Transcript 幻灯片 1

Unit Fourteen
• Research shows that by using computers, students
become better problem solvers and better
communicators. Over a network, using 1 and sharing
files, students have the chance to collaborate and work
2 with other classmates, peers, and teachers.
1. A. letter
B. e-mail
C. book
D. message
2. A. alone B. forward C. together D. along
• Networking electronically can 3 learners create,
analyze, and produce information and ideas more 4
and efficiently.
3. A. help
4. A. hard
B. lead
B. easily
C. give
D. force
C. helpfully D. greatly
解析3: Lead sb. to do sth. 引导/带领某人做某事;force sb
to do sth. 强迫某人做某事;give sb. sth.给某人某物;
help sb. do/to do sth. 帮助某人做某事。选项A是正确的。
分析,展示信息和观点。。 ’’
• Networking people “put the inspiring and usable set of
tools 5 reach of the mass of computer 6 ,
empowering them to 7 beyond simply processing
information to design, publish ,and express”(Melle,1996).
5. A. to
B. of
C. under
D. within
6. A. learners. B. programs C. users.
D. tools
7. A. go
B. went
C. do
D. did
解析5: within reach方便、在手边,固定词组。网络人在网络上放入很
解析7: go beyond超越,固定词组。power,名词,加前缀em-构成动
词,empower sb. to do sth., to 后接动词原形。这些工具可以使计算
• Through this 8 electronic access to the world around
them, students’ social awareness and 9 increase.
8. A. decreased
B. raised
9. A. confidence
C. convenience
C. fell
D. increased
B. consideration
D. conscience
D,increase 则指数字、水平的提高。因此,选项D是正确的。
心,consideration 考虑、关心,convenience 方便,conscience良心。
• Networking 10 them from the limitations of 11 writing
tools that often inhibit and restrict writing processes.
10.A. free
B. frees
C. stop
D. stops
11.A. modern
B. contemporary
C. new
D. traditional
解析10.11:这两个空可先做后者。分析writing tools that
often inhibit and restrict writing processes这个句子。T
inhibit and restrict了写作过程。两个动词并列,说明意思
知道也不影响对这句话的理解(inhibit 抑制、约束)。再
• Learning is then 12 from a traditional passive-listening
exercise to an experience of discovery, exploration, and
12. A. moved B. passed
C. transformed
D. transfer
• Students can begin to 13 their full potential when 14
are empowered to contribute and collaborate as a team
to accomplish their writing tasks 15 effectively.
13. A. see
B. realize
14. A. he
B. it
15. A. better B. less
C. dream
C. they
C. more
D. develop
D. her
D. worse
解析13: 全文强调的是通过网络,学生增加了合作,也因此增强了信心,
• Canada is the second largest country in the world in area,
although its __1__ is only some 25 million, most
___2____ in a 200-mile strip___3___ the southern
1. A. people B. residents. C. population D. number
2. A. residing B. living
C. stay
D. inhabit
3. A. down
B. along
C. beside
D. near
解析1: 第一句说地域的大小,此句又提及两千五百万,断定
“population 人口”应为正确答案。选项C是正确的。people人,
解析2: reside居住,inhabit居住。二者指居住在某地,强调的是居住本
身,live in 生活,强调的是生活在某地。stay短期停留。选项B是正
解析3: 词空前用strip(带状),空后用南部边境。可以判断,应是沿着
along 沿着,beside在旁边,near在附近。
• Over 25% of the ____4_____ number live in the three
main cities. The northern areas of the country are almost
uninhabited ____5____ for isolated settlements.
4. A. absolute
5. A. except
B. total
B. but
C. all
C. only
D. complete
D. besides
完全的,total 总数的,complete 完全的。
• 超过总人数25%的人生活在三大主要城市。加拿大北部地区几乎没有
• Canada is ____6____ a rich country, and its national
_____7____ per capita is the fifth highest in the world,
but its economy in recent years has been rather
____8_____, because of the varied nature of what it
6.A. fundamental B. widely C. overall
D. basically
7 A. product
B. resource C. production D. manufactures
8. A. seedy
B. patchy C. sporty
D. scratchy
解析7: national production per capita人均国民产值。
解析8: seedy多种子的、破烂的,patchy凑合的、不调和的,spotty遍处
译文: 加拿大基本上是一个富有的国家。她的人均国民产值排世界第五,
• Over the last three years, the Canadian economy has
been hard ___9____ by falling oil prices and by rising
US interest ___10____. This has ___11____ to a steep
fall in industrial production ---- by as much as a fifth since
9. A. influence B. hit
C. pushed
D. hammered
10. A. jobs
B. founds C. rates
D. industries
11. A. caused
B. moved C. amounted D. led
解析9: has been done,这里应用动词的过去分词构成被动语态,排除
选项A。influence左右、影响,这是名词;hit 打击;pushed促进;
解析10: interest rate利率。选项C是正确的。
解析11: cause sth.引起某事,move移动,amount总计、等于,lead to
译文: 过去的三年中,加拿大经济由于油价的下跌和美国利率的上升而
• Some __12__ now think Canada is on the ___13____ to
discovery, though more cautious spirits say that no
___14____ can be expected until there is a __15___to
lower interest rates in the USA.
12. A. economists B. scholars C. Canadians D. scientists
13. A. line
B. period
C. time
D. road
14. A. uplift
B. cheer
C. future D. improvement
15. A. tendency B. shift
C. lift
D. hike
解析13: On the road to recover/success正在复苏/成功、走向复苏/成功,
解析14: Though表示转折,该词后面所提的前面不一致。前后两组人的
Hawaii, the youngest state of the USA, is different in
many ways from the mainland states. The Hawaiian
people are a mixture of the ___1____ Hawaiians and
many immigrants who arrived____2____.
1. A. local
B. original
C. folk
D. migratory
2. A. later
B. first
C. earlier
D. last
解析2: Who引导定语从句,修饰它前面的名词。既然是immigrants,肯
When the first pineapple plantations____3_____ in
Hawaii in the 1900’s, there were not enough people
living on the islands to do all the work. ___4____more
came: the Chinese, Japanese, and the Portuguese
were the main groups.
3. A. planted
B. would plant
C. were being planted
D. had been planted
4. A. When
B. That.
C. So.
D. Though
译文: 在二十世纪初,人们开垦菠萝种植园时,住在这的人数不够从事
• For many years, Hawaiians customs were looked down
on or ___5____. Now there is new pride in the old ways.
Children are learning the __6____language and the
traditional songs and dances. At the University of Hawaii
there is a great deal of interest in the history of the
islands and the culture of the ____7____.
5. A. respected B. admired C. damaged D. ignored
6. A. Chinese B. Hawaiian C. Japanese D. Portuguese
7. A. past
B. today
C. America D. other countries
解析5:此空前面有一个词组“瞧不起(look down on)”,后面的一句又说如今
• Visitors to the islands ____8____ to see the island
paradise as it ____9____to be. Large numbers of
tourists from the Mainland____10_____ in Hawaii daily.
8. A. enjoy
B. willing
C. want
D. are like
9. A. are used B. was
C. used
D. would
10. A. approach B. arrive
C. reached
D. stay
解析8:此空后面是to do sth。排除选项A:enjoy doing sth;此空前没有系动词,
排除选项B:be willing to do sth。 be like 意为“像”。选项C是正确的。
解析9: be used to sth 习惯于某事,used to do sth 过去常常做某事,be to do
sth 将要做某事,would do 过去将来时。这篇文章通篇讲的是夏威夷过去的
解析10: approach走近、靠近,arrive in/at(a place)到达某地,reach(a
• Signs of modern tourism are ___11_____.Honolulu and
its suburbs, a quiet area of about 250,000 thirty years
___12_____, is now a crowded area of 800,000
residents and ___13____.
11. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
12. A. before
B. ago
C. over
D. near
13. A. tourists
B. immigrants C. people D. crowds
250000人口的安静的地方。现在却成了拥有 800000居民和旅游者的拥挤的
• As you drive around the island of Oahu, you can find
some of the beaches are closed___14_____ the public,
and more and more tourist resorts are being built in
areas that were unspoiled. Hawaiians___15____ about
what will happen to the old way of life.
14. A. for
B. from
C. toward
D. to
15. A. wonder
B. think
C. puzzle
D. worry
解析14:表达对……关闭用close to。选项D是正确的。
Shirley Allen loved to sing and play the piano. She
studied music in college. Her dream was to become a
1 or singer.
A. pianist
B. professor
C. clerk
D. supervisor
解析1:前面说Shirley Allen喜欢唱歌、弹钢琴,并且学的就
• Everything 2 when she was 20 years old. She
became sick with typhoid fever and almost died. Doctors
gave her 3 to help her get well, but the medicine
her to become totally deaf.
2. A. differed
B. confused C. changed
D. mixed
3. A. suggestion B. advice C. medicine D. prescription
4. A. allowed
B. tempted C. convinced D. caused
from与……不同,sth confuse sb某事把某人弄糊涂,be confused 被
解析3:后面提到药物给Shirley Allen带来了什么。所以,这里医生给的应
解析4: tempt引诱,convince使信服,allow允许,cause造成、致使。后
半句说Shirley Allen彻底聋了,可以断定,服药的结果是耳聋。或说,
• She could no longer 5 the music which she had
always loved.
• Shirley would never give 6 playing the piano, but she
did decide to change 7 . She transferred to Gallaudet
University and studied English.
5. A. write
B. hear
C. perform
D. remember
6. A. in
B. off
C. back
D. up
7. A. attitude B. careers C. friends
D. cloths
解析5:既然是耳聋了,肯定是听不到了。Shirley Allen再也听不到她一直
说她还是决定改变。所以这句中的would never强调与改变相反的事:
弹钢琴。因此,这里应是永远不会放弃。give back归还,give in屈服,
give off放出,give up放弃。选项D是正确的。
解析7:从后面所说,Shirley Allen转学,由原来学习音乐改为学英语,可
以断定Shirley Allen不放弃弹钢琴,但她还是要改换专业,选项B是正
• In 1966 Shirley 8 from Gallaudet and looked for a job.
She wanted to be independent.
• She was asked to work at Gallaudet University as a 9
supervisor. Shirley supervised young women who lived
on campus during the school year. She also taught
English. Somehow she found time to 10
school at Howard University in Washington, D.C.
8. A. graduated B. studied
C. trained
D. gained
9. A. security
B. traffic
C. library
D. dorm
10. A. attend
B. describe C. search
D. find
Shirley Allen从这个大学毕业后就找工作使自己独立。选项A是正确的。
解析10: attend出席、参加,graduate school研究生院。加入研究生院的
In 1972, Shirley received her M.A. degree in counseling
11 that institution.
• Always ready for a new challenge, Shirley became a
professor at National Technical Institute for the Deaf
(NTID) in 1973 and she was also the
12 black and
deaf teacher on campus.
11. A. at
B. from
C. in
D. out
12. A. mere
B. just
C. very
D. only
解析12: mere仅仅的、纯粹的,very恰恰(超强调作用),just仅仅、正
• NTID is located in Rochester, New York. This college
offers 13 and hard-of-hearing students technical and
professional training.
• This 14 woman became the first black deaf female in
the world to receive her Ph. D in 1992, the 15 degree
in education from the University of Rochester in New
13. A. students B. teachers C. deaf
D. Shirley
14. A. strict
B. athletic C. wealthy D. amazing
15. A. high
B. higher
C. highest
D. much higher
解析13: offer sb sth为某人提供某事。空后是有听力障碍的人,由and连
Shirley Allen肯定是一个非同一般的人。strict严格的,athletic运动的,
• Los Angeles has planted 2,000 rubber trees down the
middle of one of its main streets. These trees do not 1
rubber. They are, 2 , made of rubber. Mr Joe Dynamo,
a spokesman for Los Angeles 3 council, explained the
reasons. He said:
1. A. invent B. do
C. produce
D. create
2. A. in fact B. eventually C. practically D. as a matter
3. A. country B. state
C. city
D. county
解析1: invent发明,create创造,produce生产。根据前面所说,种植的
• “These 4 are representative of our virtual society. We
have polystyrene grass on our golf 5 . We have nonmilk powder 6 our coffee.
4. A. plants
B. trees
C. rubber
D. streets
5. A. courses B. places
C. courts
D. playground
6. A. on
B. of
C. at
D. in
解析4: these肯定指的是前面所说的橡胶做的橡胶树。这段是用其他的例
解析5:高尔夫场地用course,golf course。选项A是正确的。
• We 7
copies in plastic of old wooden furniture. We
have fiberglass tombstones. 8 shouldn’t we have trees
mad of rubber?”
• “At 50 miles an hour, 9 motorist will see any difference.
7. A. make
B. introduce C. build
D. set
8. A. What
B. How
C. When
D. Why
9. A. some
B. no
C. many
D. a few
• And our preservation 10 will be lower. You give the
trees an annual rinse with detergent, and 11 them off
twice a year.
10. A. costs
11. A. sweep
B. price
B. wash
C. money
C. tidy
D. award
D. dust
尘。sweep them off把树扫掉,wash them off把树洗掉,tidy整理。
• We 12 a lot of money because transplanting, pruning,
weeding and leaf-collection are all 13 .
12. A. waste
B. keep
C. save
D. store
13. A. essential B. accidental C. unnecessary D. necessary
• And we have a 60-year 14 guarantee on each plant.
This is rationalization at 15 best.”
14. A. fade
B. non-fade C. die away D. everlasting
15. A. one’s B. its
C. their
D. the
解析15: at one’s best强有力的、全盛的。One’s表示它代表的事物,所
• When all the people had assembled, the king,
surrounded by his court, 1 a signal. Then a door
beneath him opened, and the accused man stepped 2
into the arena. Directly opposite him were two doors,
exactly 3 and side by side.
1. A. give
B. gives
C. gave
D. given
2. A. down
B. out
C. in
D. away
3. A. alike
B. out
C. big
D. closed
解析2:门打开,肯定是“走出step out”一个人。选项B是正确的。
解析3:“门 door”后用逗号,后面的短语是进一步说明是什么样的门。空
• It was the duty and the privilege of the 4 on trial to walk directly to
these 5 and open one of them. He 6 open either door he
pleased; he was subject to no 7 or influence.
4. A. person
B. king
C. people
D. lady
5. A. door
B. doors
C. audience
D. signals
6. A. should
B. would
C. must
D. could
7. A. push.
B. direction C. heading
D. guidance
解析4: On trial处于审讯中。根据上下文,选项A是正确的,其他的选项
解析6: Should,would,must所表示的应该、愿意、必须都不合题意。
If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger, the 8
and most cruel that could be found, which 9 sprang upon him and
tore him to pieces as a punishment for his guilt. 10 , if the accused
person opened the other door, out of it came a 11 lady, and to this
lady he was immediately married, as a reward of his innocence.
8. A. fiercest
B. wild
C. softest
D. weak
9. A. immediately. B. usually
C. sometimes D. frequently
10. A. Therefore.
B. Though C. But.
D. When
11 .A. little
B. angry
C. beautiful
D. old
解析8: And后面是最高级,空前有定冠词,也应是最高级,其意义应与
• This was the 12 method of administering justice. Its perfect
fairness is obvious. The criminal could 13 know out of which door
would come the lady; he opened either he pleased, without having
the slightest 14 whether, in the next instant, he was to be
devoured or married. So the accused person was instantly 15 if
guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot.
12. A. criminal’s
B. king’s
C. lady’s
D. tiger’s
13. A. even
B. also
C. especially D. not
14. A. interest
B. belief
C. idea
D. reason
15. A. punish
B. punishing C. punishes
D. punished
解析12: Administering justice执法。这就是国王如何判断有罪与无罪的
解析14: idea主意、迹象、想法。受审的人没有丝毫的主意下一步他会怎
确的。on the spot 当场、现场。
What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation?
In one 1 there are as many different kinds of English
as there are speakers of it. 2 two speakers speak in
exactly the same 3 .
1. A. meaning
B. sense
C. case
D. situation
2. A. Not
B. No
C. None.
D. Nor
3. A. type
B. form
C. sort
D. way
解析1: in one sense:固定搭配,“从某种意义上说”/
解析2:谓语的否定形式前置。“No two speakers speak…”
即“two speakers do not speak…”。
解析3: the same way:“同样的方式”/
We can always hear differences 4 them, and the
pronunciation of English 5 a great deal in different
geographical 6 .
4. A. between
B. among C. in
D. within
5. A. changes
B. varies
C. shifts
D. alters
6. A. areas
B. parts
C. countries D. spaces
解析4: between用于两者之间(的差别)。
解析5: vary in …指“在……方面的变化”。
解析6: parts:着重于指“部分”;spaces:着重指“空间
How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 7 ?
This is not a question that can be 8 in the same way
for all foreign learners of English.
7. A. direction B. guide
C. symbol
D. model
8. A. given
B. responded C. satisfied D. answered
解析7: direction:“方向”;guide:“向导”;symbol:
9 you live in a part of the world 10 India or West
Africa, where there is a long 11 of speaking English for
general communication purposes, you should 12 to
acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area.
9. A. Because
B. When
C. If
D. Whether
10. A. as
B. in
C. like
D. near
11. A. custom
B. use
C. tradition
D. habit
12. A. aim
B. propose C. select
D. tend
解析9: if引导条件状语从句。
“像……一样”,A若为“such as”也对。
解析11: a long tradition of…“……的悠久传统”。
解析12: tend to :“倾向于……,易于……”。
It would be a 13 in these circumstances to use as a
model BBC English or 14 of the sort. On the other
hand, if you live in a country 15 there is no
traditional use of English. You must take as your model
some form of native English pronunciation. It does not
matter very much which form you choose. The most
effective way is to take as your model the sort of
English you can hear most often.
13. A. fashion B. mistake C. nonsense
D. possibility
14. A. everything B. nothing C. anything
D. things
15. A. where
B. that
C. which
D. wherever
解析13: It would be a fashion…“这将是一种时尚……”。
解析14: anything of the sort:“任何这种类型的东西”。
“a country”。
How many different kinds of emotions do you feel? You may be 1
to find that it is very hard to specify all of them. Not only are
emotional feelings hard to describe in words, but also they are
difficult to 2 . As a result, two people rarely agree on all of them.
However, there are a number of 3 emotions that most people
1. A. shocked B. astounded C. surprised D. bewildered
2. A. list
B. recognize C. arrange
D. understand
3. A. necessary B. vital
C. essential D. basic
解析1: surprised“意外的”;shocked:“震惊的”;bewildered:“迷
解析2: list:“列举”。
解析3: basic emotions:基本情感。
When we receive something that we want, of something happens
4 we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a positive and
powerful emotion, 5 for which we all strive. It is natural to want
to be happy, and all of us search for happiness. As a general 6 ,
joy occurs when we reach a 7 goal or obtain a desired object.
4. A. if
B. what
C. that
D. when
5 A. one
B. the one
C. very one
D. only one
6. A. practice B. rule
C. law
D. sense
7. A. desired B. desirous
C. prospective D. fascinated
解析4: something不定代词必须由that引导定语从句。
解析5: the one指代上文提及的“a positive and powerful emotion”。
解析6: as a general rule:习惯用语“通常地,一般而言”。
解析7: desired:“渴望的,希望实现的”与下半句“a desired object”
8 people often desire different goals and objects, it is
understandable that one person may find joy in repairing an
automobile, but also 9 another may find joy in solving a math
problem. Of course, we often share 10 goals or interests and
therefore we can experience joy together. This may be in sports, in
theatres, in learning, in raising a family, or of 11 being together.
8. A. For.
B. When
C. Since
D. Being
9. A. however B. if
C. while
D. even though
10. A. same
B. common
C. positive D. different
11. A. just
B. purely
C. right
D. even
解析8: Since:“既然”,连词引导状语从句。For:作为连词时一般不
解析9: while作连词时,表示“然而,但是”的转折关系。
解析10: share common goals:“有共用的理想/目标”,习惯用法。
解析11: just:“仅仅,不过”的意思,仅仅聚在一起。
• When we have difficulty in obtaining desired objects or reaching
desired goals we experience 12 emotions such as anger and grief.
When little things get in our way, we experience 13 frustration or
tensions. For example, if you are dressing to go out 14 a date,
you may feel frustration when a zipper breaks or a button falls off.
12. A. bad
B. unpleasant
C. uneasy
D. negative
13. A. little
B. unnecessary C. less
D. minor
14. A. on
B. in
C. for
D. to
解析12: negative:“消极的”,对应上文中的“a positive…emotion”。
解析13: minor:“较少的,少数的,次要的”对应前文的“little things”。
解析14: go out for a date:“出去赴约会”。
• The more difficulty you have in reaching a goal, the more frustrated
you may feel and the more angry you may become. If you really
want something to happen, and you feel it 15 happen, but
someone or something stops it, you may become quite angry.
15. A. will.
B. shall
C. should
解析15: should表示“应该……”的意思。
D. would
• Even a careful motorist may have the misfortune to commit a
motoring 1 . In due course, having received a summons(传票),
he will appear in a police-court. In the court, the motorist hears his
name called by the clerk of the court, and comes forward to 2
himself. The magistrate(地方法官)then calls for the policeman
who 3 the offender and asks him to give evidence.
1. A. offence
B. crime
C. mistake
D. accident
2. A. identify
B. report
C. prove
D. defend
3. A. arrested
B. punished C. scolded
D. charged
解析1: commit an offence:“犯规,违章”;commit a crime:“犯
罪”;commit a mistake“犯错误”。
解析2: identify oneself:“查验某人的身份”。defend oneself:“为自
解析3: charge:“指挥,控告”;accuse:“控诉,起诉”;arrest:
• The officer takes the oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth. He also is expected to give an account 4
what happened when the offence was committed and to mention
any special circumstances. For instance, the offence 5 partly due
to the foolishness of another motorist. It would be unwise for the
accused motorist to exaggerate this. It will not help his case to try to
blame 6 for his own mistake.
4. A. about
B. for
C. of
D. in
5. A. should have been
B. must have been
C. may have been
D. could have been
6. A. someone else
B. something else
C. other someone
D. another someone
解析4: give an account of sth.“描述某件事”。
解析5: should have been:“本应该”;could have been:“本来可
以”;must have been:“肯定是”,may have been“可能应该”。
解析6:考查固定搭配someone else:“其他人”。
• The magistrate, 7 hearing that some other motorist is involved,
will doubtless say:“What is being done about this
man?”“Case coming up later this afternoon,” may 8 be the
9 you are guilty, it is of course wise to plead and apologize for
committing the offence and 10 the court’s time.
7. A. on
B. as
C. to
D. in
8. A. as well
B. well
C. as well as
D. just
9. A. If
B. Unless
C. Although
D. While
10. A. taking on
B. taking in
C. taking over
D. taking up
解析8: may well:“很可能”。
解析10: take on:(1)雇用;(2)呈现,显现;take in:(1)吸收;
(2)欺骗;take over:接管;take up:(1)占用(2)从事。
• Magistrates are not heartless and a motorist may be lucky enough to
hear one say:“There are mitigating circumstances, 11 you
have broken the law and I am obliged to impose a fine. Pay five
pounds. Next case”. 12 many offences, if you wish to plead guilty
you may do so by post and avoid 13 the court at all.
11. A. since
B. as
C. but
D. if
12. A. For.
B. As.
C. Like
D. To
13. A. attending
B. to attend
C. attend
D. having attended
解析12: for many offences:“对许多违规情况而言”。
解析13:“avoid doing”的固定搭配用法。
• Some short-tempered people forget that both policemen and
magistrates have a public duty to 14 and are rude to them. This
does not pay and rightly so! A magistrate will not let off an offender
15 because he is respectable, but the courteous(有礼貌的)
lawbreakers may certainly hope that the magistrate will extend to
him what tolerance the law permits.
14. A. act
15. A. slightly
B. perform
B. particularly
C. carry
C. exactly
解析14: perform a public duty:“执行公务”。
解析15: merely:“仅仅,只不过”相当于“only”。
D. implement
D. merely
• From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of
broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us.
When humans first 1 , they were like newborn children, unable to
use this valuable tool. Yet once language developed, the
possibilities for human kind’s future 2 and cultural growth
1. A. generated
2. A. attainments
B. evolved
B. feasibility
C. born
D. originated
C. entertainments D. evolution
解析1: evolved:“进化,发展”;generated:“生殖,发展”,born:
解析2: attainments:“成就,功绩”;feasibility:“可行性,可能性”;
• Many linguists believe that evolution is 3 for our ability to produce
and use language. They claim that our highly evolved brain provides
us 4 an innate(天生的) language ability not found in lower
organisms. Proponents(支持者)of this innateness theory say that
our 5 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops
gradually, 6 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood.
Therefore there are critical biological times for language
3. A. essential
B. available
C. reliable
D. responsible
4. A. for
B. from
C. of
D. with
5. A. potential
B. performance C. preference
D. passion
6. A. as
B. just as
C. like
D. unlike
解析3: be responsible for:“为……负责的”属于固定搭配,引申为
解析4: provide sb. with sth.:“向某人提供某物”。
解析5: potential:“潜力”;performance:“施行、履行”;
解析6: as:“作为,当作”,原句的意思是:“语言本身作为童年时期
• Current 7 of innateness theory are mixed; however, evidence
supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable.
8 ,more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages
are best taught in 9 grades.
7. A. reviews
8. A .In a word.
9. A. various
B. reference
B. In a sense.
B. different
C. reaction
C. Indeed
C. the higher
D. recommendation
D. In other words
D. the lower
解析7: reviews:“评论,论文”;reference:“参考”;reaction:
解析8: indeed在此处的意思是“甚至”,符合此句中表递进的关系。
解析9:联系下文中“young children often…”可知这里应填“the lower”:
• Yong children often can learn several languages by being 10 to
them, while adults have a much harder time learning another
language once the 11 of their first language have become firmly
10. A. revealed
11. A. regulations
B. exposed
B. formations
C. engaged
C. rules
D. involved
D. constitutions
解析10: be exposed to:“接触到,暴露于”固定搭配。
解析11: rule:“规则,规定”;regulation:“规定”;formation:
12 some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language
does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have
been isolated from other human beings do not possess language.
This demonstrates that 13 with other human beings is necessary
for proper language development.
12. A. Although
13. A. exposition
B. Whether
B. comparison
C. Since.
C. contrast
D. When
D. interaction
解析13: interaction:“相互作用,相互影响”,其他几个选项不符合语
• Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human
language 14 than any innate capacities. These theorists view
language as imitative, learned behavior. 15 ,children learn
language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually
shape their child’s language skills by positively reinforcing precise
imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.
14. A. acquisition
15. A. As a result
B. appreciation C. requirement
D. alternative
B. After all
C. In other words D. Above all
解析14: acquisition:“获得,获取”与“developments”相对应。
解析15: In other words:“换言之”,固定搭配;As a result:“结果
是”;After all:“毕竟”;Above all:“首先地”。
• Henry’s job was to examine cars crossed the frontier to make sure
that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every
morning, except weekends, he 1 see a factory worker coming up
the hill towards frontier, pushing a bicycle with a big load of old straw
on it. When the bicycle 2 the frontier, Henry used to stop the man
and make him take the straw off and 3 it.
1. A. should
B. would
C. might
D. must
2. A. arrived
B. appeared C. came
D. reached
3. A. show
B. load
C. untie
D. loose
解析1: would:可用于表示过去经常做某事,相当于“used to”。
解析2: arrived常与at/in搭配;appeared:“出现”是不及物动词;
came常与to/at搭配,也是不及物动词,能带宾语的只有D: reached。
解析3: show:“表演,展示”;load:“装载”;untie:“解开,松
Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see 4 he could find
anything, after which he would look in all the man’s pockets before he let
him tie the straw up again. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go
off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always 5 to find gold or
jewelry or other valuable things hidden is the straw, he never found 6 ,
even though he examined it very carefully.
4. A. that
B. where
C. how
D. whether
5. A. lucky
B. expecting
C. suspecting
D. insisting
6. A. nothing
B. something
C. everything
D. anything
解析4: that在引导宾语从句时不作任何句子成分;where作为疑问副词,
解析5: insist in(doing)sth:“坚持做某事”;lucky:“幸运的”,在
解析6: nothing与句中的“never”不能并用在此句中。something不用于否
• He was sure that the man was 7
something, but he was not
able to imagine what it could be.
• Then one morning, after he had looked 8 the straw and emptied
the factory worker’s pockets 9 usual, he 10 to him, “Listen, I
know that you are smuggling things 11 this frontier.
7. A. cheating
B. smuggling
C. stealing
D. pushing
8. A. through
B. thoroughly
C. upon
D. on
9. A. then
B. more
C. as
D. like
10. A. cried
B. said
C. ordered
D. told
11. A. cross
B. behind
C. across
D. into
解析7: cheating:“欺骗”,smuggling:“走私,逾运”;stealing:
解析8:考查动词与介词的搭配,look on:“旁观”;look upon:“视为,
对待”;look through:“翻阅,检查”。
解析9: as usual:“像往常一样”。
解析10: cried常与out 连用“大声喊”;say(sth.)to sb.:“对某人讲
• Won’t you tell me what it is that you’re bringing into the country so
successfully? I’m an old man, and today is my last day on the 12 .
Tomorrow I’m going to 13 . I promise that I shall not tell 14 if
you tell me what you’ve been smuggling.” The factory worker did not
say anything for 15 . Then he smiled, turned to Henry and said
12. A. job
B. work
C. case
D. duty
13. A. return
B. retreat
C. retire
D. rest
14. A. everyone
B. someone
C. no one
D. anyone
15. A. long time
B. period
C. moment
D. some time
解析12: job:一般指具体性的工作;work:指抽象的工作,不可数;
case:“案例,情况”;duty:“职责,责任”;on duty:“值班,
当班”;off duty:“下班”。
“某人”,用于肯定句;no one:“没有人”;anyone:不确指某
解析15: a long time是固定搭配,其中的不定冠词“a”不能省略;period:
• During the Olympic Games, people from all over world
come together in peace and friendship. The first Olympic
Games that we have 1 of was in Greece in 776 B. C.
The games lasted one day. The only 2 in the first
thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran the length
of the stadium. In 1896 the games were 3 again in
Athens, Greece.
1. A. books
B. history
C. records
D. publications
2. A. event
B. activities C. sport
D. play
3. A. held
B. took
C. set
D. planned
• The Greeks 4 a new stadium for the competition. 311
5 from thirteen countries 6 in many events. The 7
became national heroes. After 1896, the games were
held every four years during the summer in different
cities around the 8 . In 1908, in London, England, the
first gold 9 were given to winning athletes.
4. A. made
B. built
C. did
D. started
5. A. people
B. players
C. teams
D. athletes
6. A. fought
B. against
C. lasted
D. competed
7. A. failures B. winners
C. athletes D. players
8. A. country B. universe C. world
D. area
9. A. medals B. price
C. money
D. title
• The Olympic Winter Games 10 in 1924 in. Chamonix,
France. Athletes competed in 11 events such as skiing,
ice skating and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games
take place 12 four years. Until recently, Olympic
competitors could not be 13 athletes. All of the
athletes in the Olympic Games were amateurs. Today,
14 , many of the Olympic athletes are professionals
who play their sports 15 money during the year. Some
people disagree with this idea.
10. A. held
11. A. summer
12. A. any
13. A. professional
14. A. whereas
15. A. for
B. began
B. spring
B. other
B. amateur
B. however
B. by
C. took
C. winter
C. between
C. special
C. whoever
C. with
D. joined
D. fall
D. every
D. ordinary
D. whenever
D. out of
• “My name is Jim Shelley and I’m an addict (有瘾的
With these words I began to 1 the problem, the
problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people
2 , from the moment I woke up to the time I went to
sleep. I waited to be phoned. I want to phone. Just one
more call.
It started socially--- a few calls each day. It seemed
3 just a quick chat. Gradually though, the situation got
worse. Soon it was 4 use, until finally, addiction.
1. A. face
B. find
C. accept D. notice
2. A. now and then B. all the time C. at home D. at work
3. A. polite
B. important C. fine
D. special
4. A. frequent
B. regular
C. unusual D. particular
• And it began to affect my 5 . During the day I would
disappear for 6 call. If I couldn’t make a call, I spent the
whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more
and more anxious, in the end, I would ring someone,
then someone else, 7 myself just one more call.
5. A. friends
6. A. a quick
7. A. forcing
B. study
B. a secret
B. telling
C. family
C. an expected
C. giving
D. work
D. an extra
D. limiting
• I was phoning people and leaving messages to make
sure 8 calls would see me through the day. I used to
arrive at friends’ homes and before the door was closed,
go straight for the phone with the 9 “Is it OK if I just
use the phone……?”At work, I became 10 when my
fellow workers tried to 11 me from using the phone.
And one day I hit my boss (with the phone).
8. A. long
B. immediate C. enough D. surprising
9. A. saying
B. demands
C. wish
D. words
10. A. careful B. mad
C. determined D. helpless
11. A. save
B. reduce
C. protect
D. stop
• Finally the police caught me 12 a phone box that had taken my
last one pound coin, and I was 13 to see a psychiatrist(心理医
• I haven’t 14 a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it’s
several days since I used a phone box. I try not to watch TV
because there are 15 people on it making phone calls. My name
is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.
12. A. destroying B. using
13. A. offered
B. guided
14. A. missed
B. had
15. A. always
B. just
C. stealing
C. ordered
C. received
C. more
D. emptying
D. reminded
D. fixed
D. different
• Nobody wants to be 1 . Unfortunately our bodies can
develop problems. When we aren’t 2 , our bodies tell
us. Sometimes a part of our body hurts. When a part of
our body 3 , we say we have aches and pains. We
can have aches and pains 4 different parts of the body.
1. A. sleep
B. bad
C. cold
D. sick
2. A. healthy
B. good
C. health
D. fat
3. A. hurt
B. hurting
C. hurts
D. have hurt
4. A. at
B. in
C. on
D. with
• We call some simple 5 problems “aches.” For example,
we can have a headache, a toothache, and earache, a
backache 6 a stomachache. Other simple problems
are not 7 aches, so we describe them in different ways.
For example, we can have a sore throat, a sore leg or a
sore toe.
5. A. healthy
B. health
C. well
D. fat
6. A. and
B. as well as C. nor
D. or
7. A. talked
B. spoken
C. seen
D. called
• “Pain” is another word that we use to 8 a problem. We
can have a pain in the chest, a pain in the shoulder or
pain 9 the back. A pain is strong. Also, a pain hurts in
a specific place. When aches and pains aren’t too 10 ,
we can 11 medicine in the drugstore. Usually small
aches go away quickly.
8. A. describe B. tell
C. talk
D. speak
9. A. at
B. on
C. in
D. over
10. A. light
B. serious
C. series
D. heavy
11. A. sell
B. buy
C. get
D. have
• When pain is more serious, we 12 to visit the doctor
(or the dentist). The doctor asks us what our symptom
(症状)are. The doctor may 13 do tests or X-rays to
14 what is wrong. Then he or she will tell us 15 .
12. A. having B. had
C. have
D. has
13. A. must
B. should to C. not but must D. have to
14. A. believe B. know
C. talk
D. say
15. A. to do what
B. what to do
C. what should they do D. they to do what
• Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer.
But her writing skill was something she picked up by
herself. After her first 1 , teaching disabled children,
she became a part-time writer for IBM. 2 , writing
stories was simply a 3 interest. Tracy sent three of her
stories to a publisher(出版商). Interested, they
immediately suggested that she put them together to
make a single one long 4 and paid Tracy a 15,000
advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for 5
1. A. duty
B. effort
C. job
D. task
2. A. Instead B. Normally C. Certainly D. Then
3. A. general B. deep
C. personal D. lively
4. A. film
B. story
C. program D. article
5. A. a foreign B. a popular C. an unusual D. an unknown
• 6 Tracy’s characters(人物)are interesting, her
stories sometimes 7 readers uneasy::those about
the supernatural. “My mother believed I could 8 the
afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have
me speak with my grandmother, who died many years
6. A. Now that
B. Even though
C. Just because
D. Except that
7. A. find
B. turn
C. leave
D. hold
8. A. make up B. connect with
C. control
D. explain
• “Can I ? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But
I do have 9 when things come to me for no reason.”
Once, she was wondering how to complete a 10 set in
ancient China. Suddenly the doorbell rang. It was a
FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese
11 . It came without her having 12 it.
9. A. events
10. A. description
11. A. cooking
12. A. known
B. chances
B. painting
B. history
B. sent
C. feelings
C. scene
C. play
C. realized
D. moments
D. talk
D. medicine
D. ordered
• Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has
remained 13 by her fame. She lives in the same 14
she lived 27 years ago---although in a more comfortable
home. There’s more room for joy in her life---and it
wasn’t just 15 .
13. A. unchanged B. excited C. determined D. unmoved
14. A. life
B. city
C. house
D. way
15. A. writing
B. reporting C. luck
D. fun
• A high school history teacher once told us, “If you make
one close friend in school, you will be most fortunate. A
true friendship is someone who stays with you for life.”
1 teaches that he was right. Good friendship is just not
easily 2 .
• It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long
enough for a true friendship to 3 .
1. A. Knowledge B. Book C. Teacher
2. A. understood B. formed C. realized
3. A. design
B. intend C. develop
D. Experience
D. produced
D. appear
• However, we can be 4 disagreement on the need for
each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendship
we want.
• To most of us, 5 are considered very important, but we
need to have clear in our minds the kinds of friendship
we want. Are they to be close or 6 at arm’s length? Do
we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the
surface? For some people, many friendships on the
surface are 7 enough and that’s all right.
4. A. no
B. any
C. not
D. none
5. A. experiences
B. relationships
C. friendships
D. expectations
6. A. taken
B. left
C. given
D. kept
7. A. that
B. very
C. quite
D. not
• But at some point we need to make sure that our
expectations are the same as our friends’ expectations.
The sharing of 8 experience including our tears as
well as our dark dreams is the surest way to deepen
friendships. But it must be undertaken(进行)slowly
and 9 only if there are signs of interest and action
10 .
8. A. good
B. ordinary
9. A. carried through
C. carried on
10. A. by turns B. in return
C. social
D. personal
B. carried out
D. carried away
C. in turn
D. in answer
• What are some of the 11 of friendship? The greatest is
the attraction to expect too much too soon. Deep
relationships 12 time. Another “major difficulty” is the
selfishness to think one “possesses” the other, including
his time and attention. 13 , friendships require actions
in return.
11. A. difficulties
C. disadvantages
12. A. cost
B. spend
13. A. Differently
C. Similarly
B. differences
D. advantages
C. take
D. pay
B. Fortunately
D. However
• In other words, you must give as 14 as you take.
Finally, there is a question of taking care of. Unless you
spend reasonable time together, talking on the phone,
writing letters, doing things together, friendship will die
15 .
14. A. many
15. A. of
B. much
B. from
C. often
C. out
D. possible
D. away
• Shirley Allen loved to sing and play the piano. She
studied music in college. Her dream was to become a 1
or singer.
• Everything 2 when she was 20 years old. She became
sick with typhoid fever and almost died. Doctors gave
her 3 to help her get well, but the medicine 4 her to
become totally deaf. She could no longer 5 the music
which she had always loved.
1. A. pianist
B. professor C. clerk
D. supervisor
2. A. differed
B. confused C. changed D. mixed
3. A. suggestion B. advice
C. medicine D. prescription
4. A. allowed
B. tempted C. convinced D. caused
5. A. write
B. hear
C. perform
D. remember
• Shirley would never give 6 playing the piano, but she
did decide to change 7 . She transferred to Gallaudet
University and studied English. In 1966 Shirley 8 from
Gallaudet and looked for a job. She wanted to be
6. A. in
B. off
7. A. attitude
B. careers
8. A. graduated B. studied
C. back
C. friends
C. trained
D. up
D. clothes
D. gained
• She was asked to work at Gallaudet University as a 9
supervisor. Shirley supervised young women who lived
on campus during the school year. She also taught
English .Somehow she found time to___10____graduate
school at Haward University in Washington, D.C. In1972,
Shirley received her M.A. degree in counseling 11 that
9. A. security
10. A. attend
11. A. at
B. traffic
B. describe
B. from
C. library
C. search
C. in
D. dorm
D. find
D. out
• Always ready for a new challenge, Shirley became a
professor at National Technical Institute for the Deaf
(NTID)in 1973 and she was also the 12 black and
deaf teacher on campus. NTID is located in Rochester,
New York. This college offers 13 and hard-of-hearing
students technical and professional training.
12. A. mere
13. A. students
B. just
B. teachers
C. very
C. deaf
D. only
D. Shirley
• This 14 woman became the first black deaf female in
the world to receive her Ph. D in 1992, the 15 degree
in education from the University of Rochester in New
14. A. strict
15. A. high
B. athletic
B. higher
C. wealthy
C. highest
D. amazing
D. much higher
• Sometimes I feel that being the mother of three small
children is like operating a large circus(马戏团). 1
afternoon last week, my three sons were playing
peacefully in the back yard, 2 the ball from one to
another. I jumped at the chance to talk to one of my
friends 3 the phone, but before I 4 to the phone, I
could tell the boys had begun to quarrel with each other
about something.
1. A. Certain
C. Some
D. One
2. A. catching
B. throwing C. beating
D. playing
3. A. through
B. in
C. on
D. by
4. A. went
B. came
C. reached
D. got
• I rushed out to 5 peace, but before I got there Charles
had__6___ a rock at Mark, and hit him in the eye. By the
time I got to the backyard, they had begun to 7 about
this. Even David, the oldest boy, who won’t usually fight
with anybody about 8 ,was involved.
5. A. keep
6. A. thrown
7. A. quarrel
8. A. nothing
B. make
B. hit
B. talk
B. something
C. get
C. beaten
C. worry
C. anything
D. have
D. stricken
D. fight
D. any thing
• First, I 9 them stop fighting, and then I examined
Mark’s eye. I decided that it wasn’t going to develop into
a black eye, but I felt that they should 10 at least a
little for 11 they had done. “I’m going to 12 to your
father about this when he comes home tonight,” I said.
9. A. told
10. A. suffer
11. A. fight
12. A. tell
B. ordered
B. punish
B. that
B. speak
C. let
C. criticize
C. things
C. report
D. made
D. beat
D. what
D. inform
• “He and I will think of how to punish you.” Things were
13 quiet after that for about half an hour, and then
Charles 14 a glass in the kitchen, and at almost the
same 15 , Mark fell out of the apple tree.
13. A. pretty
14. A. bet
15. A. moment
B. much
B. hit
B. second
C. very much
C. broke
C. minute
D. a lot
D. struck
D. hour
• It is the policy of keeping Africans inferior, and separate
from Europeans.
• They are to be kept separate by not being allowed to live
as citizens with rights in 1 towns. They may go to
European towns to work, but they may not have their
families there They must live in “Bantustans”, the native
areas. They are not to 2 with Europeans by sitting in
the 3 cafes, waiting-rooms, compartments of trains,
seats in parks.
1. A. European B. British
C. African D. American
2. A. deal
B. combine C. cope
D. mix
3. A. other
B. black
C. same
D. luxurious
• They are not to bathe from the same beaches, go to the
same cinema, play on the same game field or in the
same teams.
• Twelve percent of the land is 4 for the Africans to live
and farm on, and this is mostly dry, poor mountainous
land. Yet the Africans are three-quarters of the people.
They are 5 to go and work for the Europeans, not only
because their lands do not 6 enough food to keep
them, but also 7 they must earn money to pay their
4. A. amounted B. counted C. left
D. utilized
5. A. determined B. about
C. expected D. forced
6. A. rise
B. possess C. store
D. grow
7. A. for
B. as
C. because
D. perhaps
• Each adult African man has to pay £1 a year poll-tax,
and ten shillings a year tax for his hut. 8 they go into
European areas to work they are not 9 to do skilled
work; they are hewers (砍伐者) of wood, and their wage
is about one-seventh of 10 a European would earn for
the same kind of work.
8. A. Since. B. When
C. Unless
D. After
9. A. allowed B. assumed C. encouraged D. returned
10. A. which
B. how
C. what
D. that
• The Red Cross is an international organization which
cares for people who are in 1 of help. A man in a
Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who
was injured 2 earthquake, and a family in India 3
lost their home in a storm may all 4 by the Read Cross.
1. A. lack
2. A. in
3. A. where
4. A. be aiding
B. short supply
B. at
B. in which
B. be aided
C. needing
C. when
C. that
C. aid
D. need
D. by
D. whom
D. aided
• The Red Cross exists in almost every country 5 the
world. The world Red Cross organizations are
sometimes called the Red Crescent, the Red Mogen
David, the Sun, and the Red Lion. All of these agencies
share a common goal of trying to help people in need.
• The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and
6 during a war started with lean Henry Dunant.
5. A. around
6. A. wounding
C. wounded
B. on
C. within
D. of
B. wound
D. being wounded
• In 1859, he observed how people were suffering on a
battlefield in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded
people 7 of which side they were fighting for. The most
important result of his work was an international treaty
8 the Geneva Convention. It 9 prisoners of war, the
sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war.
7. A. regardless B. regarding C. regarded D. with regard
8. A. to call
B. calling
C. and calling D. called
9. A. pretends B. protests C. protects D. provides
• The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in
1881. Today the Red Cross in the United States provides
a number of services for the public, such as helping
people in need, teaching first aid, 10 water safety and
artificial respiration, and providing blood.
10. A. to demonstrate
C. demonstration
B. demonstrating
D. demonstrates
The use of nuclear power has already spread all over the
world. 1 , scientists still have not agreed 2 what
should be done with the large amounts of waste material
that tends to crease every year.
1. A. Moreover.
C. Therefore.
2. A. to
B. with
B. However.
D. Otherwise
C. on
D. in
• Most waste materials are 3 of simply by placing them
somewhere, But nuclear waste must be 4 with great
care. It gives off dangerous radiation and will continue be
deadly for hundreds, thousands even millions of years.
How should we get 5 of such waste material in such a
way 6 it will not harm the environment? Where can we
safely distribute it?
3. A. drained
C. composed
4. A. dealt
B. coped.
5. A. hold
B. grasp
6. A. as to
B. as
B. discharged
D. disposed
C. handled
D. processed
C. rid
D. free
C. so that
D. that
• One idea is to put this radioactive waste inside a thick
container, which is 7 dropped to the deep bottom of
the ocean. 8 some scientists believe that this way of
discarding nuclear waste could kill fish and other living
things in the oceans or interfere 9 their growth.
7. A. then
8. A. Still.
9. A. with
B. even
B. But.
B. for
C. therefore
C. Thereby
C. in
D. only
D. And
D. at
• Another way to remove nuclear waste is to send it into
space, to the sun, where it would be burned. Other
scientists suggest that this polluting material be buried
thousands of meters under the earth’s surface. Such
underground areas must be free of possible earthquakes.
Advances are being made. But it may still be many years
10 this problem could finally be settled.
10. A. until
B. after
C. before
D. unless
There are two factors which determine an individual’s
intelligence. The first is the sort of 1 he is born with.
Human brains differ considerably, some being more
capable than others. 2 no matter how good a brain he
has to begin with, an individual will have a low level of
intelligence 3 he has opportunities to learn.
1. A. parents
2. A. But.
3. A. if
B. date
B. Still.
B. unless
C. brain
C. For
C. though
D. society
D. And
D. when
• So the second factor is what happens to the individual--the sort of 4 in which he is brought up. If an individual
is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain
will fail to develop and he will 5 attain the level of
intelligence of which he is capable. The importance of
environment in determining and individual’s intelligence
can be 6 by the case study of the identical twins, Peter
and John.
4. A. situation
C. environment
5. A. always
B. never
6. A. denied
C. demonstrated
B. atmosphere
D. community
C. nearly
D. surely
B. disproved
D. ignored
• When the twins were three months old, their parents
died, and they were placed in 7 homes. Peter was
brought up by parents of low intelligence in an enclosed
community with few educational 8 . John, 9 , was
educated in the home of well-to-do parents who had
been to college.
7. A. remote
B. distant
8. A. possibilities
C. opportunities
9. A. therefore
C. consequently
C. separate
D. similar
B. faculties.
D. responsibilities
B. but
D. however
• This environmental difference continued until the twins
were in their late teens, when they were given tests to
measure their intelligence. John’s IQ was 125, twentyfive points higher than the 10 and forty points higher
than his identical brother.
10. A. ordinary
B. common
C. usual
D. average
“Thank you” means you recognize someone has done
something for you. So we thank people all day 1 even
for the 2 things. If a waiter brings you a cup of tea, you
say “Thank you”. When you make payment for your food
and get your change, you say “Thank you” to the 3 .
1. A. about
B. long
2. A. smallest
C. most important
3. A. waiter
B. principal
C. over
D. round
B. largest
D. most unimportant
C. customer
D. postman
If someone shows your way in the street, you say “Thank
you”. If someone 4 you to dinner, you say: “Thank you,
I’d love to.” However, that’s OK. Too much expressions
of gratefulness will make people feel uncomfortable and
gives a sense of 5 thanks which does not 6
gratitude but insincerity.
4. A. demands B. orders
C. orders
5. A. empty
6. A. tell
C. meaningful D. violent
C. show
D. direct
B. grateful
B. signify
D. invites
For example, if your neighbor spends two hours of his
time 7 you repair your car, you will say “Thank you, I
really feel grateful for your help.” But one or two phrases
of that 8 is enough. If you go on and on 9
statements about his kindness, he will feel not thanked
but 10 and will not be happy to help you again.
7. A. to help
B. helping
C. on helping D. helped
8. A. sort
B. style
C. variety
9. A. by
B. through C. with
10. A. annoyed B. hated
C. satisfied
D. type
D. to
D. disturbed