Open Educational Resources(OER) as Pedagogy

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Transcript Open Educational Resources(OER) as Pedagogy

Exploring the OPEN in OER
Dr. Michael Mills, Vice President of ELearning, Innovation, and Teaching
Excellence, Montgomery College
Professor Samantha Streamer Veneruso,
Professor of English, Montgomery College
Innovation Works Coordinator
Today, we will…
 Discuss the benefits of Open Educational
Resources (OERs)
 Explore the definition of Open in OER
 Introduce how OERs can be used to
transform learning
What are OERs?
OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that
reside in the public domain or have been released under an
intellectual property license that permits their free use and
re-purposing by others. Open educational resources
include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks,
streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools,
materials, or techniques used to support access to
-Hewlett Foundation
Why OERs?
• Cost
• Access
• Retention/Student Success
• Textbook costs up 82 % last decade
• Average textbooks cost $1200-$1300/year
• Breaking down barriers
• Keeps students in school
• Increases engagement/collaboration
• Students drive their own learning
Retention/Student Success
©All Rights Reserved
Ink”- David Wiley
Free($) ≠ Open
Open ≠ Free
Format Barriers
Gated Access
The 5 R’s- David Wiley
the right to make, own, and control copies of the
content (e.g., download, duplicate, store, and
the right to use the content in a wide range of
ways (e.g., in a class, in a study group, on a website,
in a video)
the right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the
content itself (e.g., translate the content into
another language)
the right to combine the original or revised
content with other open content to create
something new (e.g., incorporate the content into
a mashup)
the right to share copies of the original content,
your revisions, or your remixes with others (e.g.,
give a copy of the content to a friend)
“Innovation thrives when
the costs and obstacles
to experimenting are low.”
David Wiley @opencontent
Open = Opportunity
 Success
 Retention
 Access
 Transform teaching and
 disciplinary fields of knowledge
 access to information
 job demands
 outcomes for education
 Integrative learning
 “wicked problems”
 Maker movement
 Students
Textbooks and traditional materials
Open materials expand and
Open resources
Space and Opportunity
 Faculty as facilitator
 Among faculty
 In disciplines
 Across disciplines
 Student and faculty
 Student as creator
 Authentic texts, problems,
 Among students
Pause for Questions…
 How would using OERs impact your teaching?
 What could you do differently?
 How could OERs help you collaborate with your
colleagues in and across disciplines?
 Share ideas with an elbow partner.
New General Studies Degree Program
• Fostering the
integration of
personal and
academic goals,
learning across
courses, disciplines,
time and experiences
• Demonstrating
Advanced application
of General Education
ongoing goal
setting, and
alignment with
course and activity
Promoting the
development of an
academic identity
founded on learning,
goals, and personal
General Studies OER Fellowship
 Redesigning courses with open resources
 Teams of 2-3 faculty
 Developing sets of OERs for courses
 Developing integrative learning opportunities
 Aligning resources with the needs for the new courses.
 15 weeks, 7 facilitated sessions, 7 lab sessions
Outcomes of GS OER Fellowship
In this fellowship, discipline teams will, with feedback from the discipline,
 Curate, adapt, and/or develop a set of open educational resources to
supplement or replace existing course materials for an identified General
Studies course;
 Develop an evaluation rubric to evaluate OER resources consistently;
 Create a plan for students and faculty both from their home discipline and
other disciplines to access to the OER set;
 Create a long term plan to maintain and refresh materials;
 Develop integrative learning assignments/activities/opportunities to be used,
and shared, for their course;
 Develop a table of contents that outlines OER resources and identifies how
resources might be used by other disciplines;
 Share resource set and integrative learning assignments/activities with the
 Participate in an Open Educational Resources Showcase during Fall 2015
Professional Week.
Products of GS OER Fellowship
 An OER resource set to supplement or replace existing
 A plan for making resources available to students,
discipline faculty, and faculty outside the discipline
 Faculty and Student OER Evaluation Rubrics
 Open integrated assignments
Contact us…
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