Transcript Slide 1

Himachal Pradesh State Sanitation Strategy (HP – SSS) )

Issues, Outline and Structure

(based on NUSP) First State level Sanitation Committee Meeting 2 May 2012- Shimla

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


Seite 1

Outline of Presentation

 National scenario  SSS – What will it help achieve  HP-SSS : an outline, 9 key themes  Potential Institutional roles to develop HP SSS  Key milestone and timeline  Next steps / way forward

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


National scenario

    National Urban Sanitation Policy (NUSP) in October 2008 Two year time period for States to develop their “State Sanitation Strategies”; recognizing  Sanitation as state subject  Specific situation of states and cities (Hilly small size, primate city, dispersed settlements) NUSP lays out draft framework for developing State Sanitation Strategies (besides CSP and Award Scheme for Cities) SSS developed by Odhisha, CG, Tripura, UP, Bihar

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


NUSP : Vision & Objectives


All Indian cities and towns become totally sanitized, healthy and liveable and ensure and sustain good public health and environmental outcomes for all their citizens with a special focus on hygienic and affordable sanitation facilities for the urban poor and women

NUSP / CSP Objectives : 1. Awareness generation and behaviour change 2. Open defecation free cities 3. Integrated city wide sanitation 4. Proper operation and maintenance of all sanitary installations CSP is city level instrument for sector plan while SSS is guidance tool from State to City

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 25 August, 2012, UDD Office


HP-SSS : What will it help achieve

       Meeting Service Level Benchmark on Drinking water supply, Sewerage, Solid Waste Management, Storm Water Drainage Respond to state level situation, challenges and issues (small size, dispersed settlements, hilly terrain et al) Improving City Sanitation Rating (Shimla 29.583 in red) Improving City Sanitation Ranking (Shimla rank 292 / 423) Mobilizing funds through flagship programmes such as JNNURM, RAY et al Linkages with performance based grants under XIII Finance Commission Improving public health and environmental outcomes

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : Key themes

1. Situation analysis and sector assessment 2. Himachal Pradesh Vision, Goal and State Slogan 3. Strategic Planning Approaches and Options 4. Institutional structures, responsibility, capacities and resources 5. Urban sanitation infrastructure and service delivery standards 6. Awareness, School Sanitation 7. Solid Waste Management 8. Data management & monitoring 9. Financing

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

    

1. Situation analysis and sector assessment

Trends on urban growth and urbanization Sanitation sector wide policy environment (related policies, Acts, Rules presently prevailing) Institutional stakeholder analysis in urban sanitation sector Current levels of services   Water supply Sewerage (connectivity)   Storm water drainage Solid Waste Management Financial sustainability (including capital costs, tariffs, subsidies, fiscal space)

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

2. Himachal Pradesh Vision, Goal and State Slogan

 Largely drawing from NUSP  State’s Approach to XII Five Year Plan  Learning from CSP preparation and implementation  Mainstreaming of climate change mitigation and adaptation to urban sanitation  State diversity and uniformity  Guiding principles

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

3. Strategic Planning Approaches and Options

 Inclusive : Gender & child sensitive, under / un served areas communities, migrants, floating population, poor  Integrated and city wide : Appropriate technical options, centrality of CSP, Sanitation Ratings and Ranking, linkage with CDP and urban flagship programmes (RAY, JNNURM, BSUP, IHSDP et al)  Data management and monitoring  Communication and awareness strategy for behavior change – individuals, households and institutions  Sanitation and emergencies  Climate change adaptation and mitigation

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

4. Institutional structures, responsibility, capacities and resources (regulatory framework)  State level structures : SLSC, State Mission – Working Group, Regional + District (!), City level  Roles, responsibility and inter department coordination  ULB and Ward level functioning  Training need assessment and capacity building (Training modules for sanitary workers etc)  Municipal cadre management and staffing

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

5. Urban sanitation infrastructure and service delivery standards

   Norms and standards adequacy (

vis a vis

national guidelines and examples for similar states) State level sanitation ratings and ranking Project structuring: PPP, engagement modalities, procurement  Dovetailing mechanism with RAY and JNNURM

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

6. Awareness, School sanitation

       NSSI linkages Deepening school participation Expanding child participation Teacher and parents participation ULB and Education department collaboration School WASH infrastructure : child and gender friendly facilities, standards and O&M Monitoring mechanism 29.04.2020

HP State Sanitation Strategy

HP-SSS : an outline

7. Solid Waste Management

State MSWM Strategy :  Norms and standards adequacy (vis a vis MSWM Rules)    Data management for ULBs using SLB parameters for waste Regional concepts / bundling of ULBs for achieving required improvements Project structuring: PPP, engagement modalities, procurement   District Level Plans: Monitoring of MSW implementation ULB Action Plans: MSW implementation  Financing , Product charges

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

8. Data management & monitoring

 City Information Systems (overlapping, duplication) – GIS, NUIS, E-Governance  Monitoring (Project / programme monitoring, data flow)  Feedback mechanism (completion of information loop)  Using data for improved information and knowledge  Dissemination mechanisms

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : an outline

9. Financing

 Scenario costing (indicative) to reach goals     Broad assessment of funding gap at varying level of services  Focusing on sewerage and sanitary toilet access Issues around subsidies, cost recovery, tariff Social concern for vulnerable families, poor, female headed household Financial dovetailing between flagship programmes and Finance Commission grants

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP SSS development : Who does what !

           Directorate of Urban Development & Environment Irrigation and Public Health Department Environment Division & HP Pollution Control Board Public Works Department Finance Department Planning Department Health & Family Welfare Department Education Department Rural Development Town and Country Planning Department Economics & Statistics

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla


HP-SSS : Key players

Irrigatio n & Public Health RDD Educati on Plannin g Urban Develop ment Public Works Finance ULBs HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla Health Environ ment


Key milestones and Timeline X no. of weeks for SSS (draft version):

Situation analysis & sector assessment • XXX


• Secondary data • Departmental coordination HP SSS Goal, Vision, Slogan •

YYY weeks

• SLS Committee Approval • ULB consultative workshop


State Sanitation Strategy •

ZZZ weeks

• Urban sanitation Infrastructure and service delivery standards

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla

Recommendations Endorsement 29.04.2020

Way forward and next steps

Discussions on way forward and immediate next steps……


HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla

HP State Sanitation Strategy, 2 nd May 2012, SSC Meeting, Shimla
