Transcript CHAPTER 6

Chapter 13: Enzymes
Chapter 14: Mechanisms of enzyme action
Chapter 15: Enzyme regulation
Chapter 17: Metabolism- An overview
Chapter 18: Glycolysis
Chapter 19: The tricarboxylic acid cycle
Chapter 20: Electron transport & oxidative phosphorylation
Chapter 21: Photosynthesis
Chapter 13
Enzymes – Kinetics and Specificity
Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham
What are enzymes, and what do they do?
 Biological Catalysts
 Increase the velocity of chemical
 What are enzymes, and what do they do?
• Thousands of chemical reactions are proceeding very
rapidly at any given instant within all living cells
• Virtually all of these reactions are mediated by enzymes-proteins (and occasionally RNA) specialized to catalyze
metabolic reactions
• Most cells quickly oxidize glucose, producing carbon
dioxide and water and releasing lots of energy:
C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 2870 kJ of energy
• It does not occur under just normal conditions
• In living systems, enzymes are used to accelerate and
control the rates of vitally important biochemical
Figure 13.1
Reaction profile showing the large DG‡ for glucose oxidation, free energy change of -2,870
kJ/mol; catalysts lower DG‡, thereby accelerating rate.
 Enzymes are the agents of metabolic function
• Enzymes form metabolic pathways by which
– Nutrient molecules are degraded
– Energy is released and converted into metabolically
useful forms
– Precursors are generated and transformed to create the
literally thousands of distinctive biomolecules
• Situated at key junctions of metabolic pathways are
specialized regulatory enzymes capable of sensing the
momentary metabolic needs the cell and adjusting their
catalytic rates accordingly
Figure 13.2
The breakdown of glucose by glycolysis provides a
prime example of a metabolic pathway. Ten enzymes
mediate the reactions of glycolysis. Enzyme 4,
fructose 1,6, biphosphate aldolase, catalyzes the CC bond- breaking reaction in this pathway.
13.1 – What Characteristic Features
Define Enzymes?
• Enzymes are remarkably versatile biochemical
catalyst that have in common three distinctive
1. Catalytic power
– The ratio of the enzyme-catalyzed rate of a reaction to
the uncatalyzed rate
2. Specificity
– The selectivity of enzymes for their substrates
3. Regulation
– The rate of metabolic reactions is appropriate to cellular
Catalytic power
• Enzymes can accelerate reactions as much
as 1016 over uncatalyzed rates!
• Urease is a good example:
– Catalyzed rate: 3x104/sec
– Uncatalyzed rate: 3x10 -10/sec
– Ratio is 1x1014 (catalytic power)
• Enzymes selectively recognize proper
substances over other molecules
• The substances upon which an enzyme
acts are traditionally called substrates
• Enzymes produce products in very high
yields - often much greater than 95%
• The selective qualities of an enzyme are
recognized as its specificity
• Specificity is controlled by structure of
– the unique fit of substrate with enzyme controls the
selectivity for substrate and the product yield
• The specific site on the enzyme where
substrate binds and catalysis occurs is called
the active site
• Regulation of an enzyme activity is essential to the
integration and regulation of metabolism
• Because most enzymes are proteins, we can
anticipate that the functional attributes of enzymes
are due to the remarkable versatility found in
protein structure
• Enzyme regulation is achieved in a variety of
ways, ranging from controls over the amount of
enzyme protein produced by the cell to more rapid,
reversible interactions of the enzyme with
metabolic inhibitors and activators (chapter 15)
• Traditionally, enzymes often were named by
adding the suffix -ase to the name of the
substrate upon which they acted: Urease for the
urea-hydrolyzing enzyme or phosphatase for
enzymes hydrolyzing phosphoryl groups from
organic phosphate compounds
– Resemblance to their activity: protease for the
proteolytic enzyme
– Trypsin and pepsin
• International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (IUBMB)
– Enzymes Commission number: EC #.#.#.#
• A series of four number severe to specify a
particular enzyme
First number is class (1-6)
Second number is subclass
Third number is sub-subclass
Fourth number is individual entry
Classification of protein enzymes
1. Oxidoreductases catalyze oxidation-reduction
2. Transferases catalyze transfer of functional groups
from one molecule to another
3. Hydrolases catalyze hydrolysis reactions
4. Lyases catalyze removal of a group from or addition
of a group to a double bond, or other cleavages
involving electron rearrangement
5. Isomerases catalyze intramolecular rearrangement
(isomerization reactions)
6. Ligases catalyze reactions in which two molecules are
joined (formation of bonds)
• For example, ATP:D-glucose-6-phosphotransferase
(glucokinase) is listed as EC
ATP + D-glucose  ADP + D-glucose-6-phosphate
– A phosphate group is transferred from ATP to C-6-OH
group of glucose, so the enzyme is a transferase (class 2)
– Transferring phosphorus-containing groups is subclass 7
– An alcohol group (-OH) as an acceptor is sub-subclass 1
– Entry 2
EC hexokinase
EC glucokinase
EC ketohexokinase
EC fructokinase
EC rhamnulokinase
EC galactokinase
EC mannokinase
EC glucosamine kinase
EC adenosylcobinamide kinase
Many enzymes require non-protein components called
coenzymes or cofactors to aid in catalysis
1. Coenzymes: many essential vitamins are
constituents of coenzyme
2. Cofactors: metal ions
Holoenzyme: apoenzyme (protien) + prosthetic group
Other Aspects of Enzymes
• Mechanisms - to be covered in Chapter 14
• Regulation - to be covered in Chapter 15
• Coenzymes - to be covered in Chapter 17
13.2 – Can the Rate of an EnzymeCatalyzed Reaction Be Defined in a
Mathematical Way?
• Kinetics is concerned with the rates of chemical
• Enzyme kinetics addresses the biological roles of
enzymatic catalyst and how they accomplish their
remarkable feats
• In enzyme kinetics, we seek to determine the
maximum reaction velocity that the enzyme can
attain and its binding affinities for substrates and
• These information can be exploited to control and
manipulate the course of metabolic events
Chemical kinetics
(A  I  J  P)
• rate or velocity (v)
v = d[P] / dt
or v = -d[A] / dt
• The mathematical relationship between
reaction rate and concentration of
reactant(s) is the rate law
v = -d[A] / dt = k [A]
• k is the proportional constant or rate
constant (the unit of k is sec-1)
Chemical kinetics
v = -d[A] / dt = k [A]
• v is first-order with respect to A
The order of this reaction is a first-order
• molecularity of a reaction
The molecularity of this reaction equal 1
(unimolecular reaction)
Figure 13.4
Plot of the course of a first-order reaction. The half-time, t1/2, is the time for one-half of the
starting amount of A to disappear.
Chemical kinetics
A+B P+Q
• The molecularity of this reaction equal 2
(bimolecular reaction)
• The rate or velocity (v)
v = -d[A] / dt = -d[B] / dt = d[P] / dt = d[Q] / dt
• The rate law is
v = k [A] [B]
• The order of this reaction is a second-order
• The rate constant k has the unit of M-1 sec-1)
The Transition State
• Reaction coordinate: a generalized measure of the
progress of the reaction
• Free energy (G)
• Standard state free energy (25℃, 1 atm, 1 M/each)
• Transition state
– The transition state represents an intermediate
molecular state having a high free energy in the
• Activation energy:
– Barriers to chemical reactions occur because a reactant
molecule must pass through a high-energy transition
state to form products.
– This free energy barrier is called the activation energy.
reaction rate
Two general ways may accelerate rates of
chemical reactions
1. Raise the temperature
The reaction rate are doubled by a 10℃
2. Add catalysts
True catalysts participate in the reaction, but are
unchanged by it. Therefore, they can continue to
catalyze subsequent reactions.
Catalysts change the rates of reactions, but do not
affect the equilibrium of a reaction.
(a) Raising the temperate
(b) Adding a catalyst
• Most biological catalysts are proteins
called enzymes (E).
• The substance acted on by an enzyme is
called a substrate (S).
– Enzymes accelerate reactions by lowering the
free energy of activation
– Enzymes do this by binding the transition state
of the reaction better than the substrate
– The mechanism of enzyme action in Chapter
13.3 – What Equations Define the
Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed
1. The Michaelis-Menten Equation
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
2. The Lineweaver-Burk double-reciprocal plot
3. Hanes-Woolf plot
Figure 13.7 Substrate saturation curve for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. The
amount of enzyme is constant, and the velocity of the reaction is determined at
various substrate concentrations. The reaction rate, v, as a function of [S] is
described by a rectangular hyperbola. At very high [S], v = Vmax. The H2O
molecule provides a rough guide to scale. The substrate is bound at the active
site of the enzyme.
The Michaelis-Menten Equation
• Louis Michaelis and Maud Menten's theory
• It assumes the formation of an enzyme-substrate
complex (ES)
E + S
• At equilibrium
k-1 [ES] = k1 [E] [S]
[E] [S]
Ks =
The Michaelis-Menten Equation
E + S
E + P
• The steady-state assumption
ES is formed rapidly from E + S as it disappears by
dissociation to generate E + S and reaction to form E
dt = 0
• That is; formation of ES = breakdown of ES
k1 [E] [S] = k-1[ES] + k2[ES]
Figure 13.8
Time course for the consumption of substrate,
the formation of product, and the establishment
of a steady-state level of the enzyme-substrate
[ES] complex for a typical enzyme obeying the
Michaelis-Menten, Briggs-Haldane models for
enzyme kinetics. The early stage of the time
course is shown in greater magnification in the
bottom graph.
The Michaelis-Menten Equation
k1 [E] [S] = k-1[ES] + k2[ES] = (k-1+ k2) [ES]
[ES] = (
k-1+ k2
) [E] [S]
k-1+ k2
Km =
Km is Michaelis constant
Km [ES] = [E] [S]
The Michaelis-Menten Equation
Km [ES] = [E] [S]
Total enzyme, [ET] = [E] + [ES]
[E] = [ET] – [ES]
Km [ES] = ([ET] – [ES]) [S] = [ET] [S] – [ES] [S]
Km [ES] + [ES] [S] = [ET] [S]
(Km + [S]) [ES] = [ET] [S]
[ET] [S]
[ES] =
Km + [S]
The Michaelis-Menten Equation
[ES] =
[ET] [S]
Km + [S]
The rate of product formation is
v = k2 [ES]
v = k2 [ET] [S]
Km + [S]
Vmax = k2 [ET]
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
Understanding Km
• The Michaelis constant Km measures the substrate
concentration at which the reaction rate is Vmax/2.
• associated with the affinity of enzyme for
• Small Km means tight binding; high Km means
weak binding
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
When v = Vmax / 2
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
Km + [S] = 2 [S]
[S] = Km
Understanding Vmax
The theoretical maximal velocity
Vmax is a constant
Vmax is the theoretical maximal rate of the reaction
- but it is NEVER achieved in reality
To reach Vmax would require that ALL enzyme
molecules are tightly bound with substrate
Vmax is asymptotically approached as substrate is
The dual nature of the MichaelisMenten equation
Combination of 0-order and 1st-order kinetics
• When S is low ([s] << Km), the equation for rate is 1st
order in S
• When S is high ([s] >>Km), the equation for rate is 0order in S
• The Michaelis-Menten equation describes a
rectangular hyperbolic dependence of v on S
• The actual estimation of Vmax and consequently Km is
only approximate from each graph
The turnover number
A measure of catalytic activity
kcat, the turnover number, is the number of
substrate molecules converted to product per
enzyme molecule per unit of time, when E is
saturated with substrate.
kcat is a measure of its maximal catalytic activity
If the M-M model fits, k2 = kcat = Vmax/Et
Values of kcat range from less than 1/sec to many
millions per sec (Table 13.4)
The catalytic efficiency
Name for kcat/Km
An estimate of "how perfect" the enzyme is
• kcat/Km is an apparent second-order rate
v = (kcat/Km) [E] [S]
• kcat/Km provides an index of the catalytic
efficiency of an enzyme
• kcat/Km = k1 k2 / (k-1 + k2)
• The upper limit for kcat/Km is the diffusion limit
- the rate at which E and S diffuse together
Linear Plots of the MichaelisMenten Equation
• Lineweaver-Burk plot
• Hanes-Woolf plot
• Smaller and more consistent errors
across the plot
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
Km + [S]
Vmax [S]
13.4 – What Can Be Learned from
the Inhibition of Enzyme Activity?
• Enzymes may be inhibited reversibly or
• Reversible inhibitors may bind at the active
site (competitive) or at some other site
• Enzymes may also be inhibited in an
irreversible manner
– Penicillin is an irreversible suicide inhibitor
Competitive inhibition
k3 k-3
A competitive inhibitor competes with substrate for the binding site.
It changes the apparent km.
kcat [E]t [S]
km (1 + [I]/ KI) + [S]
= km (1 +
kcat [E]t [S]
km + [S]
KI= k-3 / k3
= app
km + [S]
Figure 13.13
Lineweaver-Burk plot of competitive inhibition, showing lines for no I, [I], and 2[I]. Note
that when [S] is infinitely large (1/[S] = 0), Vmax is the same, whether I is present of not.
x-intercept =
[I] 
Km 1 +
KI 
Figure 13.14
Structures of succinate, the substrate of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and malonate,
the competitive inhibitor. Fumarate (the product of SDH action on succinate) is also shown.
Noncompetitive inhibition
k3 k-3
EI + S
{kcat (1 + [I]/ KI)} [E]t [S]
= Vmax (1 +
[E]t [S]
Vmax [S]
km + [S]
km + [S]
km + [S]
KI = KI’
Figure 13.15
Lineweaver-Burk plot of pure noncompetitive inhibition. Note that I does not alter Km but
that it decreases Vmax. In the presence of I, the y-intercept is equal to (1/Vmax)(1 + I/KI).
KI = KI’
Figure 13.16
Lineweaver-Burk plot of mixed noncompetitive inhibition. Note that both intercepts and
the slope change in the presence of I. (a) When KI is less than KI'; (b) when KI is greater
than KI'.
Uncompetitive inhibition
Figure 13.17
Lineweaver-Burk plot of pure uncompetitive inhibition. Note that I does
not alter Km but that it decreases Vmax. In the presence of I, the y-intercept
is equal to (1/Vmax)(1 + I/KI).
Irreversible inhibition
• Irreversible inhibition occurs when substances
combine covalently with enzymes so as to inactivate
them irreversibly.
• Suicide substrates are inhibitory substrate analogs
designed, via normal catalytic actions of the
enzyme, a very reactive group is generated. This
reactive group then forms a covalent bond with a
nearby functional group within the active site of the
enzyme, thereby causing irreversible inhibition
• Almost all irreversible enzyme inhibitors are toxic
substances, either natural or synthetic. Such as
Figure 13.18
Penicillin is an irreversible inhibitor of the enzyme glycoprotein peptidase, which
catalyzes an essential step in bacterial cell wall synthesis.
13.5 - What Is the Kinetic Behavior of
Enzymes Catalyzing Bimolecular
• Enzymes often use two (or more) substrates
Bisubstrate reactions:
A + B
P + Q
1 Reactions may be sequential or single-displacement
reactions (both A and B are bound to the enzyme)
E + A + B  AEB  PEQ  E + P + Q
– And they can be random or ordered
2 Ping-pong or double-displacement reactions
Figure 13.19 Single-displacement bisubstrate mechanism.
The conversion of AEB to PEQ is the rate-limiting
step in random, single-displacement reactions
Figure 13.20 Random, single-displacement bisubstrate mechanisms where A does not
affect B binding, and vice versa
In an ordered, single-displacement reaction
Similar to 1st-order reaction
double-displacement (ping-pong) reactions
Glutamate:aspartate aminotransferase
13.6 – How Can Enzymes Be So
• “Lock and key” hypothesis was the first
explanation for specificity
• “Induced fit” provides a more accurate
• Induced fit favors formation of the transitionstate intermediate
Figure 13.24 A drawing, roughly to scale, of H2O, glycerol, glucose, and an idealized
hexokinase molecule
13.7 – Are All Enzymes Proteins?
Relatively new discoveries
• RNA molecules that are catalytic have been
termed “Ribozymes”
– Examples: RNase P and peptidyl transferase
– The ribosome is a ribozyme
• Antibody molecules can have catalytic activity
(called Abzymes) - antibodies raised to bind
the transition state of a reaction of interest
Figure 13.25
RNA splicing in Tetrahymena rRNA maturation: (a) the
guanosine-mediated reaction involved in the autocatalytic
excision of the Tetrahymena rRNA intron, and (b) the overall
splicing process. The cyclized intron is formed via
nucleophilic attack of the 3'-OH on the phosphodiester bond
that is 15 nucleotides from the 5'-GA end of the spliced-out
intron. Cyclization frees a linear 15-mer with a 5'-GA end.
Figure 13.26 (a) The 50S subunit from H. marismortui.
(b) The aminoacyl-tRNA (yellow) and the peptidyl-tRNA
(orange) in the peptidyl transferase active site.
The cyclic phosphonate ester analog
of the cyclic transition state
13.8 Is It Possible to Design An Enzyme to
Catalyze Any Desired Reaction?
• A known enzyme can be “engineered” by in vitro
mutagenesis, replacing active site residues with new ones
that might catalyze a desired reaction
• Another approach attempts to design a totally new protein
with the desired structure and activity
– This latter approach often begins with studies “in
silico” – i.e., computer modeling
– Protein folding and stability issues make this approach
more difficult
– And the cellular environment may provide
complications not apparent in the computer modeling
Figure 13.29 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (DCE) is an industrial
solvent that poses hazards to human health.
Site-directed mutations (F108L, I129L, and C248I) have enabled
the conversion of a bacterial epoxide hydrolase to catalyze the
chlorinated epoxide hydrolase reaction.