Transcript Unit 4

Fitness training and programming
To achieve P1 you need to define each
component of fitness, describe one method of
training that can be used to improve the
following components of fitness:
 Cardiovascular endurance
 Muscular endurance
 Strength
 Flexibility
 Body composition
 Power
 Speed
To achieve M1 you need to explain the methods
of fitness that can be used to develop each
component. In your explanations you should
give reasons as to why you have selected each
method. Consider the:
 Benefits of each method over others
 Implications of each method over others
Slightly different to previous assessment tasks as you
need to define how to improve each aspect,
remember lots of training types can achieve different
things dependent of a a variety of factors
 FITT principle
 Frequency: how often you do the activity (e.g 1 sessions a
week, 3 sessions a day)
 Intensity: How heavy the weight is or how many reps, how
hard you have to work to achieve what you are trying to do
(RPE scale)
 Time: how long you exercise for
 Type: what you are doing linked to the previous three
Commonly long in duration low intensity (4070% HRMAX) aiming to develop the
efficiency of the CV system.
In recent years interval training and higher
intensity bouts (+70%) have provided more
“bang for your buck” allowing Athletes to
achieve the same in much shorter time
4/4 most commonly used aerobic tool
4 mins on (3 off- active recovery, dynamic stretching, walking, keepups)
Sprints, high intensity interval or fartlek have also been found to improve
CV capacity as well as developing other energy systems simultaneously
Longer in duration, lower in intensity (% of
1RM) often in circuit form using body weight
or light Dumbbells
Example session:
 Press ups (3x25), Supine Pull-ups (3x15), Mason
Twists (3x20), Shoulder Push press (3x15), Pull-ups
(3x15), S/L BW Squats (3x15 e/l)
To improve strength an athlete needs to be
working in and around 80% of their 1RM
consistently for 4-6 sets, 4-6 reps with maximal
recovery time
 It is often most effective to train using
compound lifts (multi muscle, multi joint),
exercises such as Back squat (whole body),
opposed to bi-cep curls (isolation of muscles)
these exercises are more functional and have
more potential to transferring into on-field
There is Variety of ways to effectively train flexibility
 Dynamic/ ballistic - used in all sports as part of a warm up
to aid injury prevention, short term holds (2-4 seconds,
continuously and progressively)
 Static (passive)- Holding stretch for 15-30 sec
Slow Active Stretching (SAS) – Stretch, relax then
restretch. Used in pilates, aerobics focusses on breathing
 Partner assisted- partner hold athlete in a stretch (3/10
pain rating) for 15-30 seconds, great as part of a cool down
 PNF- similar to partner assisted but has to use of
resistance to increase range of motion
 Myofascial-release (foam rolling)
 Strength training- if technique is correct can have
a positive impact on flexibility (for example squat
depth will increase flexibility of hamstrings, glutes
and hip flexors)
Decrease in body fat can be developed
through a multiple of training parameters;
 Interval, fartlek, continuous, strength, power,
speed. The most effective way is a combination of
all alongside a well-managed diet.
Power/ Strength training- high intensity, high
velocity (speed) resistance training often
using Olympic lifts and their derivative
(simpler movements or components of the
Ballistic/ Plyometric training is also very
Effective use of the stretch shortening cycle
and short contact time will improve power
with little or no resistance (weight) required
other the body weight.
As long as these rules are followed speed work can take any shape, it needs to be
relevant to the sport in context and have appropriate queues (triggers) in order to
be effective.
Change of direction in a tight
Use of the ball as a stimulus
Competitive element
6 repetitions, 80 second
recovery between reps 3 sets
choice of distance reflected the distances. >50% of sprints studied in the
premier league were less than 10m in distance
6 repetitions, 60 second
recovery between reps
3 sets
Ball as stimulus
Add in GK
Increase distance to 15m
Add in changes of