Sub-Saharan Africa

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1000 B.C.E.-500 C.E.

    Stateless Societies Family/Kin based Rise of Monarchies Rise of Nok Civilization in Western Africa

   Africa -> Agricultural in general Trade within Africa was common Nok people  Agriculturalists/ Pastoralists  Iron work -> tools and weapons

 Spread of Bantu culture   Bantu were people from modern day Nigeria and Camroon spread of iron-working across Africa  Spread of Bantu language which split 500 different African languages

  No major religion Animistic

  Bantu culture spreads across Africa Trade among the separate tribes was common

500 – 1450 c.e.

     Kingdom of Ghana rises in power (300-1000 c.e.) Much of Africa still stateless societies Sudanic States had a patriarch or a council of elders from a certain lineage lead them Malinke people from between Senegal and Niger rivers separated from Ghana and formed the Empire of Mali (1200-1300) Rise of Mali

   Sundaita (the Lion Prince) is said to have created the outline of government and society in Mali and created a unified state His successors expanded Mali outward towards the Atlantic coast Mansa Musa:  takes a pilgrimage to Mecca   Brings back an architect from Muslim Spain Expands Islam in Africa

     Many places still animistic Spread of Islam in Africa  Mansa Musa causes spread around Mali  Trade spreads Islam along the Eastern Coast Spread causes a blend of Islamic and African culture Christianity had not spread to sub-Saharan Africa yet The people beyond the Eastern Coast were still animistic

   Towns like Jenne and Timbuktu had scholars, craft specialists and foriegn merchants Mali’s population was agriculturalist The Eastern (Swahili) Coast boomed with trade with S. W. Asia, India, China

     Islamic influence caused a blend of African and Islamic culture along the Swahili coast The rulers and merchants had a more Islamic culture The common people had a more African culture The Arabic language was used and blended with Bantu to make the Swahili language The Bantu had fully migrated throughout sub-Saharan Africa

   Trade w/ S. W. Asia brought in Islam Trade w/ rest of Asia brought commercial goods Bantu migrations caused more kingdoms to form in southern Africa

1450 - 1750

    Portuguese start trading along the coasts     Gold Salt Ivory Slaves The Dutch, British, and French get involved in slave trade Africa received goods and gave slaves in the Triangular Trade South Africa has Boers (Dutch farmers)  Plantations worked by slaves

  The missionaries followed the traders’ path to gain Christian converts Muslim reform movements-1770’s

  West and Central Africa consisted of small states   War was common prisoners of war were traded for weapons The states closest to the coast had most power  b/c they had European weaponry

   Europeans were incorporated into African art work Nzinga Mvemba tried to Europeanize his kingdom The Europeans didn’t change much of Africa's culture

  Africa becomes the world’s source of Slaves   S. W. Asia take women and children European’s take men (and later women) to work the plantations Slaves are traded for guns which are used to get more slaves

1750 - 1914

   Africa -> Tropical dependency  Small group of Europeans rule large group of natives Europeans believed the Africans were not fit to rule themselves French Revolution shook control in some parts of Africa

   Used for goods during industrial revolution Not many consumers South Africa gold dispute  Britain fought the boers for land in South Africa containing gold

   People were getting categorized into “tribes”  Labeled the Africans as backwards and tribal Racial views decreased education in Africa Colonizer was considered greater than the colonized

  Christianity got better hold under European control Religion became a reason for imperialism

   Africa came under European control Primarily used by Europe for resources Christianity gains ground in Africa

1914 - Present

    Berlin Conference split up control of Africa The new borders put warring groups of people together Africans began rebelling European control Borders of independent Africa contained rival tribes  Led to civil wars

    Resources used up by Europe Recourses for military more than for education and hospitals Population too high for economy to support Economic problems led to civil wars

   Diseases  Aids  HIV Diverse influence in African architecture  Baroque   Gujarati Turkish Symmetrical masks, statues popular

 Africa obtained many religions  Christianity   Islam Judaism And had many of its own indigenous religions

  Africa broke free from European control United Nations sets standards for basic human rights