Transcript Rounding

You can be asked to round to the nearest:
• the nearest whole number,
• the nearest ten/ hundred etc,
• a specified number of decimal places,
• a specified number of significant figures
357.956 to 2 decimal places
To round: mark where you are rounding to.
If the next number down is 5 or more, your marked
number goes up one. 357.95
357.96 to 2 dp.
357.956 to 1 decimal places
357.9 6
358.0 to 1 dp.
The 0 is
1359.83 to 2 dp
1359.8 to 1dp
1360 to nearest whole number
1360 to nearest ten
1400 to nearest hundred
1000 to nearest thousand
Significant figures
• The furthest left non zero number is your first
significant figure.
• e.g 596.32 0.003296 4002
• The next one right is the second sig fig and so
3rd sig fig
1st sig fig
2nd sig fig
To 3 Significant figures
596.32 = 596
0.003296 = 0.00330
4002 = 4000
So a number to 3 significant figures can have
more than 3 digits if zeros are required to
keep the value of the number