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Breakfast Series #1
“How to Obtain A Stormwater
Permit In Georgetown County”
November 5, 2008
Tracy Jones, P.E., Stormwater Division Mgr
Zollie Green, P.E., Senior Engineer
Chris Allen, CEPSCI, Senior Inspector
Shelly Jordan, Billing Coordinator
Why Have A Stormwater
Management Program?
Mandate by the U.S.
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) through South
Carolina Department of Health
and Environmental Control
Reduce the discharge of
Protect water quality
MS4 – Municiple Separate Storm
Sewer System
The Storm Water Phase II rule was
published on December 8, 1999, and
generally requires operators of small
MS4s in urbanized areas to develop
and implement a storm water
management program which addresses
six (6) minimum control measures.
Six Minimum Control Measures
Public Education and Outreach
Public Participation and Involvement
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Construction Site Runoff Control
Post Construction Site Runoff Control
Pollution Prevention and Good
Georgetown County
MS4 Permit Coverage
Georgetown County received its MS4
Permit Certificate of Coverage on
September 1, 2008, after an appeal of the
The Appeal of the MS4 Permit gave
Georgetown County the right:
Not to be a Qualified Local Program (QLP).
Not to perform reviews for DHEC/OCRM.
MS4 Permit Requirement MCM #4
Construction Site Stormwater
Runoff Control
Goal: Reduce sediment discharges on sites that
are one (1) acre or larger
Develop an ordinance to require erosion and
sediment controls and ensure compliance
Requirements for construction site operators to
control waste (discarded building materials,
concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, etc.) on
Develop procedures for site plan review and site
inspection which incorporate consideration of
potential water quality impacts
MS4 Permit Requirement MCM #5
Post-Construction Stormwater
Reduce both pollutants and physical impact of new
development resulting in land disturbance one (1) acre
and greater, both structural and non-structural Best
Management Practices (BMP’s) long term.
Structural BMP’s: detention pond, grassed swales, filter traps,
infiltration basins
Non-structural BMP’s: policies and ordinances that require
minimizing impervious area, buffers along sensitive areas,
increase open spaces, offer education programs for developers
re: low impact development, and ensure long-term
maintenance of BMP’s
Conditional Letter of Approval
“ A review of the referenced project has been
completed and the project meets the
requirements of the Georgetown County
Stormwater Ordinance. Due to additional
permits needed such as the DHEC/OCRM
NPDES General Permit coverage letter and the
SCDOT Highway Encroachment Permit,
conditional approval is given at this time.”
Preliminary Plan Review
New GC Plan Review Committee has been created.
-Four County Departments discuss and review
plans in the development phase.
- Meetings once per month
GCSW strongly encourages preliminary plan review
with staff.
- Conceptual Ideas
- Innovative Techniques/BMPs
Post-Construction Water Quality
GCSW wants to encourage you to incorporate
a water quality feature on every site plan.
 Bioretention/Rain
 Infiltration techniques
 Cisterns
 Green roofs
 Pervious Pavement
 Constructed wetlands
 Buffers
Georgetown County Stormwater
Stormwater Permit Application
 Permit map
 Flowcharts: outsideMS4 Area
inside MS4 Area
SWPPP Templates: required on all sites 1 acre
and above.
Submittal Checklists
Breakfast Series #2
December 10, 2008