Transcript Just War

Just War
Augustine’s Contributions and
Modern Expressions of the Theory
Christians are very familiar with Scriptural commands against
violence, and Jesus’ teaching about love, compassion and
“You shall not kill” (Ex 20:13)
“Blessed are the peacemakers” (Mt 5:9)
“You have heard that it was said to the men of old, ‘You shall
not kill: and whoever kills shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say
to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be
liable to judgment” (Mt 5:21-22)
“When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him
as well.” (Mt 5:39)
“You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.
But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.”
(Mt 5:43-44)
However, what does Scripture show about how warfare is used throughout
history? And what did Jesus say explicitly about the waging of war?
Is it possible to reconcile a command to love your neighbor with war?
Augustine argued that a literal interpretation of Scripture is not always needed.
In response to Jesus’ command to turn the other cheek, Augustine noted that,
"What is here required is not a bodily action, but an inward disposition. The
sacred seat of virtue is the heart."
Because God judges the soul, the ultimate question is not "what the man does …
but with what mind and will he does it." Augustine presents an example of a
man caressing a child . . .
The appropriate motive in all cases, Augustine
rules, is love.
What is done from love of God must be good.
So, one cannot do something directly forbidden by Scripture, but one may do
something that appears to contradict Christian attitudes – if it is done for love.
However, this is a very dangerous guideline to present, for it can easily be used
wrongly. Hence, it needs to be carefully explained. And even if the general
principle is explained well, one should not so easily ‘overturn’ what are clear and
consistent moral attitudes taught by Jesus.
For Augustine, there is no right to private killing. Because of Christian
Charity, self defense is not justified to save life or goods. (Aquinas,
however, does believe killing in self-defense is justified, if done to preserve
one’s own life.)
Augustine did believe, however, that nations may wage war because they
have an obligation to maintain or restore peace.
“The whole point of victory is to bring opponents to their knees – this
done, peace ensues. Peace, then, is the purpose of waging war.” (City of
God, Book XIX, Ch. 12)
“We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we
may have peace. Be peaceful, therefore, in warring, so that you may
vanquish those whom you war against, and bring them to the prosperity
of peace." (Ep. ad Bonif. clxxxix)
Given our desire for peace, when is warfare just?
Legitimate Authority
Augustine quotations provided by Aquinas (ST II-II.40.1)
"The natural order conducive to peace among mortals demands that the power
to declare and counsel war should be in the hands of those who hold the
supreme authority.“ (Contra Faust. xxii, 75)
Who is the legitimate authority?
Right Intent
“The passion for inflicting harm, the cruel thirst for vengeance, an unpacific and
relentless spirit, the fever of revolt, the lust of power, and such things, all these
are rightly condemned in war." (Contra Faust. xxii, 74):
A Just Cause
“A just war is wont to be described as one that avenges wrongs, when a nation
or state has to be punished, for refusing to make amends for the wrongs
inflicted by its subjects, or to restore what it has seized unjustly." (QQ. in Hept.,
qu. x, super Jos.):
Must a just cause involve ‘defensive’ wars only? Can one attack an enemy before
the enemy attacks? Can one attack an enemy in order to restore the natural
order that a foreign power unset in their nation?
Modern Just War Theory is concerned with both the justification for the war
(Jus Ad Bellum) and the conduct of the participants in the war (Jus In
In order for a war to be just, the following criteria must be met before using
• War can only be waged for a just cause. The damage inflicted by the
aggressor must be lasting, grave, and certain.
• War can only be waged under legitimate authority. The sovereign power
of the state is usually considered to be legitimate authority. This means that
citizens at their own will cannot attack another country without the
permission of the sovereign.
• War can only be waged with the right intention. Correcting a suffered
wrong is considered a right intention, while material gain is not.
• War can only be waged with a serious prospect of success. It is
considered unjust to meaninglessly waste human life and economic
resources if defeat is unavoidable.
• War can only be waged as a last resort. War is not just until all realistic
options which were likely to right the wrong have been pursued and shown
to be impractical or ineffective.
Once war has begun, just war theory also directs how combatants are to act:
• The force used must be proportional to the wrong endured, and to the
possible good that may come. This means that the use of weapons must
not produce evils or disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated.
• The acts of war should be directed towards the inflictors of the wrong, and
not towards civilians caught in circumstances they did not create.
• Torture, of combatants or of non-combatants, is forbidden.
• Prisoners of war must be treated respectfully.