Transcript Slide 1

Building Coordinators Network
Building Coordinators Network
Meeting Agenda
Campus Master Plan Updates – Rod Lehnertz
UI Recycle Improvements – Valerie RiChard
Campus Outdoor Warning System – Bruce McAvoy
Building Access Controls – Dan Heater
Facilities Condition Assessment – Ann Rosenthal
Campus Master Plan Updates
Rod Lehnertz
Director, Campus & Facilities Planning
Campus Master Plan Updates
A Look Inside…
Campus Master Plan Updates
UI Recycle Program Improvements
Valerie RiChard
Associate Director, Operations & Maintenance
Landfill Waste 4532.18 tons 78%
Refuse Recycled 1271.56 tons 22%
Total Refuse
5803.74 tons 100%
UI Recycle Program Improvements
Current Environment
• Community Engagement
– Requests from students, faculty and staff
– Reduce UI’s environmental footprint
• Comprehensive Program
– Desk to Dock
– Materials Recycled
• Opportunities for Efficiencies
UI Recycle Program Improvements
UI Recycling Task Force
• Composed of students,
faculty, and staff
• City of Iowa City
• Major service units
• UI Purchasing
UI Recycling Task Force
Short term committee goals
Explore opportunities to:
• Expand collection of
• Reduce UI waste sent to the
• Report to VP’s Phil Jones &
Doug True.
Individual Responsibility
Reducing Carbon Footprint
“Green” Initiatives
Student, Faculty & Staff
Energy Conservation
Green Activities
UI Recycle Program Improvements
Improvement Initiatives
• Initiate Outdoor Plastics Collection
• Expand Indoor Plastics Collection
- Health Sciences Campus Pilot
• Increase Paper and Cardboard Collection
UI Recycle Program Improvements
Recycling Containers
Funding and Grants
– DNR SWAP Funds
– Coca-Cola Bin Grant
– Iowa DNR P2 Intern Program
Solid Waste
September 2007
UI Recycle Program Improvements
UI Waste Characterization Study
• Reducing waste sent to the
• Recycle planning
– Location
– Size/Style
– Cost
The UI field guide
for conducting
UI Recycle Program Improvements
Key to Waste Sort Process:
30 – 60 Samples Needed!
Bags of
W = Waste
R = Recycle
O = People (Green)
Waste Sorting Tables
Outdoor tent in high visibility location
UI Recycle Program Improvements
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
Bruce McAvoy
Public Safety
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
• Initially the system was in response to the
Tornado in April 2006, to provide better severe
weather notification coverage to the UI Campus
• Can be used for more than just severe weather,
but for “all-hazards” (chemical release, violent
incident, etc.)
• Has the capabilities to transmit “live voice”
from a central location
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
System Components
• 5 “siren” towers
All solar powered, radio activated, installed on 55 ft. steel
poles, and are expandable to 10 cells
Parklawn (10 Cell Tower)
Banks Field (8 Cell Tower)
Boyd Law (6 Cell Tower)
Melrose & Morman Trek (6 Cell Tower)
Oakdale Campus (6 Cell)
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
System Components, continued
• 3 siren encoders
– UI PD Emergency Communication Center
– UI PD Command Vehicle (Explorer)
– Portable Kenwood Handheld Radio
• Remote receivers (VA-2000)
Receives alerts issued from UI PD via warning system; text
messages in place of recorded messages and has “live voice”
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
• During severe weather events when other sirens in
Johnson County are activated
• At the direction of the UI leadership during other
• “Silent tested” every week
• Functional testing first Monday of every month
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
When you can combine an all-hazards outdoor warning system
with voice capabilities and a text messaging mass
notification system, you can reach over 99% of your campus
during an emergency situation.
James Lee Witt
Former FEMA Director
Campus All-Hazards Warning System
Building Access Control Project
Dan Heater
Director, Operations & Maintenance
Building Access Control Project
Where We Are Today
How We Got Here
Building Access Control Project
Right to the Point!
We have selected:
American Magnetic Access Group
As Our Building Access Software/Firmware
Manufacturer to provide a de-centralized Access
Control System
Building Access Control Project
We have selected:
Security Equipment, Inc.
As the selected AMAG Access Control System reseller,
installer, and integrator.
As a manufacturer’s qualified integrator SEI can provide
fully integrated access control, CCTV, fire, intercom,
lock hardware and security systems.
Building Access Control Project
How Did We Get Here?
• Through the hard work of a campus-wide
cross-functional team with members from:
Building Access Control Project
Cross-functional team charged with selecting a new
card access and security control system:
Public Safety
Vice President of Research (Animal Care)
Information Technology Services
College of Engineering
University Housing
Facilities Management
Building Access Control Project
Initially the team evaluated 10 Access and
Control Monitoring System manufacturers.
Through evaluation and by applying a points
grading system the team narrowed the list to
three manufacturers: AMAG Technology, Lenel
Systems, and Software House.
Building Access Control Project
AMAG, Lenel and Software House representatives were
invited to campus for a presentation of their systems
software/firmware technical and functional
After extension review, analysis, and end-user testing:
AMAG and Lenel were selected as having acceptable
solutions for our ACMS needs.
Building Access Control Project
• Acceptable manufacturers were narrowed to:
– AMAG Technology
– Lenel Systems International
• An RFP was sent to seven integrators
• Security Equipment Inc, was selected and will
provide AMAG control technology
• Contract is being awarded to SEI
• Madison Street Services Building will serve as the
pilot project
Building Access Control Project
• Creating a Secure Campus
Is a shared responsibility and is being led by the
UI Police Dept., Facilities Management, and
Academic and Research Departments.
Through the collaborative efforts of these key
stakeholders an Access and Security Strategic
Plan is being developed.
Building Access Control Project
The Plan is addressing three key objectives:
Risk Assessment
Within these key objectives there are up to 14
key strategic points.
Access & Security Strategic Plan
A Strategic Plan is being developed and will address:
Access Control Administration
Security and Risk Assessment
System Installation Standards
Issuing and Controlling Cards and Keys
Integrating Employee Databases with Control System
Security System Monitoring
Service and Support Business Model
Installation and Conversion Plan
Building Access Control Project
• Additional Information and Training Session
FM, Operations and Maintenance will be
providing an opportunity in Mid-December for
Building Coordinators to attend a more
detailed informational training session on
Building Access Control Systems and the
Access and Security Strategic Plan.
Building Access Control Project
Facilities Condition Assessment
Ann Rosenthal
Associate Director, Operations & Maintenance
Facilities Condition Assessment
• Initiated:
• Consultant:
• Scope:
February 2004
ISES Corporation
Stone Mountain, GA
Identify the conditions of our
facilities, quantify the deficiencies,
and provide a database of the
Facilities Condition Assessment
Upcoming Workshop
• Fall/Winter 2007
What’s in it for the Building Coordinator?
• Definition of building-related terms
• Information for college/departmental space planning
• Tools for decision-making
Facilities Condition Assessment
Facility Condition Needs Index
Deferred Maintenance + Capital Renewal + Plant Adaption
Facility Replacement Cost
Facilities Condition Assessment
Web Interface to information on your facility…
Facilities Condition Assessment
Provides the Institution…
– Common Language
– Total-Cost-Of-Ownership Decision Making Model
– Board Policy Changes on Stewardship
– Project Impact Examples
• Art Building Phase II
• Chemistry Renovation
• Old Music / Seashore Hall
Facilities Condition Assessment
Building Coordinators Network
Thank you!