Transcript Slide 1

Online Laser Monitoring for the CMS ECAL: 2006 Test Beam Results

APS Meeting - Jacksonville, FL Christopher Rogan California Institute of Technology On behalf of the CMS ECAL Collaboration April 14, 2006


CMS Detector

Crystal ECAL

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General purpose detector

p-p collision at CM energy of 14 TeV

Goals: Discover the Higgs, new physics beyond standard model, …




ECAL supermodule, showing individual modules

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Electromagnetic calorimeter

~76,000 Lead Tungstate (PbWO 4 ) crystals

ECAL Barrel: 36 supermodules



CMS is building a high resolution Crystal Calorimeter (ECAL) to be operated at LHC in a very harsh radiation environment.

Resolution design goal: ~0.5% constant term Calibrating and maintaining the calibration of this device will be very challenging. Hadronic environment makes physics calibration more challenging

PbWO 4 Crystals change transparency under radiation The damage is significant (few % - up to ~5 % for CMS ECAL barrel radiation levels) at high luminosity The dynamics of the transparency change is fast (few hours) compared to the time scale needed for a calibration with physics events (weeks - month).

Correct using the observations of laser monitoring system

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Laser Monitoring System

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Lasers at two different wavelengths:

1 = 440 nm

2 = 796 nm

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Laser Monitoring System

Laser light is injected into the crystals via fiber-optic cables

Avalanche photodiode response is measured (APD)

Light is also injected in reference PN diodes

Ratio of APD and PN responses is used to monitor crystal transparency changes

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Irradiation Crystal Response

Monte Carlo with a ~12 hour LHC fill cycle

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Irradiation Crystal Response

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Test Beam 2006

Test Beam at CERN from June to November 2006

One ECAL supermodule in beam at time

15-250 GeV electrons

Intensity: Up to 50K events / 60s, Approx. 15 rad/hour ECAL SM 22

Online monitoring system was implemented to reconstruct laser runs and log values Moveable stand Beam line

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Online Laser Monitoring

For each laser run:

APD and PN pulses reconstructed

APD, APD/PN and PN distributions for each channel (1700 per SM) are fit and used to extract mean values

Similar distributions are monitored in geometric groupings (half SM, light modules); used for potential corrections

Correlations between different values (APD - APD/PN - timing, Chi2, etc.)

9 ECAL supermodules examined

Over 1,600 laser runs processed

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Online Monitoring Stability


All channels, all modules : Stability 1.4 % from gauss fit to peak.

Raw stability


APD/PN Overall stability good, even at this basic level without any further corrections.


Get APD/PN ratios for each channel, each SM

Normalize average APD/PN to 1 for each SM

Fit gauss to normalized APD/PN for each channel

Sigma of these fits is the stability

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Offline Monitoring Stability Example for one SM (22)

Small systematic change in reconstructed APD value related to Peak timing.

Correct APD/PN ratios with a simple linear function of peak timing


Mean before and after correction : 0.180 % 0.088 % Peak before and after correction : ~0.170 % ~0.05 %

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Example Irradiation Cycle

Normalized laser and electron responses Xtal 168 SM 22

For each electron response point an interpolated laser response value is calculated

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Xtal 168 SM 22 Relative electron response

Example Correlation Plot


Relative Laser Response

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Example Corrected Resolution

120 GeV electrons, 3x3 crystal matrix Xtal 168 SM 22

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Measured the APD/PN stability for individual channels on a large scale

Demonstrated reasonable online APD/PN stability; could be used for online electron response corrections

Achieved offline APD/PN stability for majority of channels with simple corrections. Further corrections are currently being studied

Demonstrated the ability to maintain resolution during irradiation

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