Rise of Modern Japan

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Rise of Modern Japan
Emerging Power
 By the end of the 19th century Japan emerges as
modern imperialist power.
 Follow examples of western nations
 Isolationist Policy
Commodore Perry
 First Nation to break
isolation ->
 Mathew Perry arrives at
Edo Bay with American
 Returns six months later
with much larger fleet
Treaty of Kanagwa
 Treaty between Japan and United States
 Return of shipwrecked American sailors and opens
two Japanese Ports to Western Traders
 Japan would go on to sign similar treaties with
European nations as well
Meiji Restoration
 Begins after overthrow of the shogunate system in
Japan by the Sat-Cho alliance
 Sat-Cho mistrusted the west but realize Japan must
adapt to survive
 New Leaders embark on a reform of foreign policy
Japanese Expansion
 Japanese copy western Imperialism.
 Feel the need to imperialize in order to compete with
westernized nations
 Begins in 1874 when they claim the control of Ryuku
Islands ->
 Japan would then go on to force Korea to open trade
China vs Japan
 1880’s rivalry between China and Japan intensifies
 2 Nations go to war ->
 Treaty put in place to recognize Korean Independence
 China also loses Taiwan and the Liadong Peninsula->
Russia vs Japan
 Rivalry over the influence of Korea raises tensions
between the two
Russo-Jap War begins in 1904
Launches Surprise attack on Port Arthur
Russia sends half of the Baltic Fleet to East Asia
Russians agree to humiliating defeat in 1905
Eye Opener
 Japan establishes its Sphere of Influence in Korea ->
Role recognized by the United States
 Japan recognizes United States’ role in Philippines as
 Korea annexed by 1910
 1907, Teddy Roosevelt establishes an agreement to stop
Japanese immigration.
A Zaibatsu Economy
 Meiji era reforms lead to increasing prosperity/
modern, industrial, and commercial sector
 Various manufacturing processes concentrated within
single enterprises -> Zaibatsu
 This concentration of wealth will lead to economic
Growing Complications
 Economic crisis will add to the problems on inequality
 City workers poorly paid/housed
 Inflation of food prices-> food riots
 Rapid population increase
 Results in a return to traditional Japanese values
 Traditionalists strongly objected the growing influence
of western ideals
 Denounce Japan’s attempt to find security through
cooperation with West
 Feel Japan should focus on its strength to dominate
Japan and the West
 Japan’s policy of Imperialism is beginning to raise
concern in the Western Nations
 1922 U. S holds conference with nations with interests
in Pacific
 Treaty put in place to recognize integrity of China/
maintenance to Open Door policy
Rise of Militarism
 Japan moves toward more democratic gov. -> old
influence remains strong
End of 1920’s military group within ruling party gains
Extremist groups begin to form
Manchuria is conquered in a short period of time.
Government is soon dominated by military
 Japan put on wartime status
 Draft law passed in 1938
 Resources placed under government control
 Political parties merged to Imperial Rule Assistance
Imperial Rule Assistance
 Calls for Japanese
 Disbandment of labor
 Education and culture
purged of most western
Japanese Path to War
Mukden Incident
 September 18, 1931, Japanese soldiers disguised as
Chinese soldiers destroy small section of Manchurian
 Looked to blame on Chinese as justification for
military advancement
 Manchuria is rich in resources beneficial to Japanese
 Japanese expansionist policy
 By 1932, Manchuria is formed into a separate state and
renames it Manchukuo
 Leads to world-wide protest against Japan
 League of Nations sends investigators -> Japan
withdraws from League
 U.S. refuses to recognize Japanese takeover-> does
NOT threaten force
Military Dominance
 Japan continues to expand in the Pacific
 Successfully establish control over inner-Mongolia
along with areas in North China
 Emperor Hirohito and Japanese gov. have no control
over military
 By mid-1930’s militants connected to armed forces and
government seize control
War With China
 China looks t avoid conflict with Japan in way of a
larger threat -> Communists
 China appeases Japan by allowing it to govern areas in
Northern China
 Japan begins to move south-> Chinese protests against
Japan grow stronger
 December 1936- China organizes military front from
Communists to the Japanese
Rape of Nanjing
 Japan has no intent of declaring war on China
 Japan seizes Chinese capital of Nanjing in 1937
 City destroyed, over 100,000 citizens massacred and
held prisoner
 Chinese relocate government to Chongqing and
continue to resist.
Pearl Harbor
Bell Ringer
Do you think the Leaders of
Japan were happy with the
outcome of Pearl Harbor? Why
or Why Not?
Pearl Harbor
 December 7, 1941-> Japanese aircraft attack U.S. naval
base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii
 More than 3,500 Americans killed
 “ A day that will live in infamy”
Japan on the Move
 That same day, Japan will attack the Philippines and
advance on Malaya
 Would later go on to invade the Dutch East Indies
 By Spring of 1924 much of the western Pacific falls to
the Japanese
Triumphant Japan
 Japan sets out to create a community of Nations
 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
 Entire Region under Japanese direction
 Japan has new intention of liberating southeast Asia
from western colonial rule
 Resources for War Machine
Hideki Tojo
 New Japanese policy
dictated by Prime
Minister Tojo
 Hoped to destroy U.S.
fleet in pacific
 Thinks Roosevelt
administration would
accept Japan’s
domination in the
U.S. Involvement
 Attack on Pearl Harbor unifies American opinion for a
pro war effort
 U.S. will join with European nations and Nationalist
China in order to take down Japan
 Hitler declares war on U.S. four days after Pearl Harbor
 Believes U.S. involvement in Pacific will make them
ineffective in the European Theater
The Asian Theater
 1942 -> tides begin to turn in the east
 May 7th -> Battle of the Coral Sea
 Battle of Midway -> U.S. defeat Japanese navy and
establish naval superiority in Pacific
 Fall of 1942 Allied forces put together 2 operations
 Douglas McArthur -> Moves into Philippines
 Island Hopping