Welcome to Back to School Night

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Transcript Welcome to Back to School Night

Welcome to
Back to School
Second Grade
Language Arts
Recess & Lunch
Recess & Lunch
Language Arts
Catch Up & Pack Up
How Am I Doing Chart
Purple day= outstanding
 Blue day=great choices
 Green day = great day, keep up the
good work 
 Yellow day–making bad choices, time
out to think, owe recess time
 Red day – lose all recess & note home.
Possibly go to Mr. Smith & get written
**Check planner for your child’s daily behavior and
sign in the provided spot **
Friday Folder
Purple Folder- should come home every Friday
Completed and graded assignments
Important notes from office, teachers, after school
programs, etc.
Please return empty folder on Mondays.
Homework Folder
Red Folder Comes home every day
(including Friday) with assignments
in it.
Please return daily.
Math, Reading, Spelling, Science, or
Social Studies homework.
Parent/teacher communication
Throughout the year there may be times where you just have questions or
are occasionally frustrated. We are all here to answer your questions and
communicate with you so that this year is a great experience for both your
family and your child’s teacher.
Please always e-mail your child’s teacher first with questions. Please
understand that we are working all day to provide your child with the best
education possible. We will try to get back to you the day of your e-mail or
phone call, but please allow 48 hours before contacting again.
If you are still struggling to get questions answered or need further
clarification, please contact, Ms. Bradbury, the 2nd grade lead. She will work
with you and your child’s teacher to be sure you receive the answers you
need. If there is something she cannot help you with, you will be directed to
Mr. Smith, the elementary principal.
Parent/teacher communication
Please check the 2nd Grade Homepage and teacher pages for class updates
and important dates.
You can also expect a weekly newsletter through email with updates on
current and upcoming units as well as test dates.
Nifty News
(will start 9/8)
Completes a “news story” about a
special event in his or her life
(birthday, new pet…) or about a
current event
 Will be due the same day each week.
 Can bring one special item to share
pertaining to the news story.
 Worth 15 points each week- must have
introduction, details, & conclusion.
At least 5 sentences for now.
Welcome to bring in treats (individual)
Treats will be passed out to be enjoyed
during our afternoon break @ 2:45 (no
treats that contain nut products).
Reading effortlessly with speed, accuracy, and expression
learning word meanings to build comprehension
Text Comprehension
Thinking actively before, during, and after reading
Language Arts
Open Court
Spalding, Shurley Grammar, and Step Up To Writing
Spalding is a Basic information about the structure of English
spelling. It ties the shape of the letters with all the sounds they
make. Phonics is important for reading, decoding, & spelling.
Shurley Grammar:
Students learn the parts of speech through repetition and
song. The students also learn the basics of paragraph writing.
Core Knowledge Stories, Poems, Sayings and Phrases
Social Studies
Core Knowledge Curriculum:
Geography & Map Skills
Ancient India
Ancient China
Japan Today
Ancient Greece
Signs & Symbols of the US
Making the Constitution
The War of 1812
Americans Move West
The Civil War
Immigration and Citizenship
Civil Rights Leaders
FOSS Science
Balance & Motion
Air & Weather
Science Notebooks
A student’s science notebook is a personal record of learning during a FOSS module. For students, the notebook is,
first of all, a place to record and organize observations and data. Second, students generate a sequential exposition of
their reasoning and conclusions that relates to the science data they record. And finally, the notebook provides a
place for students to write reflections about their thinking and the meaning they derived from the science
Science notebooks provide benefits to teachers, too. Notebooks present opportunities for students to exercise and
demonstrate skills developed in other areas of the curriculum, such as mathematics, language development, and
art. The important skills of vocabulary development, reading, and writing are applied continuously in the notebook. The
notebook record provides an authentic body of student work for assessment of written language and science content
Atmospheric Science- October 10th- November 14th
Robotics- January 5th-20th
Saxon Math Program:
Through an effective technique called “incremental development,” we introduce topics
to students in spaced steps. The time between steps allows students to gain confidence
at one level of a topic before moving to the next. Throughout the year, in every lesson,
previously learned information is continually reviewed and practiced. Topics are not
dropped but grow in complexity, so learning is systematic and sequential.
Content is divided into five components:
Meeting, Lesson, written practice, facts practice, and assessments.
FOCUS is on
Developing Computation Skills
Proper Number Formation
Problem Solving Skills, Concepts, ability to Explain Math
Parents read instructions as necessary
Check homework and assist child as necessary in correcting errors
Please initial or sign fact homework
Points earned for homework in on time
15 points per written homework (make sure to include labels and rules)
10 points for fact homework
10% off day 1
20% off day 2
50% off within unit
Assessments: After first 10 lessons and then every 5 lessons Worth 80%
of math grade.
**Spelling tests will always be on Thursdays (unless there is no school)
**Spelling homework will always be due on Thursdays (unless there is no
Spelling Soup: students will complete a variety of spelling activities
throughout the week (totaling 15 points)
.Activities completed should be attached to the Spelling Soup
worksheet each week
.If a child completes a practice spelling test or games from “Spelling
City”, there must be a parent signature or they will not receive credit
for that activity
.After this week each student must download and print the Spelling
Soup Worksheet from the 2nd Grade Homepage
.New spelling words will always be posted on Friday in order to allow 6
nights to complete homework
Purpose of homework
*Establish a routine which includes study at home
*Develop good study habits
*Involve parents in their child’s learning
*Provide practice and reinforcement of skills learned
Late Policy:
K-3: 10% day 1; 20% day 2; 50% within unit
Missed school/Missed Work:
Students have 2 days for each EXCUSED absence to make up
their work. Ex: If they were absent on Monday, work will be due on
Recommended Reading Time:
*At least 20 minutes per night
Recommended Schedule
**Set aside the same time each day for homework
*Chose a special place for homework to be completed
Children in our class are responsible for their own actions,
attitudes, behaviors, and work habits. We will help the children become
more responsible. However, we will not take over individual
responsibilities. The students are expected to return homework, Friday
folders, planners, library books, etc. ON TIME. They are responsible
for taking care of their learning tools and supplies.
At all times…….
Be respectful, responsible, and honest.
Our class has spirit! We work together, support one another, and
appreciate the uniqueness each member of our class and learning
community has to offer.
Parent to Teacher Questions
If you have any concerns or questions
about your child’s class throughout
the year, please email your child’s
teacher to schedule a time to meet.
 Please respect the teacher’s time and
refrain from interrupting during class
or at any other unscheduled time.
 Teachers will respond to emails within
48 hours.
Uniform Policies
Casual and Dress Shoes
Casual and dress shoes should be solid black, solid brown or solid navy in
color, made of leather or suede (or leather-like or suede-like material), and
no more than one inch in height at the heel. They must also be free of
characters, beads, bangles and glitter. Casual and dress shoes must not
extend higher than the ankle.
Socks (Boys and Girls) and Tights and Leggings (Girls only)
Socks must be worn at all times. Socks must coordinate with the Uniform.
Permitted colors are navy, red, white, black, or khaki (middle school). For
girls, socks with the Marymount plaid trim from Dennis Uniforms are
permitted. Tights or leggings may also be worn and must be navy, red or
PLEASE make sure your child’s clothing is labeled!!
Just a few reminders about Parent Portal:
Please make sure your current email, phone,
& address are on Parent Portal!!
All of the information parents need to know is available under Resources – Portal
Information ( http://www.americanacademyk8.org/parentportal.aspx ). If you haven’t
already, please take a moment to look at this link as it contains relevant information for
both new and returning families (how to request password resets, change their e-mail
address, set messenger preferences, etc.).
If your child is missing work, you can expect to receive a missing assignment notification
by the end of the day!
Important Websites
 Parent Portal
 www.brainpop.com
 www.brainpopjr.com
username: aacp
password: american
 Typing
 http://www.freetypinggame.net/
After school activities
Please remind your child daily where
they are to go after school. Sometimes
we do not get a chance to check our
email to remind your child where they
go at the end of the day.
 Write in your child’s planner if they
need help remembering where to go.
Room Moms
 Ms.
Bradbury- Nicole Smith
 Ms. Dee- Erin Dill
 Mrs. McFarlane- Michelle Moldowan
 Ms. Tracy- Jennifer Greer