Construction Specifications for the 21st Century

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Transcript Construction Specifications for the 21st Century

Specifying for LEED
• BSD SpecLink-E supports the following LEED
Green Building Rating Systems:
– Version 3 (2009), including:
LEED-NC for New Construction and Major Renovations
LEED for Schools
LEED-CS for Core and Shell Development
LEED-CI for Commercial Interiors
– Pre-2009 versions of all the above, plus:
• LEED-EB for Existing Buildings, Upgrades, Operation, and
Maintenance, version 2
LEED Design Criteria
Strategies –
– Achieving LEED certification will depend
heavily on early design decisions, including
site selection
– Design-build process makes early costeffective decisions possible
– Waiting until the construction documents
phase to begin making green decisions may
make achieving LEED certification difficult or
LEED Design Criteria
Study Rating Document & Checklist –
LEED Design Criteria
Identify the Goal –
For All 2009 Editions:
– Certified:
40 points
– Silver:
50 points
– Gold:
60 points
– Platinum: 80 points
– Plus prerequisites that must be met for rating
LEED Design Criteria
• 2009 Editions offer 4 Regional Priority
– If one of the 6 identified credits is achieved, an
extra point is awarded
– Each U.S. zip code has its own set of regional
priority credits
Specifying for LEED
Identify Non-Specification Issues•
Site Selection
Availability of Alternative Transportation
Parking Capacity, Reduced Parking Impact
Reduced Footprint, Site Disturbance
Overall Design for Reduced Energy Needs
Optimization of Energy Performance
Purchasing Green Power
Provisions for Recycling
Ventilation Design
Prohibition of Smoking
Operational Issues: cleaning, pest control
Specifying for LEED
• Rating System Criteria Categories
– Sustainable Sites
– Water Efficiency
– Energy & Atmosphere
– Materials & Resources
– Indoor Environmental Quality
– Innovation & Design Process
Specifying for LEED
SpecLink-E provides another way of
strategizing credits:
Grouping things that:
― Are
required: All prerequisites
― Are either possible or not: Existing site options,
existing building limitations
― Will not be in the construction contract: Site selection
options, green power, school site master plan, tenant
long-term commitment
― Can be assigned completely to the Contractor: e.g.,
waste management, IAQ procedures
Specifying for LEED
. . . and grouping things:
are “good sense,” low- or no-cost: e.g., water
efficient landscaping, bicycle storage, parking capacity.
design discipline: e.g., architectural, plumbing,
HVAC, electrical
Materials” Issues: e.g., recycled, rapidly
renewable, regional, certified wood, low VOC, etc.
Specifying for LEED
• LEED Credit Summary
• BSD SpecLink-E includes an automated LEED
Credit Summary checklist section for each rating
system that organizes the potential credits logically
and helps you determine those that are most
feasible for your project.
• Links from the checklist automatically select
appropriate options, highlight relevant sections,
and select specific requirements within those
Specifying for LEED
First select the section that covers the rating system to be
used for the project – either one of the four 2009 editions or the
original Credit Summary section with the pre-2009 editions.
Specifying for LEED
Next, activate the
Optional Checklist and
select a credit category.
Specifying for LEED
Each credit in that
category is
highlighted and some
design solutions are
Selection of a design solution automatically turns
on the appropriate sections elsewhere in the spec.
Specifying for LEED
The LEED Certification Procedures
Section automatically summarizes the
project’s LEED provisions and lists all the
sections with detailed requirements.
Specifying for LEED
BSD SpecLink-E also includes eight
submittal forms that provide a convenient
mechanism for submitting documentation
needed for LEED certification.
LEED Submittal Forms
• Helps Contractor Submit Data for
Certification Submittals
Material Cost Summary Form
Wood-Containing Product List
Metal-Containing Product List
Material Content Form (recycled, rapidly renewable)
New Product Source Form (regional)
Reused Product Source Form
Accessory Material VOC Content Certification
LEED Submittal Report
BSD SpecLink-E includes an automatic
LEED report that lists all sections in the
project that require LEED submittals
Other LEED- and
“Green”-Oriented Sections
• 01 5713 - Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control
• 01 5721 - Indoor Air Quality Controls
• 01 6000 - Product Requirements (project-wide material
requirements and prohibitions)
• 016116 - VOC Content Restrictions
• 01 7000 - Execution and Closeout Requirements (site drainage,
pollution prevention)
• 01 7419 - Construction Waste Management and Disposal
• 01 9113 - General Commissioning Requirements
• 01 9114 - Commissioning Authority Responsibilities
• 02 6500 - Underground Storage Tank Removal
• 02 8400 - Polychlorinate Biphenyl (PCB) Remediation
Other LEED- and
“Green”-Oriented Sections
• 06 1000 - Rough Carpentry (and other Division 6 sections)
(prohibition on old growth timber, sustainably harvested wood,
salvaged and re-used wood)
• 075050 - Vegetated Roof Components
• 07 9005 - Joint Sealers (VOC limits)
• 09 6223 - Bamboo Flooring
• 09 6800 - Carpeting and 09 6850 - Carpet Tile (low VOC)
09 9000 - Painting and Coating (VOC limits)
23 0800 - Commissioning of HVAC
23 2113.33 - Ground-Loop Heat-Pump Piping
31 1000 - Site Clearing (limits on site disturbance)
32 1125 - Turf Surfaced Roadways
32 1413 - Precast Concrete Unit Paving (open-grid pavers)
Other Specifier Aids for LEED
• BSD’s Specifiers’ Library on the web:
– SpecLink-E Model Project for a LEED
Platinum Elementary School
– K12 Model Space Program
– LEED K12 Checklist for a New School
– LEED K12 Checklist for a School in an
Existing Building
– Vegetated Roof Components spec
with BSD SpecLink-E
Building Systems Design, Inc.
(888 273-7638)
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