Transcript Slide 1

Diabetes And Pregnancy

Etiological Classification

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Type 1 A

Immune-mediated β-cell destruction

Type 1 B

Idiopathic β-cell destruction

Type 2

Range from insulin resistance to insulin secretory defect with insulin resistance

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Genetic mutations in β-cell function Genetic defects in insulin action Genetic Syndromes-Down, Kleinfelter, Turner Diseases of exocrine pancreas-e.g., pancreatitis, … Endocrinopathies-e.g., Cushing Syndrome, … Drug or chemical induced-e.g., thiazides, … Infections-e.g., congenital rubellla, CMV

Gestational Diabetes

Classification of Diabetes Complicating Pregnancy Class A1 A2 Onset Gestational Gestational FBS < 105 mg/dl > 105 mg/dl 2-hr PP < 120 mg/dl >120 mg/dl Therapy Diet Insulin F R H Class B and C D Vascular disease None Benign Retinopathy Nephropathy Proliferative Retinopathy Heart Therapy Insulin Insulin Insulin Insulin Insulin

Screening Strategies


Blood glucose testing not routinely required, if all of the following characteristics are present:

Member of an ethnic group with a low prevalence of

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gestational diabetes No known diabetes in 1 st degree relatives Age < 25 yr Weight: normal before pregnancy No history of abnormal glucose metabolism No history of poor obstetrical outcome

Screening Strategies


Perform blood glucose testing at 24-28 weeks using one of the following:

Average-risk: women of hispanic african, native

american, south or east asian origins High-risk: women with marked obesity, strong family history of type 2 diabetes, prior gestational diabetes, or glucosuria

Screening Strategies


Perform blood glucose testing as soon as feasible if gestational diabetes is not diagnosed, blood glucose testing should be repeated at 24-28 weeks or at any time a patient has symptoms or signs suggestive of hyperglycemia:

ACOG Criteria

ACOG 2001 Criteria for Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Using 100-g GTT Status Fasting 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr

Plasma/Serum Carpenter et al.

mg/dl 95 180 155 140

National Diabetes Plasma Data Group

mg/dl 105 190 165 145

Postpartum Evaluation

Postpartum evaluation for Glucose Intolerance in Women with Gestational Diabetes Normal Fasting < 110 mg/dl 2-hr < 140 mg/dl* Impaired fasting Glucose or Impaired Glucose Tolerance 110-125 mg/dl 2-hr ≥ 140-199 mg/dl* Diabetes Mellitus ≥ 126 mg/dl 2-hr ≥ 200 mg/dl* * Requires a 75-gr glucose load

Pregnancy Outcomes


Preterm birth


Growth restriction

Still Births

Perinatal mortality

Pregnancy Outcomes

Preeclampsia Frequency (%)

B: 12

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C: 22 D: 23 F: 54 Total: 21

Pregnancy Outcomes

Congenital Malformations (in type 1 DM)

Caudal regression

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Situs inversus Spina bifida, hydrocephaly, or other CNS defects Aencephaly Heart Anomalies (Transposition of great vessels, VSD, and ASD)

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Anal-Rectal Atresia Renal Anomalies (agenesis, cystic kidney, duplex ureter)



30-35 Cal/kg of ideal body weight

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3 meal and 3 snakes daily 55% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 25% fat, and less than 10% saturated fat

Lower caloric intake in Obese women as long as weight loss and ketonuria are avoided


Insulin is usually recommended when standard dietary management does not consistently maintained the FBS < 95 mg/dl, or 2-hr PP < 120 mg/dl (ACOG 2001)


Intrapartum Insulin Infusion: Blood Glucose (mg/dl) < 100 100-140 141-180 181-220 > 220 Insulin Dosage (Unit/hour) 0 1 1.5

2 2.5

a Intravenous Fluids (125 ml/hr) D5 Lactated Ringer D5 Lactated Ringer Normal Saline Normal Saline Normal Saline a Dilution is 25 unit of Regular insulin in 250 ml of normal saline with 25 ml flushed through line administrated intravenously. A finger-stick glucose test is performed every 1-2 hr. The insulin pump and intravenous solution are adjusted accordingly.

Adverse Effects

Fetal Effects


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Preterm Delivery Malformations Unexplained fetal death Hydramniosis

Neonatal Effects

Neonatal Distress

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Hypoglycemia Hypocalcemia Hyperbilirubinemia Cardiac Hypertrophy Long-term Cognitive Development Inheritance of Diabetes Altered Fetal Growth

Adverse Effects

Maternal Effects

Diabetic Nephropathy

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Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Neuropathy Preeclampsia Ketoacidosis Infections