UCAS Universities + Colleges Admissions Systems

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Universities + Colleges Admissions
Why apply to UK colleges?
Worried about not getting points for course
 UK Colleges are more flexible
 Students interviewed for place
 Chance to prove yourself on your interest
in area as much as your ability
 Relatively cheap way of keeping another
option open (application fee £23€27)
Wider range of courses such as
Performance (dance/drama/music)
Artificial Intelligence
Motor sports
Peace Studies
Virtual Reality
Languages from Urdu to Icelandic
Closing date of Application
15th October 2015 for Medicine, Dentistry,
Veterinary Medicine
15th October 2015 for any course in Oxford
or Cambridge (Oxbridge)
15th January 2016 for all other courses
(Other than Route B Art+Design)
Application Process
Students need to register with UCAS to
use the online system. UCAS looks for
personal details like name, address and
date of birth. This section is usually done
in school with guidance counsellor.
 All of the following sections can be
completed in any order. Students can
complete part of a section one day and
complete it at another stage.
Application Process continued…
Personal details – some of this is
automatically filled in from the registration
stage but also look for nationality, any
disability or presence of criminal record.
 Choices – courses and universities
entered in any order. Up to 5 choices
except for medicine/dentistry/veterinary
where you have up to 4 choices and only
one choice from Oxford or Cambridge.
More on the application process…
Education – examination results (JC) listed
and subjects to be taken (LC) are given.
Other certification (First Aid, Piano…) can
also be given.
 Employment – details of any work
experience or employment given
 Personal Statement – more details later..
 Reference including predicted grades
 Payment of £23 (about €27)
How they process application
UCAS copies your application form
(excluding your course choices) and sends
it to each university you have chosen.
Each university then decides to offer a you
a place, call you for interview or turn down
your application
Change of Mind?
No change of mind through UCAS
If you want to change one course in a
university to another course in the same
university, you contact the university
directly and they may allow that to happen
What about points
Do not have a points system
 Each candidate is assessed on their own
 Usually have minimum entry requirements
e.g. most universities want 4A + 2B for
Medicine but some want more than this
 Each university sets its own standards
Personal Statement
Below are some suggestions of things to include in your
personal statement. These are guidelines only so don't
worry if some of the suggestions do not apply to you.
Why you have chosen the course(s) - this is particularly
important when you're applying for a subject that you have
not studied before
The reasons why that subject area interests you
Evidence that you understand what is required to study the
course, eg if applying for psychology courses, show that
you know how scientific the subject is
How your current or previous studies relate to the course(s)
that you have chosen
Any activities that demonstrate your interest in the course(s)
Why you want to go to university or college
Details of jobs, placements, work experience or voluntary
work, particularly if it's relevant to your chosen course(s)
Personal Statement Continued…..
Hobbies, interests and social activities that demonstrate
your skills and abilities
Details of accreditation achieved for any activities in
preparation for higher education, for example through the
ASDAN Aimhigher Certificate of Personal Effectiveness
(CoPE qualification)
Any other achievements that you are proud of, eg reaching
grade three piano or being selected for the county cricket
Positions of responsibility that you hold / have held both in
and out of school, eg form prefect or representative for a
local charity
Attributes that make you interesting, special or unique
Whether you have any future plans of how you want to use
the knowledge and experience that you gain.
Why do you want to study in the UK?
Dos and Don’ts with your statement
Do create a list of your ideas before attempting to write the
real thing.
Do expect to produce several drafts before being totally
Do ask people you trust for their feedback.
Do check university and college prospectuses, websites
and Entry Profiles, as they usually tell you the criteria and
qualities that they want their students to demonstrate.
Do use your best English and don't let spelling and
grammatical errors spoil your statement.
Do be enthusiastic - if you show your interest in the course,
it may help you get in.
Don't feel that you need to use elaborate language. If you
try too hard to impress with long words that you are not
confident using, the focus of your writing may be lost.
Dos and don’ts continued…
Don't say too much about things that are not relevant - if
you think that you are starting to, take a break and come
back to your statement when you feel more focused.
Don't lie - if you exaggerate you may get caught out at
interview when asked to elaborate on an interesting
Don't rely on a spellchecker as it will not pick up
everything - proof read as many times as possible.
Don't leave it to the last minute - your statement will
seem rushed and important information could be left out.
Don't expect to be able to write your personal statement
whilst watching TV or surfing the internet- this is your
future, so make the most of the opportunity to succeed.
Applying for Medicine or Dentistry
Need to have taken UKCAT test before
applying for place in college
 Register on www.ukcat.ac.uk from the 1st
of May 2015, closes on 22nd September
 Register early to ensure test in location of
choice (available in Cork)
Other admissions tests
Some universities and colleges require you to pass an
admissions test - check their websites.
BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)
For entry to medicine and veterinary schools.
English Literature Admissions Test (ELAT)
For entry to English courses at the University of Oxford.
Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT)
For entry into medicine.
History Aptitude Test (HAT)
For entry to modern history and a joint honours degrees
involving modern history at the University of Oxford.
Health Professions Admissions Test (HPAT)
For entry to certain medical courses at the University of Ulster.
The National Admissions Test for Law (LNAT)
For entry to law.
Admissions tests continued…
Modern and Medieval Languages Test (MML)
For entry to modern and medieval languages at the University
of Cambridge.
Sixth Term Examination Papers (STEP)
For entry to mathematics at the University of Cambridge.
Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA Cambridge)
For entry to computer science, natural sciences, engineering
and economics at the University of Cambridge.
Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA Oxford), formerly known as
the PPE Admissions Test
For entry to the philosophy, politics and economics, and the
economics and management courses at the University of
http://www.ucas.com/how-it-all-works/explore-youroptions/entry-requirements/admissions-tests for more details on
admissions tests.
Cost of study in UK
England and Northern Ireland: Irish students are
required to pay academic fees of up to £9,000 for each
year of the course – varies from course to course and
from university to university
Wales: similar fees to England, but the Welsh Assembly
are currently giving Irish students tuition grants of up to
Scotland: Scottish government will pay for non UK EU
students fees directly. Need to apply to
http://www.saas.gov.uk/ each year for funding.
Students interested in Healthcare courses can apply to
the NHS for a fees only bursary to cover the cost of
your fees in the UK – this only applies to some courses
Finding a course
 Click on “find a course”, then click on
undergraduate courses
 Type in course you’re looking for, giving
“elsewhere in the EU” as where you
normally live
 You can refine your search to a particular
area or type of qualification
Finding a course
UCAS gives a list of Universities and
courses available alphabetically
 You can click on the University to get
more information on it, and a link to its
 Click on the course to get information
about it (e.g. how long it takes). Click
on entry requirements, then overseas
qualifications to find Irish Leaving
Certificate results required by the
What you can do before LC
Phone or email colleges of interest for prospectus
Narrow choices to career area by doing Career
Interest Inventories
 www.careersportal.ie
Work experience/work shadow in area of
Check out colleges that run courses that would
help you get your desired career
Consider taking a MOOC in the course area your are
interested in eg. EDIVET: Do you have what it
takes to be a veterinarian? Run by Edinburgh
Anything else….
Check other websites for Irish entry routes
 Visit colleges that run courses you’re
interested in, particularly Dublin/Galway
 Interview people who are doing the course
 Interview people doing the job
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