PowerPoint Junior Teen

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Junior and/or Earliteen
Sabbath School
June 7, 2008
This Quarter the Thirteenth
Sabbath Offering is going to the
Inter-American Division
Information on following
slides adapted from
Adventist Mission Youth
and Adult Magazine and
the SDA Encyclopedia.
How is the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
going to be used?
This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering
will help:
• build worship halls at the University of the
Southern Caribbean in Trinidad
build churches for existing congregations in
central Mexico
upgrade campgrounds for lay evangelism
training in Mexico
Find the Inter-American Division
“Go into all the world and preach the good news.” Mark 16:15, NIV
The division is made up of many countries, starting from
Mexico through Central America to northern South America and
including all of the Caribbean Islands.
Historic sites include Monte Alban, ancient center of the Zapotec civilization
which flourished from 500BC to 750AD, on a hilltop overlooking Oaxaca
[whah-HA-kah], Mexico. The Zapotec culture preceded the Aztec empire,
which had its center where Mexico City stands today.
An “advent” expectation of sorts was known among the Indians of
Mexico before the arrival of Christianity. In fact, much of the ease
with which Cortes conquered the Aztecs could be attributed to the
then-current expectation that a white-bearded god, Quetzalcoatl,
would return to his people.
Monte Alban
The Inter-American Division of the
Seventh-day Adventist church
organized in 1922 with 221 churches
and 8,146 members.
The church in Inter-America is vibrant
and serious about evangelism. The wellestablished tradition of lay leadership
allows congregations to grow and thrive
without the constant presence of pastors,
who may have 18-20 churches. Lay
members lead the church, give Bible
studies, and hold evangelistic services.
They don’t wait for the pastors to bring in
new believers, but they go to their family,
their friends, and their neighbors and
invite them to come and see what God
can do for them.
Margarita, member of
a church outside of
Tijuana, who although
she cannot read,
memorizes Bible texts
and leads out in her
church’s weekly prayer
More than 48,000 new Seventh-day Adventist believers made
history in the Inter-American region (IAD) of the Adventist
Church on Saturday, March 24, 2007, when they joined the
Adventist faith community. Inspired by the Biblical 'Pentecost'
in Acts 2, the territory-wide event, called Pentecost and More,
featured satellite feeds from all 15 unions which were
broadcast throughout the world and the IAD, including the
hub of the program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
(Pictures and text retrieved from Adventist News Network. )
Church members in the Inter-American
Division want to spread the good news of
Christ’s love and soon coming to everyone.
Part of our Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this
quarter will help them reach their goal as
churches are built, campgrounds are readied
as sites for lay people training, and
university worship halls are built to resound
with songs of praise.
With persevering prayer and a generous Thirteenth
Sabbath Offering, we can help provide the
encouragement and resources needed by our
brothers and sisters.
Collect Offering
Exploring God’s World
In this section we study one of the countries in the division where our Thirteenth Sabbath offering is going.
Today we are going to
learn about Costa Rica.
Where is Costa Rica
Flag of Costa Rica
Time for the Mission Story
We are taking the good news to
the entire world.
Read the Mission Story on pages 22 and 23 of the Second Quarter Adventist Mission Youth and Adult Magazine
while slowly progressing through the next 3 slides.
The name of
the person
in the story
is “Pastor
This story is from Guyana.
The title of the story is “In the Footsteps of Pioneers.”
Lesson Study
This lesson is about the:
Has a friend ever awakened
you when you were in a deep
sleep or
interrupted you when you
were working on an
important assignment?
How did you respond?
Jesus told a story about
such a situation. Imagine
it happened like this.
Proverbs 17:17, NIV
“A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for
Because God loves us at
all times, we are always
willing to reflect His love
to others.
A boy rolled over on his
mat and tried to block
out the noise.
There it was again! It’s the
middle of the night! Who
could be at the door? he
“OK, OK.” He
heard his father
mumble. “I’m
The son could see the tiny
flicker of lamplight as his
father stepped across the
other family members’
sleeping mats and made his
way to the door.
“Who’s there?” Father
asked groggily.
“It’s me,” the
father’s friend
said in a loud
Father opened the door.
“What’s wrong?” he asked,
concern in his voice.
“I’ve had unexpected visitors
come to my house. Since
my wife has been ill, she
hasn’t been to the market.”
“I didn’t have
time to go
either. Could
I borrow
three loaves
of bread?”
“You woke me up to borrow
three loaves of bread? It’s
the middle of the night!”
Father exclaimed.
“I know,” his friend replied.
“But these friends have
traveled a long way. Their
children are hungry. Please,
can’t you give me three
loaves of bread?”
Father sighed.
“I’ll wake up
the entire
family trying
to find things.”
“Please. I have
nowhere else
to turn,” the
friend pleaded.
“OK,” Father finally said. “I’ll
see what I can find.” The
young man could hear his
father looking for the bread.
“Oof!” Father exclaimed.
The son laughed under his
breath. He could just
imagine his father stubbing
his toe!
He crawled out of his bed mat,
being careful not to wake his
younger brother.
“Here’s the bread,” the father
said just as his son came up.
“Now let a weary man get
back to his warm bed.”
“Thank you, my friend,” the
midnight visitor said as he
took the bread. “I knew I
could count on you. Good
“Good night,”
Father replied.
Turning around, the father
was startled to see his son
standing beside him.
“So we managed
to wake the
entire household
after all,” Father
“No. I think I’m the only
one who is awake,” the
son reassured him.
“I’m surprised someone would
come over in the middle of
the night, though.”
“I’m not,” his father said
with a chuckle. “He and
I have known each other
since we were babies.”
“Part of being a friend is
being available when it’s
convenient and even when
it’s not. He’s my friend,
and he knew that he could
come and wake me up,”
“And you could go to him
sometime if you really
needed help,” the son
“I wouldn’t even
have to think twice
about it,” said
“As with you, if you
asked me for bread,
I wouldn’t give
you a rock.”
“It kind of reminds me of
something Jesus said when
we heard Him the other day,”
the son recalled.
“What’s that?” his father asked.
“Well, He said that God wants
us to ask Him for things that
we need,” the boy said. “Do
you think that means He’d
give me anything
I want?”
“Would you give your friends
anything they wanted?” his
father replied.
“No. I’d have
to decide
whether it
was what
they really
needed, I
guess,” the
boy said.
“I believe that is how it
is with God,” his father
“There is a big difference
between needs and wants.
If He gave us everything
we wanted, it might not be
best for us.”
“Being a true friend takes
a lot of hard work, doesn’t it?”
the son asked.
“That’s right,” his father
encouraged him. “But if
you are a good friend,
you are always willing to
reflect God’s love.”
Read the texts in the following
slides, and discuss:
What do these verses tell us about what
a friend is?
John 15:13, NIV
“Greater love has no
one than this, that
he lay down his life
for his friends.”
Job 6:14, NIV
“A despairing man
should have the devotion
of his friends, even
though he forsakes the
fear of the Almighty.”
Proverbs 17:17, NIV
“A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for adversity.”
Proverbs 18:24, NIV
“A man of many companions
may come to ruin, but there
is a friend who sticks closer
than a brother.”
Proverbs 27:6, NIV
“Wounds from a
friend can be trusted,
but an enemy
multiplies kisses.”
Do you have a friend with these
Describe some of the
things this friend does.
In what way can we
display these
characteristics to others?
Because God loves us at all
times, we are always willing to
reflect His love to others.
Important Information
PowerPoints® art copyrighted © 2003 by the Review and
Herald® Publishing Association.
Text and illustrations from Adventist Mission Youth and
Adult Magazine is copyright © by the General
Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists.
Scriptures quoted from NIV are from the Holy Bible, New
International Version, copyright © 1973, 1980, 1984,
International Bible Society. Used by permission of
Zondervan Bible Publishers.
ClickArt Infinity by Broderbund, © 1999 TLC Multimedia
Notes to Teachers
You will want to have a hard copy of the Mission Story ready to
read during the Mission Story section. You can find the story
on pages 22 and 23 of the Second Quarter Adventist Mission
Youth and Adult Magazine. The title of the story is “In the
Footsteps of Pioneers.” You can go to the website
http://www.adventistmission.org/ and find the link titled
“Publications” to download the Adventist Mission Youth and
Adult Magazine.
Copyright Notices
Art and graphics copyrighted by the General Conference and
the Review and Herald® are included on slides 34-37, 41, 42,
44-48, 50-56, 58, 60, 62-69, 71 and 72.
Images and artwork are copyrighted by the Pacific Press
Publishing Assoc., Review and Herald Publishing Assoc., It Is
Written and others. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Copyright Grants Pass Seventh-day Adventist School