What is SOAPSTone?

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Transcript What is SOAPSTone?

Agenda and Homework
On pgs. 26-27, write today’s date.
Copy the agenda:
Finish Cornell Notes on SOAPSTone
Handout SOAPSTone Chart – attach to pg 28 –
Include in Table of Contents on page 2
Copy the homework:
Periods 4+5 – No homework
Period 1 – Notebook check tomorrow
Periods 1, 2, 3 – make sure you finish answering
the two questions I want added to page 25
referring to Predictions Questions Chart on pg 24
Answer the following question:
 In a complete sentence, explain why it
is important to read the same text
multiple times. How can reading the
same text multiple times help you?
The Last Two Questions
from Tuesday
 Reviewing Predictions: Refer to your
Making Predictions and Asking Questions
Chart on pg. 24.
Write you answers on the last page of “Hip
Hop Planet” (pg 25).
• Which of your predictions turned out
to be true?
• Did McBride answer any of the
questions you asked?
Cornell Notes: SOAPSTone
On pg. 29 of your INB, take Cornell Notes.
Essential Question?
What is SOAPSTone?
 SOAPSTone is a reading and writing
 It helps you to identify the key elements
of an expository text.
What is an expository text?
 It is used to explain, describe, give
information, or inform.
 It is non-fiction. It has true facts
 It has a title. It may have an index, glossary,
 It may have diagrams, photographs, bold
 It is important to evaluate the author’s
S = Subject (looking for the main idea)
 The general topic, content, and ideas in a text.
You should be able to state the subject in a
few words.
Ask yourself:
• What is the subject or topic of the text?
• What theme or big picture do you see?
• What is this piece about?
O = Occasion
 Writing does not occur in a vacuum. All
writers are influenced by a larger occasion.
An event or situation catches the writer’s
attention and triggers a response.
 Ask yourself:
 What event or occasion do you think
caused the author to write this
A = Audience
 The audience is the group of people the writer
intends to address. Before an author writes,
he/she must determine the audience because
the choice the choice of audience affects how
and why an author writes the text.
 Ask yourself:
To whom is the author writing?
How do you know?
P= Purpose
 The reason behind the text. Authors
need to consider the purpose of the text
in order to determine the argument and
its logic.
 To determine the reason, authors ask,
“What do I want my audience to think
or do as a result of reading my text?”
SOAPSTone – Purpose Con’t
 Ask yourself:
1. What does the author want you to
believe or understand?
2. What is the purpose of the text? (choose
• To educate or inform (if the author’s
position is neutral)
• To persuade or convince (if the author’s
position is negative or positive)
• To reflect on important event or idea
(poetry or personal narrative)
S = Speaker
 The voice that tells the story. Before an author
begins to write, he/she must determine
whose voice is going to be heard—a fictional
character or the author him/herself?
 The voice of the speaker influences the
meaning of the text.
 Ask yourself:
What do we know about the speaker?
How does his background affect his point
of view on the subject?
The attitude of the author. Authors
communicate tone through diction
(word choice), syntax (sentence
construction), imagery (metaphors,
similes, and other types of figurative
SOAPSTone – Tone Con’t
Ask yourself:
What is the attitude of the speaker or
writer as revealed by the choice of
Tone words: academic, formal, informal,
sarcastic, humorous, informative,
reflective, persuasive, casual,
argumentative, passionate, cautionary,
condescending, respectful, etc.
Attach the SOAPSTone Chart to pg. 28
(Left Side)