Pure Protection Plans - ICICI Prudential LIFE Insurance

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Transcript Pure Protection Plans - ICICI Prudential LIFE Insurance

The insurance plan that gives added protection, savings and multiple options, all in one.


  

Choose your contribution amount Increase your premium contribution as required.

Choose between 3 levels of cover (in the form of sum assured) for the same amount of total annual contribution.

Level of Sum Assured Amount of SA


Annual Prem* (Term-5)


Annual Prem* Term


Annual Prem* (Term+5)  

Flexibility of shifting between the three levels of cover (as per your changing requirements) Flexibility of receiving your maturity proceeds as a lumpsum or in equal annual instalments over 3 or 5 years.

Accumulation of policy value

 At the end of every year, the company will declare a bonus interest that will be applied on the allocable portion (premium after deduction of charges) of your premium.

 This bonus interest will have a compounding effect on the value of your policy.

 The payment of the accumulated value of your policy (including the bonus interest declared) is guaranteed on maturity, or in the case of unfortunate death, along with the sum assured.

The Benefits

On Maturity

 The accumulated value of the policy will be paid at maturity. If the value of your investment is more than the accumulated value of your policy, then that too will be paid.

On Death

 On death of the life assured up to age 7 years, the accumulated value along with the bonuses will be paid.  On death of the life assured after age 7 years, the beneficiary will get the sum assured and the accumulated value, including bonuses will be paid.

Added Benefits

Loans :

Available after 3 premium paying years.

Surrender Value

 Policy acquires a surrender value after 3 premium years.  The guaranteed surrender value is 35% of {All premiums paid – (first year’s premiums + rider premiums + extra premiums)}


 Added protection to your family against any health hazards or unfortunate eventualities.

 Critical Illness Rider  Major Surgical Assistance Rider  Accident and Disability Benefit Rider  Accident Benefit Rider  Income Benefit Rider  Waiver of Premium Rider


Age :

0 – 60 years  

Maximum cover ceasing age :

75 years

Term :

10 – 30 years 

Minimum Premium :

Rs. 6,000 p.a.

Charge structure

Premium allocation

   43% of your premium in the first year.

85% in the 2 nd and 3 rd year.

95% from the 4 th year onwards  Fixed charge of Rs. 300 per annum  The investment administration charges would be an amount equal to 1.25% of the investment value.

 Mortality would be charged on an annual basis from the contribution.

SecurePlus – At a glance

Minimum Sum Assured Maximum Sum Assured Minimum Premium Minimum Age At Entry Rs. 30,000 (Thirty Thousand) No Limit Yearly - Rs. 6,000, Half-yearly - Rs. 3,000 Monthly - Rs. 500 0 Years Maximum Age At Entry Minimum Maturity Age Maximum Maturity Age Minimum Term Maximum Term Sum Assured In Multiples Of Premium Payment Frequencies Premium Payment Period Benefit Coverage Period 60 Years 10 Years 75 Years 10 Years 30 Years Rs. 1,000 Yearly, Half-yearly and Monthly. The monthly mode is only though ECS (Electronic Clearing Service) Entire Term Of The Policy Entire Term Of The Policy

SecurePlus – At a glance

Death Benefit During The Term Of The Policy < 7 Years Of Age > 7 Years Of Age Maturity Benefits Surrender / Paid Up Policy Loans Riders Allow ed Accumulated Value Including Bonuses Sum Assured + Accumulated Value Including Bonuses Accumulated Value Including Bonuses After 3 Full Years Premiums Have Been Paid Allow ed After The Surrender Value Period Accident & Disability Benefit Rider (ADBR) Accident Benefit Rider (ABR) Critical Illness Benefit Rider (Accelerated) - (CIBR) Major Surgical Assistance Rider - (MSAR) Income Benefit Rider (IBR) Waiver of Premium Rider Remarks Charges Notes * 3 Levels Of Life Insurance Cover - Basic [(Premium Paying Term - 5) * Annual Premium], Standard [(Premium Paying Term) * Annual Premium] & Enhanced [(Premium Paying Term + 5) * Annual Premium] 1st Year - 57% 2nd & 3rd Year - 15% 4th Year Onw ards - 5% * Age Is Defined As Age Nearer Birthday

Underwriting Guidelines

Initial Requirem ents M edical Requirem ents Rating factor for SA Keym an Insurance

Proposal Form ACR Age Proof (Non Std acceptable with extra prem ium s and restrictions) M inor Lives Questionnaire (If age of LA is between 0 and 14) Allowed under JET as per the current JET norm s, m edical reports as per special m edical exam ination chart if the proposal is not covered in JET schem e.

1 Allowed