;
moral support.
Goad (noun)
To encourage, urge; to
provoke or annoy
(someone) so as to
stimulate some action or
Guttural (adjective)
A sound that is harsh or throaty; husky;
rough; raspy
Vindicated (verb):
Cleared from criticism,
blame, guilt, accusation
or suspicion
Invalid (adjective):
Void; without fact, truth or law
Dispensation (noun):
Release or exemption from obligation(s)
EX: Due to his mental health, he was given
dispensation from jury duty.
Idiosyncratic (adjective):
A characteristic, habit, mannerism
that is unique to an
individual; a trait that
is usually eccentric
Or unconventional
Fratricide (noun):
The act of killing one’s own brother
Parsimonious (adjective):
Careful with money or resources; frugal to
the point of stinginess
Reticent (adjective):
Inclined to be silent;
Retort (noun):
A quick, witty, intelligent reply…. one that
counters the opposing speaker’s words
Baffle (verb):
To confuse, puzzle, perplex or frustrate
Furtive (adjective):
Acting as if trying not to be seen; done
secretly (aka surreptitious)
Tacit (adjective):
Implied or indicated
but not actually
expressed; using
communication to
express your feelings
Capacious (adjective):
Capable of containing a great deal;
spacious, roomy
Contentious (adjective):
Likely to cause an
argument or tending
to argue (a contentious
boss), or characterized
by controversy…
as in a contentious issue.
Prodigious (adjective):
Extraordinary in size
(prodigious research grant);
also, wonderful/marvelous
(prodigious research paper)
Spectral (adjective):
Pertaining to a specter (ghost);
Enmity (noun):
Feelings of hostility,
hatred or ill will
Venerable (adjective):
Commanding a great deal of respect,
especially because of age, wisdom or
Perilous (adjective):
Involving grave risk/peril; dangerous;
Ludicrous (adjective):
So absurd, ridiculous or exaggerated as to
cause laughter
Irresolutely (adverb):
In an indecisive way; wavering in decision,
purpose, or opinion; uncertain how to act or
Misbegotten (adjective):
Badly conceived, made, or carried out:
EX: …a misbegotten plan.
Virtuoso (noun):
A person displaying great knowledge/technical
skill in a particular field (usually in fine arts, singing,
composition, playing a musical instrument).
Opulent (adjective):
Very wealthy or rich in appearance;
Mull (verb):
To think over, consider, ponder,
Cacophony (noun):
Disharmony; the unpleasant combination
of loud, harsh sounds
Assimilate (verb):
To take in and incorporate as one’s own.
To conform to new customs and attitudes of
a group/culture/nation. To adjust or adapt.
Apathy (noun)
Lack or
suppression of
passion or
Lack of interest in
things others find
Bestial (noun)
Without reason or intelligence;
cruel and savage;
Benediction (noun)
A formal blessing, or the act of calling
upon God during a religious service
Blandishment (noun)
Flattering remarks
that are meant to
be persuasive
Implore (verb)
To beg (urgently) for aid or mercy
Qualms (noun)
Feelings of unease, doubts, uncertainties,
Innate (adjective):
Relating to qualities had from birth;
qualities naturally inherent to a person
EX: Even when he's playing the good guy,
there's that innate menace lurking within.
Billet (noun)
Lodging; refers to temporary lodging of
military personnel in private homes
Constraint (noun)
Restriction, especially of feelings or
Expulsion (verb)
To drive out by force
Harangue (verb)
To be scolded in a noisy or bullying way
Hermetically (adverb)
In an airtight way, as in “hermetically
Construe (verb)
To interpret, analyze or explain
Entreat (verb)
To make a request, plead or negotiate…
sometimes in a begging way
Mettle (noun)
The quality and
strength of one’s spirit
and character as
in honor, bravery,
courage, etc.
Conspirator (noun)
One who plans with others to commit an illegal
Portentous (adjective)
Hinting/foreshadowing evil to come; of a
threatening and warning nature; also,
marvelous/amazing in grandeur
Augment (verb)
To make greater, more numerous, larger,
or more intense
Visage (noun)
The appearance
conveyed by a person’s
facial expression
(a stern visage)
Affable (adjective)
Being pleasant, polite, warm, friendly etc.;
characterized as easy to talk to
Appease (verb)
To bring to a state of peacefulness, to calm
down; to pacify
Malicious (adjective):
Showing or acting on the desire to cause
pain, injury
or distress
to another;
Orator (noun)
A formal
speaker or
Swagger (noun)
Bold arrogance, self-confident outlook,
self-assured behavior
Repulse (verb)
To drive back, repel (to repulse an
Comprehensive (adjective)
Including all of the relevant details;
covering completely
Lament (verb)
To express sorrow, mourning and/or regret
Insolence (noun)
Bold disrespect
Ominously (adverb)
In a way that suggests something bad will
Senile (adjective)
Mentally impaired;
mental deterioration
that may accompany
old age
Who are
you calling
Cajole (verb)
To urge, coax, persuade, entice, charm…
Conundrum (noun)
a puzzle;
a difficult problem
Despondent (adjective)
Feeling depressed, discouraged, hopeless…
Expunge (verb)
To obliterate, eradicate, eliminate
completely… wipe away any trace…
*Fearful of an IRS investigation, Paul tried to expunge all
incriminating evidence from his tax files.
Mesmerizing (adjective)
Fascinating; holding attention as if by
spell; a hypnotic, trance-like state
Nonchalantly (adverb)
Without interest or concern; an indifferent
non-caring attitude
Pre-chron(in front of, prior, before) (time)
-able –ible
(able to be or become
worth, ability)
Inter(between, among)
(of, like, relating to)
-fact- -fac(make, do)
Anti-rupt(against, the opposite of, (break)
(to make more so, made
to cause/become of)
Intro- Intra- Im- In(in, into, inward)
-tain- -ten(hold)
(full of, having something)
Ir- Il- Un- Dis- Im- NonMis(not)
-tag- -tang- -tact(touch)
-ion -tion -sion
(act of, state of, result of)
precede, predetermine,
incredible, solvable
international, intercept,
interject, intermission,
artifact, manufacture
criminal, autumnal
antisocial, antipathy
rupture, interrupt
golden, sharpen
implode, introvert,
inbound, intramurals
detention, contain,
perilous, adventurous,
misplace, nondescript,
dishonest, unattractive,
immobile, illegible
contact, intact, tangible,
action, invention