STAR Program Meeting - ACH Child and Family Services

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Transcript STAR Program Meeting - ACH Child and Family Services

Please sit at a table with your
Contract Manager’s Name
Catholic Charities
Gulf Bend
FSC of Galveston
High Sky
Community Healthcore
Andrews Center El Paso
Colorado Co.
Greater San Marcos
Circles of Care
TX Panhandle
Twin City
New Horizons
STAR Program Meeting
October 28, 2014
Topics to be Covered
Staff Introductions and Organizational Chart
Regional Meetings update
Results of Survey
Looking Ahead to FY15
Outreach and Awareness
Focus Groups with Contract Managers
PEI Updates by Leadership
Staff & Organizational Chart
 Contract Managers – Bryce Gaskin, Lisa Canales,
Thomas Smith
 Team Lead for STAR – Kevin Overton-Hadnot
 Program Specialist – Sharon Steigerwalt
 Division Administrators – Patti Darrington, Contract
Management & Oversight, Anjulie Chaubal, Program
Development & Operations
 Division Director – Sasha Rasco
Bryce Gaskin
Contract Manager
Lisa Canales
Contract Manager
Patti Darrington Division
Administrator for Contract
Management & Oversight
Thomas Smith
Contract Manager
Randy Brown
Administrative Assistant
Contract Technician
Sasha Rasco
Director of PEI
Kevin Overton-Hadnot
Team Lead
Anjulie Chaubal Division
Administrator for Program
Development & Operations
Sharon Steigerwalt
Program Specialist
STAR Regional Meetings
 Program Operations Guide
 Database – new system to hopefully be built in FY16/17, looking
into interim solution
 Protective Factor Surveys
 Phone Counseling, Skype and Other Technology, 24 Hour Hotline,
Travel Time – reviewing for possible implementation into next
 Billing – reviewing for on-going changes as necessary and for
next procurement
STAR Regional Meetings– Continued
Best practices mentioned:
 When giving in home visits in rural areas, have one week
where counselor goes to client's home and the next week
client comes in to the office for the visit. This will help to
decrease travel to client's homes and no shows occurring.
 National Seminars - training for fiscal management, TX
Counseling Association, City's Chamber of Commerce
 Recruiting caseworkers - online is best,
website was found helpful and be cognizant of the
wording in job descriptions such as "help families and
STAR Survey Results
 Method you prefer to receive updates
 47.6% Email only
 23.8% tie for Quarterly call & No calls, email or in person only
 Overall how do you feel about the STAR program
 52.4% Good
47.6% Great
0% Dislike
 Good, but could be better:
Billing for travel, long phone calls
Attainable target numbers and more funding
Closing due to compliance issues (Parent not participating)
The Database!!!!
On-call 24 Hour hotline
Use of technology to serve clients
STAR Survey Results – Continued
 You said the Most Valuable Services are:
Family Counseling
Youth Counseling
Crisis Counseling
Skills Groups
 Items wished to be discussed:
 Practical applications and techniques to use with clients Explain?
STAR Survey Results – Continued
 Changes you wish to see with the program:
 Amended intake packet for group participants
 Performance measures
 Structure the program to help to ease serving at risk youth
and their families for contractors. Explain?
 Paid on regular basis – Explain?
 Bill per hours spent instead of unit of sessions
 Pay for skills training – Explain?
 Stuck with the unit rate.
 A PFS assessment specifically designed for the STAR program
FY14 Achievements
 “I am reminded by the smiles of the children and families I
work with that my work, our work, is important” Case
manager said.
 “Every time a family completes our program or we are able
to reduce problems related to juvenile delinquency, family
conflict, runaway, or truancy it is considered a major
accomplishment by staff and the families that we serve.”
Rural area case manager.
 16 year old’s story
Any stories or achievements you wish to share?
Looking Ahead for FY15
 Survey – what other contractors are doing to
generate referrals.
 Are there any new processes put in place this year?
 Any ideas or suggestions to share?
Discussion on Outreach Projects
 What best practices are you implementing
and/or considering for this year?
 Any outreach projects scheduled for this year?
Questions Before Focus Group
Focus Group
 Support/Communication from PEI staff:
 52.4% Good
47.6% Great
0% Poor
 “Recently, much better”, “…have really improved from a few years ago!”
 Partnering Together: Is there something that DFPS staff have historically done
that you wished we would do again?
 Contractor-to-Contractor Partnerships: What do you want from each other?
 Communication with PEI Overall?
 Get with Contract Manager: Communication, Expectations, Get to Know Each
PEI Updates
 Sunset
 New Programs & Expansion
 Legislative Session & Advocating for the STAR
 Lapsed Funds
 Performance Measures
Thank you.
 Lunch is provided for you.
 Conference starts at 1:00 in LaFrontera III/IV
Contact info:
Sharon Steigerwalt 512-438-2020
[email protected]