Transcript Slide 1

Noelle Buick
Chief Inspector
Education and Training
Chief Inspector’s Report 2010-12
Achieving value
Key findings
Overall our education system provides good value
and has many positive features.
However...... there is still too much variation in:
outcomes; quality of provision; leadership and
Effective self-evaluation key to improvement.
Learning skills
Key findings
Curriculum/range of provision is mainly appropriate but
aspects need more focus.
Majority of learning and teaching is good or better; need to
build on this to increase the very good and outstanding.
Significantly improved CEIAG in post-primary schools.
ICT is well used in special schools; requires improvement
post-primary schools and WBL inspected.
Continued development of literacy and numeracy skills a
Transforming communities
Key findings
Closing the achievement gap is critical.
Partnership working benefits learners.
Need to encourage all parents and carers to recognise
the importance of their child’s education and attendance
at school.
Stronger focus needed on the contribution of education
to economic growth.
Need to build on IFI ‘Sharing in Education’ programme.
Special educational needs and inclusion
Provision in the special schools inspected is high quality:
 Mainstream
 Pre-school
 Primary
 Post-primary
 Irish medium schools.
Special educational needs and inclusion
In conclusion:
Special schools: Overall effectiveness good or better in
90%; achievements and standards improved.
Mainstream schools: profile, priority and support for pupils
with SEN improving.
EOTAS: Need to improve achievements and standards;
accommodation and resources.
Need to:
1. Recognise sustained capacity building as a driver for change
and improvement.
2. Collaborate and co-operate to share and grow effective
3. Measure outcomes more rigorously and ensure greater
progress for all learners.
Use of ICT in special schools
Noelle Buick
Chief Inspector
Education and Training
Chief Inspector’s Report 2010-12