Transcript Slide 1

g-din Branko Azeski,
Pretsedatel na
Stopanskata komora na Makedonija
Welcome addresses
Mr. Branko Azeski,
President of the Economic Chamber of
Koja e celata na na
odr`uvaweто na na{iot
Which is the objective of the
organization of our Forum?
U~estvoто na trgovskata razmena so EU,
vo vkupnata trgovska razmena na
Republika Makedonija, pove}e godini ja
nadminuva polovinata na istata.
The share of trade exchange with the EU, in the
overall trade exchange of the Republic of
Macedonia, for several years surpass the half of it.
Republika Makedonija e vo direktеn
bilateralno reguliran trgovski odnos so EU
od 1991 godina, so jasno izrazena
aspiracija za priklu~uvawe kon neа osobeno jasna koga se raboti za privatниот
Republic of Macedonia is in direct bilaterally
regulated trade relations with the EU since 1991,
with clearly expressed aspiration for joining the
Union- especially obvious when the private sector is
Ovoj Forum, organiziran od strana na privatниот
sektor, ima za cel
biznis-zaednicata u{te edna{ da го naglasi
nekompromisниот konsenzus na poдdr{ka во
odnos zabrzanoто asocirawe na Republika
Makedonija so Evropskata unija i NATO.
This Forum, organized by the private sector, has a
goal, the business community to stress once again
the uncompromised consensus of support
regarding the faster association of the Republic of
Macedonia with the European Union and NATO.
Patot kon Brisel
vodi preku sorabotka so sosediте
- taa kovanica na na{ite evropski prijateli, којашто е
milion pati povtorena, zasega najdobro ja sфati
biznisot kojшто, svedoci sme, sekojdnevno gi
eliminira grani~nite barieri i ja unapreduva
ekonomskata sorabotka.
The road towards Brussels leads through cooperation
with the neighbors – that neologism of our European
friends, which is repeated for million times, is best
understood so far by the business, which, as we are
witnesses of, everyday eliminate the border barriers
and upgrade the economic cooperation.
Javnosta gubi mnogu energija na
famoznoto pra{awe:
Koga datumot za pregovorite?
The public use much energy on the famous
When will be the negotiation date?
Energijata u{te pove}e treba da ja naso~ime, pred se na
zgolemuvawe na sinergijata pome|u politi~kata voqa,
administrativniot kapacitet i ekspertskiot. Toa e
edinstveniot pat koj }e ne dovede do baraniot odgovor.
Privatniot sektor o~ekuva negoviot ekspertsi
kapacitet da bide iskoristen!
We should direct more our energy, mostly to the
increasing of the synergy between the political will,
administration capacity and experts’ capacity.
This is the only way that will bring us
to the requested answer.
Private sector expects its experts` capacity to be used.
]e ja iskoristam ovaa prilika da potsetam
Stopanskata komora na Makedonija,
kako doma}in,
ima dokazi za aktivnиот odnos
kon EU-integrativниот proces.
I avail myself of this opportunity to remind that the
Economic Chamber of Macedonia, as host,
has evidences for the active relation towards
the EU integration process
- Preтstaveni sme i aktivno participirame vo Nacionalniot
sovet za EU-integracija na Republika Makedonija;
- ^lenovi sme na Evropskata komora - Eurochambres, {to
ni ovozmo`uva, pokraj drugoto, ve}e od sega, zaedno so
komorite od zemjite-~lenki na EU да vlijaeme vrz
kreiraweто na regulatornaта ramka na delovниот ambient
vo EU;
- We are represented and we actively participate in the
National Council for EU Integration of the Republic of
- We are members of Eurochambres, which enable us, among
other, since now, together with the Chambers of the EU
member states to have impact over the creation of the
regulatory frame of the EU business environment;
- сo Eurochambres i komorite od Zapaden Balkan, vo
ramkite na КARDS-programaта vo 2004/2005 godina go
realiziravme Пroektот za institucionalno zajaknuvawe;
- оvaa godina so Eurochambres i со komorite od
Zapaden Balkan го zapo~naвме Пroektот za
zajaknuvawe na kapacitetot za privlekuvawe stranski
investicii vo regionot;
- With Eurochambres and the Western Balkan Chambers, in
the frames of CARDS Programme in 2004/2005 we have
realized the Institutional Strengthening Project;
- This year with Eurochambres and the Western Balkan
Chambers we have started the Project for strengthening of the
capacity for attraction of foreign investments in the Region;
- кomorite-~lenki na Asocijacijaта na бalkanskite komori,
zaedno so Unijaта na germanskite industriski i trgovski
komori (DIHK), od 2001 godina se во Пroektot Partneri,
finansiran od strana na Vladata na Сојузна Republika
Proektот e naso~en kon izgraduvawe na komorskiот
institucionаlen kapacitet, regionalnaта sorabotka,
pribli`uvawe kon EU i unapreduvawe na stopanskata
sorabotka na regionot so Geramanija;
- Member-chambers of the Association of the Balkan Chambers (ABC) in
association with the Union of German Chambers of Commerce and
Industry (DIHK), since 2001 are in the Partners Project, financed by the
Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Projects is
directed towards the building up of the chambers institutional capacity,
regional cooperation, approach to the EU and promotion and
development of the economic cooperation of the Region with Germany;
- бevme partneri i doma}ini na Evro Info Centarот;
- сega sme del od konzorciumot so Univerzitetot „Св.
Kiril i Metodiј„ i Agencijata za podдr{ka na
pretpriemni{tvoto i doma}ini na eden od trite Moduli na
Evropskata pretpriemни~ka mre`a (European
Enterprise Network) - sukcesor na Evro Info Centarот.
- We were partners and hosts of the Euro Info Center;
- Now we are part of the consortium with “Ss. Cyril and
Methodius” University and the Agency for Promotion of
Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia and are
hosts to one of the three Modules of the European
Enterprise Network – successor to Euro Info Center.
Privatniot sektor ima kapacitet i jasna voлјa vo
partnerstvoto so javniot sektor да го prezemе svojot
del od odgovornosta za idninata, kako na nacionalnо
nivo, taka i na regionalno.
Osobeno vo ovoj ~uвstvitelen moment niz koјшто
minuva svetskata ekonomija.
Private sector has capacity and clear and obvious will in
partnership with the public sector to undertake its part of
the responsibility for the future, on national level, as well as
on regional level.
Especially in this delicate moment which
the world economy is going through.
Ovа go ka`uvam ne samo vo imeто na makedonskata
biznis-zednica, туку i vo imeто na regionalnata. Dекa e
toa taka, potvrduva i prisutnosta na pretsedatelite i
preтstavnicite na
11 nacioнalni stopanski komori od Jugoisto~na Evropa.
Molam da gi pozdraviмe.
I say this not only on behalf of the Macedonian business
community but also on behalf of the regional business
community. That it is true, confirms the presence of the
presidents and representatives of 11 national chambers of
economy from the Southeast Europe.
I ask you kindly to greet them all.
Deneska }e mo`eme da gi slu{neme iskustvata na 3
grupi na zemji:
- ~lenki na Evropskata уnija (Slovenija, Bugarija,
- kandidati za ~lenstvo vo EU (Makedonija, Hrvatska,
Turcija) i
- aspiranti za ~lenstvo vo EU (Srbija, Albanija, BiH i
Crna Gora).
Today we will hear the experiences of the 3 groups of countries:
- members of the European Union (Slovenia, Bulgaria and
- EU candidate status countries (Macedonia, Croatia and
Turkey) and
- aspirants for membership in EU (Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Montenegro).
Celiot toj kolorit na razli~ni statusi dovolno jasno
zboruva за фактот kolku sme me|usebno oddeleni na
tolku mal prostor.
The whole that coloring of various statuses explains
clearly enough the fact how we are mutually
separated on such a small space.
Postoi samo edna zaedni~ka niшka {to ne spojuva site
nas - toa e biznisot i edna edinstvena cel - toa e
evroatlanтskata integracija.
Zatoa, sekojdnevno da gi unapreduvame ekonomskite
relacii i da gi zabrzame ~ekorite kon Evropskata уnija se nadevam toa }e bidat i klu~nite poraki od dene{niot
There is only one common link which connected us all – and
that is the business and one unique goal –and that is the
Euro-Atlantic integration. Therefore, everyday we have to
upgrade and develop the economic relations and to speed up
our steps towards the European Union – I hope that those will
be our key messages from today’s Forum.
Vi blagodaram za Vnimanieto!
Thank you for Your Attention!