Transcript Document

Alberta Swine
Traceability System
2014 Regional Meeting
Update & How To
Serving Alberta Pork Producers to Enhance Prosperity
Background & General Notes
 Regulations for reporting all movements will be coming into effect
provincially this spring
 Farm to farm or ALL movement is coming into effect nationally on July 1st,
 It is important to note that for Alberta producers, there is no need to report
up to the Pigtrace (national) system. So long as shippers, transporters and
receivers comply with the Alberta Swine Traceability System, they will
comply with the national system
 Producers phoning in on different scenarios
Producers Cards
 The Alberta Pork Producers cards are your initial tool when completing the
Alberta Swine Manifest
 The Producer cards contains the information needed to complete the
 Producers are assigned a producer cards per premises
 Producers are advised to get an updated producers if:
 The producer card currently in possession is older than 2 years old
 If the information on the producer card is no longer valid
Producer Cards continued….
 Producer Cards have the
following numbers:
 Alberta Pork Producer Name
 Alberta Pork Producer Number
 Region
 Premises Name
 Premises Identification
Number (PID)
 Legal Land Description (LLD)
 Tattoos (All tattoos assigned to
that premises)
Shipper section of Manifest
Shipper section of Manifest
Receiver’s Name
PID of Receiving Site
Producer Name
AB Pork Producer #
Premises Name
Premises ID (PID)
24 Hour Phone #
Approved Swine Identifier (Tattoo)
Transport Section
 Transport Company Name or Self Haul
 Driver’s Name
 24 Hour Contact
 # of Head
 Tractor License
 Trailer License
 Date & Time of Shipment
 Transporter Signature
Receiver Section
 PID (Receiving Site)
 Premises Name (Receiver Site)
 Receiver Name
 24 Hour Contact
 # of head received
 Date & Time
 Receiver Name & Signature
Who Submits & When?
Any Movements WITHIN Alberta:
 The RECEIVER submits the completed manifest (White Top Copy)
Any Movements outside of Alberta:
 The Shipper submit the completed manifest (3rd Copy)
Movements Coming Into Alberta:
 The receiver will start a manifest and complete the receiver section. As well as
submit any other paper work associated with the movement (Saskatchewan
Manifest, etc…)
How to Submit the Manifest?
Manifest can be submitted to the Alberta Swine Traceability System by:
Fax at 1-888-715-4563
Email to [email protected]
Any Questions?
For more information on the Alberta Swine Traceability System please
Christina Carley at 1-877-247-7675
Or by e-mail
[email protected]